Let the Divine Beast cultivated by yourself devour more strength of Faith and increase battle strength more.

The equivalent to is also improving your own battle strength!

As long as you understand this, those gods will not be stingy with their extra strength of Faith.

However, for the gods, one thing that is easy to solve is different for the aborigines of God World.

Strength of Faith is very precious.

These aborigines, who are at the lowest level of God World in the sky, are just a group of believers...

Wait, believers! ?

When the hope of turning over is before you, the aborigines of God World in the sky are very smart.

Yes, these aborigines are believers themselves and can directly produce strength of faith.

So, can we provide the strength of Faith needed to cultivate Divine Beast?

In this way, isn't it...creating a god!

Once a bold idea appears, it is out of control.

Isn’t it better to create a powerful Divine Beast yourself than to believe in gods who don’t care about their life and death!

At least the Divine Beast cultivated by them is a force that truly belongs to them.

As long as it is strong enough, it can also resist the harassment of those gods.

"Create God!"

There is more than one force among the aborigines of God World in the sky.

The special nature of Divine Beast made all their ambitions burst out.

Vermilion Bird! Black Tortoise!

Qiongqi! 梼杌!

The image of these four Divine Beasts suddenly became the Totem of some forces.

Of course, they are all forces among the aborigines of God World in the sky.

The forces of large and small, changing their Totem and logo, have become a trend at all.

This change makes some gods click one's tongue in wonder.

Even Qi Le, who has been living in the shop and has never gone out, has heard of this.

"It really started."

"Creating gods by yourself is of course much more secure than believing in other gods."

Qi Le's face There was an imperceptible smile, but it was still fleeting.

The cultivation of Divine Beast with the strength of Faith allowed the aboriginals of God World to show their ambitions.

In this case, it is simply leveraging the power of those powerful gods.

If you are not careful, you might even alarm the main gods.

So even if Qi Le wants to laugh, he can't laugh out loud.

Of course, this is just a surprise that's all that appeared under various accidental combinations when selling Divine Beast eggs.

Qi Le's original intention is not so, but sincerely wants to open up a new customer base.

However, there is a way-deliberately planting flowers will not succeed, unintentional positive outcomes.

This kind of thing is like a trick of fate.

Although a little unexpected, Qi Le is also happy to see the result.

Fortunately, even if it is the strength of Faith that gathers an entire force to cultivate Divine Beast, it is just a small mess for those powerful gods.

To put it bluntly, among the aborigines of God World, there is a Great Family or a Great Influence.

How many people can there be?

Thousands of people, tens of thousands, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

With this amount, it would be considered the best.

However, how many believers exist in a Divine Kingdom?

Ten billion! Hundreds of billions!

Even more!

The aborigines who vainly attempt to create gods occupy only a drop in the ocean that's all.

At this level of small slaps, it is simply not worth noting, and it will not be taken seriously by those main gods.

Even those gods who help the main god to manage the Divine Kingdom don't care about this situation.

The increase or decrease in the number of believers is absolutely normal.

As long as it doesn't hurt the fundamentals, it's all normal changes.

But only Qi Le knows in his heart that this change will have little impact on believers.

However, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

What Qi Le needs is this kind of conceptual change.

The gods are not aloof and remote, they are in charge of everything and cannot be resisted.

The change in ideology is driven by the change in belief, although it is a long process.

But when the gods realized something was wrong, it was probably too late.

"This should be the 1st Step of leveraging the power of God."


"Qi Store Manager, long time no see, let's come here again ."

I bought a lot of law enchanting stones, ran back to Karnold, who had been in retreat for a while, and came to the store again.

"Long time no see, Carnold, welcome."

Facing this lucky general, Qi Le is still willing to say hello.

After consuming tens of millions of Faith Stones at one time, I directly bought Divine Beast eggs from system.

Qi Le welcomes this kind of guests very much.

The tall Carnold squeezed in from outside the store, walked a few steps to the counter, and said with a smile to Qi Le: "Qi Store Manager, what are the rules for buying from you? ......Yes, the law enchants the stone, it really benefits us a lot."

"It can be seen." Qi Le clicked nodded.

The Law Power that Karnold has mastered is much stronger than when he came here last time.

This shows that during this period of retreat, Kanold did gain something.

This is what surprised Qi Le.

Does the law of eating raw enchant stones really have the effect of enhancing strength and helping sudden enlightenment?

Forget it, this may be the unique innate talent of the iron giant beast.

I want to ask Qi Le where he can see it. It's probably the color of the scales on Kanold.

Last time I came to the store, the scales on Kanold's body were still pure black.

This time, there are already signs of multi-colored.

It seems that the law enchanting stone has been eaten too much, which affects the physique a bit.

"By the way, Qi Store Manager, this time I heard that you have any new products here, so I came over to take a look."

"It seems to be called What kind of egg, right?"

Karnold scratched his head and smirked twice before continuing.

"Divine Beast egg."

Qi Le prompts.

Karnold patted his head and said: "Yes, it is the Divine Beast egg."

"Then you are late."

Qi Le pointed to the side of the store, the four empty shelves, shrugged, pretending to regret: "Today's Divine Beast eggs are sold out. If you want, you have to hurry up."

There are so many gods in God World, and there are countless aboriginal people.

The Divine Beast eggs on the four shelves that Qi Le takes out every day are just an utterly inadequate measure.

It is simply impossible to satisfy such a large consumer market.

However, the Divine Beast egg matter, Qi Le is really not engaged in hunger marketing.

I just don't want to make things too big, so that Divine Beast eggs are jealous by the gods, so they are restricted.

Take your time, it's like boiling a frog in warm water.

Leveraging the power of God is not a matter of a day or two.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2491: The 1st Step of Leveraging Divine Power)...

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