Unfortunately, it is useless to ask Serkaya about this matter.

The followers of the King of People will not actively look for it. If they meet, they will meet them, and if they do not meet, they will not meet them.

Everything is fate and luck.

"Walk slowly, don't send it."

Qi Le watched Serkaya leave, and then turned around and saw Jianyi.

"Qi Store Manager, thank you very much."

Jianyi said it solemnly.

Qi Le is shook the head, said: "fair trade only, no thanks in bloom." "No, this is not the same for me."

Jianyi followed shook the head and thanked again.

For other guests, the significance of the equipment enhancement machine and the equipment enchanting machine may be to strengthen one's own Divine Artifact, and then enchant it to strengthen some battle strength.

But for Jianyi, this is to improve his understanding of the sword dao law.

Regardless of the reason, it should be thanked.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Qi Le shrugged, an indifferent expression replied.

Indeed, Kenichi's temperament is a bit upright, no wonder Serkaya would do that.

From now on, Serkaya wanted to pull Sword Yi into the ranks of the followers of the King.

Against the entire Sky God World, being able to have more strength is a strength.


After Jianyi left the shop.

In fact, Qi Le did not relax.

The powerful gods in the chaotic area nearby have all been consumed in Qi Le's shop. How can this kind of thing be kept secret?

Originally, the reputation of "Qi Store Manager" was not small, but now that this news spreads, the reputation of "Qi Store Manager" is even greater.

Every god who lives in a chaotic area wants to know what the store of Qi Store Manager sells is so attractive.

Even those powerful gods who are stunned in the chaotic area will run into the store.

And after they came out, they were all happy to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

So in just half a day of fermentation, more and more gods gathered to Qi Le's shop.

These are all potential customers...No, these are the belief stones that will soon become customers!

Just kidding, I entered Qi Le's shop, and I didn't spend tens of thousands of belief stones, can I get it out?

And it doesn't require Qi Le to actively promote it. It only needs to be introduced once.

The rest of the expenses are voluntary by these guests.

In front of the equipment enhancement machine and the equipment enchanting machine, a long queue soon began.

Even because the size of the shop is too small, the queues have been queued outside the shop, and they are still lining up outside.

And the most amazing thing is that no matter how long the line is, it is not messy at all, and no one dares to jump in.

Such a well-organized team, to be honest, is really incredible in the chaotic area.

As for why this happens.

Very simple, because the "free security" of the Qi Le shop came to patrol.

The bottom gods who are discussing life in the chaotic area, seeing those powerful gods who dominate the side, have to come and help Qi Store Manager to maintain the order of the store. The shock in my heart is conceivable.

"What's the situation!?"

"A powerful god, who is hard to meet at ordinary times, is actually working as a shopping guide for the store of Qi Store Manager?!"

"Am I dreaming now?"

"This is too afraid right?."

With the arrival of free security, these low-level gods don’t say they are making trouble. Even breathing became cautiously up.

For fear that accidentally offends a powerful god who cannot afford to offend, and then gets slapped to death.

But let's go directly, and dare not go.

Even these big guys are spending in the store, but you just come and take a look and leave.

Do you think you have a higher vision than those big guys?

Under this kind of thought, even the calf is weakening, still wanting to go?

Take a step and try!

And this situation also makes the customers who come to the store more curious about the strength of this Qi Store Manager.

The chaotic area is a place where the powerhouse is respected, where the status and status are basically useless.

Even these mighty gods who dominate the chaotic area are such awe-inspiring manifestations. So how deep and unmeasurable is the strength of Qi Store Manager?

As soon as this idea came out, it immediately took root in the minds of many customers.

And the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

This Qi Store Manager must be a powerful god with no bottom out!

It is even possible that they have already boarded the Supreme Realm-the main god! !

Although this kind of probability is minimal, it cannot be completely denied.

However, no matter what the situation is, one thing is certain.

That is, this Qi Store Manager is definitely a terrifying existence that they cannot afford to offend, and absolutely cannot provoke them!

If I want to understand this, the customers in the store are even more trembling with fear.

This makes Qi Le feel rather helpless.

The guests are indeed recruited, but this picture always feels like compulsory consumption.

Qi Le wants to say: I am not a black shop, why are you so scared?

But after thinking for a while, Qi Le decided to give up this idea.

Because Qi Le was afraid that he would misunderstand these guys by saying so-this must be a hint from Qi Store Manager, in order to let them increase their consumption!

Yes, step up the effort...

So Qi Le didn't bother to care about it later, whatever they want.

As long as the business in the store is not missed.

Qi Le is still very confident about the attractiveness of equipment enhancement machines and equipment enchanting machines.

It is not enough to let these guests give up such an opportunity to become stronger because of fear.

Speaking of which is also due to the excellent effects of the equipment enhancement machine and the equipment enchanting machine. After the initial fear, Qi Le's reputation has become better and better in the chaotic area.

The name of Qi Store Manager is spreading more and more loudly in the chaotic area.

When mentioning "Qi Store Manager", in addition to the inevitable awe, the rest of the evaluation is: unselfishness!

Obviously, the value of the equipment enhancement machine and the equipment enchanting machine, in the eyes of all the gods in the chaotic area, is definitely not measurable by a few faith stones.

But the store Manager is so generous to take out these two precious treasures.

Only need some faith stones, you can actually strengthen Divine Artifact, and you can also enchant Divine Artifact.

Combined with the deep and unmeasurable strength of Qi Store Manager, we can draw a conclusion: How unselfish this is!

What a benevolence and righteousness!

To be honest, Qi Le, who was only slightly heard of these evaluations, hugged his head at the time.

No way, these words are really a headache.

We just want to earn some belief stones. Where did these unfathomable mystery evaluations come from?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2467: Strange Fame)...

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