As for the skills attached to the element robe, it doesn’t seem like a skill that an armor should have.

On the contrary, it is like a skill attached to a powerful staff.

That is indeed the truth.

Even if it is the basic attribute of the element robe, it is not exactly the attribute that armor should have.

Isn’t the article "significantly increasing the user’s magic release speed" is the standard basic attribute of the staff.

And the skill of Elemental Circulation is a rare and excellent passive skill with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Offensive, defensive, and recovery, these three effects, no matter which one they are, are quite useful in combat.

The magic formidable power released is doubled, and it can hit the opponent by surprise.

And the superimposable magic shield is where the essence of the elemental robe lies-anyway, it is also an armor. Since there is no strong defensive skill, a thick magic shield is naturally needed.

The final recovery effect is also an effect that Qi Le finds quite useful.

Because of the restoration effect brought by the element robe, it takes effect instantly.

If it is good luck, maybe it can be a perpetual motion machine.

"With the synthesis scheme of the element robe, those magicians in the store will definitely be very happy."

Qi Le after reading the attributes of the element robe, This synthesis plan is loaded into the equipment synthesizer.

Suddenly the extra synthesis plan was immediately discovered by the customer squatting next to the equipped synthesizer.

"The new synthesis scheme... Elemental Robe, a good thing!"

"Is the Qi Store Manager finally giving up a new armor, and it's still a magician-specific armor."

"Previous armors were basically not usable by magicians. Now, it is finally our turn to raise our eyebrows."

"Elemental Robe, with this, my battle At least the strength can increase by 50%!"

This discovery immediately made the magicians in the store excited.

The previous armor was not exclusive to the Battle Qi class, or a general-purpose model. The magician class always felt discriminated against.

So although there are many types of staff in the store, the magician customers always feel that something is missing.

Well now, the shortcoming of armor has finally been made up for.

"Wait, the new synthesis scheme, doesn't it mean that Qi Store Manager is back!"

"Qi Store Manager is either in this store or over there Here, you care about what that many do."

"That is, do you fit in the robe of the elements, if you do not fit in, I will fit in, don't take up your position and do nothing."

After a few words, the shop was chaotic again, and the equipment with synthesizers became a hot machine once again.

The magicians who received the news rushed into this small corner again.

The lively scene also made Qi Le take a second look.

Although I guessed that the Robe of Elements would be very popular, it is too popular.

"Very good, it's rare to have a product that is so popular once it comes out."

Qi Le silently ordered nodded, and then asked in his mind: " system, are there so many extra rewards?"

system: "Of course not only, the host, the system is generous, that is as everyone knows."

"Is it... " Le Qi lost in thought.

There is no doubt that in terms of the character of the system, the more generous it is now, the more it earns.

However, for Qi Le, there are so many extra rewards, which is actually very good.

So Qi Le didn't bother to go into this matter.

"Then what's next?"

system: "Congratulations to the host for getting a new snack-self-heating beef hot pot, you can add snack vending machine at any time."


"What stuff, since when can hot pot be classified as a snack?"

Qi Le's No. 1 The response is this question.

This Erbi system does not mention the classification style of beverages.

However, the classification of snacks is a bit strange. It seems that anything that can be eaten can be used as a snack.

Although Qi Le complained about this a long time ago, system has no intention of changing it.

I guess, I don’t want to bring out another vending machine.

Being stingy is rooted, and there is nothing to say about it.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Qi Le no longer wants to talk about this issue.

Good food is a good thing, at least it can improve the quality of life-again.

Hot pot is one of Qi Le’s favorite dishes.

Self-heating beef hot pot: delicious food can't stop it, who knows who eats!

Long-term consumption of self-heating beef hot pot can moderately increase the attributes of the eater and enhance the qi and blood of the eater.

Price: 80 Spirit Crystals each.

Just go for the name "hot pot", the price of 80 Spirit Crystals is not expensive.

Although unfortunately, it’s already time to eat, but it’s okay, because Qi Le hasn’t eaten yet.

No way, I just came back from another world and stayed in the demonic beast forest before. Qi Le didn't have time to eat at all.

So after looking at the situation in the store, Qi Le knew that this self-heating beef hot pot can only be enjoyed by himself.

However, in order not to disturb Yue Xi'er, Qi Le wisely decided to change the restaurant to eat.

Because there are more foodies in the northern mountain range.

Especially Yafeier, long time no see this snack is available.

As soon as we meet now, I will bring her the same new delicacy in the past. I guess she will be very happy.

You know, the hot pot thing, as everyone knows, can't stop the rich fragrance at all.

If it's not a meal, if you eat it in the store, it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

To be honest, Qi Le would definitely save the self-heating beef hot pot for dinner if it weren't for missing meals.

After all, this is Qi Le’s practice of evaluating new products.

However, people always need to learn to adapt.

In the past, I often reviewed the product at night and put new products on the shelves. Now it is changed to daytime, which is not impossible.

It happens that Qi Le has disappeared in the store for so long. For the average customer, isn't it just "restocking".

even more how, that many types of goods in the snack vending machine.

Now suddenly there is one more type, and not many customers can notice.


Tear open the packaging of the self-heating beef hot pot.

Inside are a pile of food packages, a set of tableware, a small iron shelf, and a small iron pot.

There are five kinds of ingredients in the package of hot pot bottom, beef package, vegetable package, vermicelli package and clear water package.

Tear it all apart and pour it into a small iron pot. There is also a big pot full of dangdang.

A self-heating beef hot pot with 80 Spirit Crystals, the portion is not bad, it is worth the price.

Then put the small iron pot on the small iron shelf, and put a flame stone included in the self-heating beef hot pot on the base of the small iron shelf.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2365: Self-heating beef hot pot)...

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