"Well, I'm back, Xi'er."

Qi Le smiled and walked over, without the slightest hesitation, hugging Yue Xi'er.

The feeling of going home always makes people feel at ease involuntarily, even Qi Le is no exception.

So this hug is also Qi Le's uncontrollable move. I always feel that the current scene is suitable for this action.


Yue Xi'er didn't expect Qi Le to be so direct, could not help exclaiming.

But soon, feeling the warm embrace, Yue Xi'er also stretched out his hand and hugged it back happily.

Still thinking in my heart: Is it possible that Qi Le big brother got the hang of it?

Youdao is a little bit better than a newlywed... No, this word should not be used at this time.

At the thought of the word "newly married", Yue Xi'er's cheeks suddenly turned red.

Even the movements of his hands became a little stiff.

Fortunately, Qi Le didn't care about these small details, which made Yue Xi'er sighed in relief.

However, the long-awaited reunion embrace did not last long, and Qi Le took the initiative to let go.

After all, it's still daytime. Yue Xi'er still has to look at the store. It's not a good time to relive the old days.

If you hold it longer, it is estimated that the customers in the store will come over to make a fuss.

Those guys are quite good at judging the situation, and watching the excitement is never too big a problem.

Looking at this kind of excitement, it is not a disturbance. Qi Le has no choice but to let them make a fuss.

So let's find a quiet time and talk again.

Yue Xi'er also slipped away from Qi Le's arms sensibly.

The main reason is that the flushed cheeks are too hot, and Yue Xi'er feels a little confused and wants to calm down.

"Qi Store Manager, it’s really long time no see. Didn’t expect you to come back. When did you come back?"

It was Ranchi and Shanna.

Lan Qi, this guy, since the Giant Dragon Saint King appeared and returned to Dragon Island, he stayed in the Eastern Desolation.

Even with Shana, she naturally stayed in the Eastern Wilderness.

Anyway, where the powerhouse class can stay, it is a highly respected existence.

So staying in the Eastern Desolation and staying in the northern mountain range, there is actually not much difference.

Because of this, Lan Qi has become the most idle powerhouse-level powerhouse above the Eastern Wilderness.

After all, as the Dragon King, Ranqi didn't care much about Dragon Race before, even more how later he ran away from Dragon Island.

And now that the Giant Dragon Saint King is born, the Dragon Island matter has nothing to do with him.

So Ranchi took Shanna with it logically and started a leisurely life.

I wandered around in the Eastern Wilderness all day, and then ran to Cloudmist City when I was fine.

At most, it is a routine question every day about the Dragon Race clansman.

Anyway, those Dragon Race clansman were also brought to the store by Lan Qi, and they will take care of them when necessary.

And unlike others who come here rushing for time, Lanqi and Shanna will come every day, but the time is never fixed.

It may be morning or evening.

Anyway, they don't have anything to do all day long, they come whenever they want.

"It was a coincidence that I saw you coming soon after I came back."

Qi Le shrugged, and said hello to Ranqi.

It's like an old friend I haven't seen for many years.

But really speaking of which, the relationship between Qi Le and Ranqi is indeed an old friend.

"That's a coincidence."

"I haven't seen Qi Store Manager for such a long time. If you come over today, you can see Qi Store Manager, which is also fate."

"Since you and I are so fate, don't Qi Store Manager invite us to eat something?"

Lanqi hearing this, he said with a smile.

"A treat is impossible. You don't have to think about it."

Qi Le laughed, and then refused without the slightest hesitation.

Just kidding, how long has it been since Qi Le has opened a store, and when will I invite guests?

There is only Yue Xi'er who can eat and live in the store for free so far.

Even if it is Yue Shuangxue, it costs Spirit Crystal to eat!

After all, Devouring Civet's appetite is too big.

If Qi Le is free to eat, even if Qi Le can afford it, it will probably hurt.

"I knew this was the case. The principles of Qi Store Manager are really unbreakable, and even fate is useless."

Lanqi shrugged, with a look that he had expected. Then the conversation turned around again, and another thing came up.

"By the way, Qi Store Manager, the Thunder Element oasis copy in the Oasis of Elemental Spirits map was cleared a few days ago."

"But it is cleared. After that, it seems that no new copies appeared. What's the matter?"

The New World Mode is one of the most important pastimes for customers in the store.

Mainly because the cost of this pastime is much lower than that of other pastimes.

It's like going to a store to eat, or to draw a pet card, which are all heavy krypton gold behaviors.

Especially for pet cards, if it is not for the destiny, don’t think too much about it.

The obediently and honestly krypton gold is over.

Unlike Qi Le's purchase channel, the pet card swap machine also has a bottom guarantee mechanism.

This kind of card drawing mode with no guarantee mechanism is used to gamble on luck.

Because when you are unlucky, krypton gold is invalid...

"What? Cleared the Thunder Element Oasis? How did you do it?"

Qi Le was taken aback for a while listening to Ranqi's words.

What happened to the Thunder Element oasis copy? Qi Le ran over to see it.

The violent thunder formation, and the Thunder Element sprites that are not to be trifled with at a glance, are simply ten deaths without life.

After all, the Thunder Element, which is known as the most terrifying destructive power, is no joke.

If there really is a fight, the group of Thunder Element elves is probably a kid with one punch, and one player after another.

Players who have a slightly insufficient Thunder Element resistance may not be able to withstand a thunder.

Because the Thunder Element oasis copy is indeed the last copy in the elemental spirit oasis map.

So the level of those Thunder Element elves is also the top level in the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit-9th 15th level!

And there is another point, that is, Thunder Element elves are not ordinary mobs, but elite monsters.

In the entire Thunder Element oasis copy, there is no normal mob.

All Thunder Element elves, the lowest are elite monsters.

In terms of attributes, elite monsters are much stronger than mobs. This is one of the biggest difficulties in Thunder Element Oasis dungeon.

Other Thunder Element elves, except for the elite monsters.

That is not a small boss, it is a big boss.

At any rate, it is also the final copy of the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit, and this card is still necessary.

But what made Qi Le absolutely didn't expect was that he went out for such a short period of time, at most, two or three months.

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