system: "It's about the strength of Faith."

system: "Just now, the strength of Faith collected by this system seems to be more intense Now."

"What?! The strength of Faith has become stronger!?"

Qi Le heart startled, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"I didn't do anything just now. How could this happen... Wait!"

"Could it be because of prestige!"

As soon as he asked himself, Qi Le thought of this.

One of his identities, Flame Sovereign, seems to have reached the top in the process of choosing honor over life.

In other words, the prestige thing can actually provide strength of Faith?

Qi Le is a little confused.

But when I turned around, I felt something was wrong.

It’s not right, right or wrong, simply reputation should not be able to provide strength of Faith.

Qi Le is still very sure about this.

After all, when he was in the Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Mountain Range, his reputation as a Store Manager was not weak.

But at that time, there was no strength of Faith.

Therefore, the real function of prestige should be to strengthen the collected strength of Faith and make it more concentrated.

system: "It's very possible."

"So you don't know."

Qi Le's eyes suddenly twitched, and it's not for system. The tone of certainty was a little helpless.

system: "No, you have misunderstood the host. The system is just not determined, because the role of reputation has yet to be tested."

system: "But the host's analysis process is still Very useful, reputation does have a bonus effect on the strength of Faith."

system: "It's just that in the system's testing, this is a special case, and it remains to be seen."



Qi Le shrugged: "What you said is right."

Qi Le is too lazy to argue with system on such a nutritious topic It.

The prestige thing is too uncertain, and its role is still to be discussed. There is no need for research.

I can only say that the current situation is completely unexpected.

Just hold it, there is no need to delve into it.

The prestige of Flame Sovereign has reached the top, and it can actually affect the collection efficiency of Strength of Faith.

Unfortunately, the probability of this situation is too low, the time and place are favorable, and there is no shortage of people, or else we can do an experiment.

In this way, the "great gift" referred to by giant wolf is really a "great gift".

However, if the giant wolf is allowed to know the current situation, he may be alive and will be pissed off again.

"Since the united element has given me such a surprise, then I will stay in the demonic beast forest for two more days."

Qi Le is also reciprocated, not in a hurry. He cleared away the marks on his body, but continued to walk deep into the demonic beast forest.

The longer it takes to attract demonic beasts here, the easier it is to unite the elements.

Maybe you can still follow, chase at the end, and get some benefits from the demonic beast tide.

But Qi Le doesn't care what it will be.

The identity of Flame Sovereign is also considered a sacrifice.

Choose honor over life, in order to maximize the prestige, and even pass it on.

Although this is not Qi Le's original intention, after all, he wants to abandon his identity, so it's better to make more contributions.

"Then there is the sword saint on the side of the Azer Empire. It should be no problem."

Qi Le was thinking about it in his mind while dealing with the demonic beast. .

If in this World, before Qi Le leaves, who else would think of, it would probably be Pesha.

At any rate, it is Qi Le’s first discipline. Even if he is not a qualified Master, he still needs to take care of it.

So before crossing the barrier gate, Qi Le also deliberately talked with sword saint.

After learning about Pesha's recent situation, I felt more relieved.

At the same time, I am also fortunate, but fortunately, when I played the sword saint, there was no weak spot.

So now the actor playing sword saint has changed, and Pesha didn't notice it much.

After all, sword saint wears a mask all day long, speaks less, and does less action. Basically, there are no characteristics at all.

So that the only way to distinguish the sword saint is that amazing sword skill.

And this is not a difficult task for the system's special simulation robot.

This thing about swordsmanship, there are as many as you need, no, just load it in.

So before Qi Le left, he told him a few words about sword saint and asked him to take good care of Pesha.

Although it was originally through the sword saint name to accept the discipline of Pesha.

But after all, it is also a master and disciple game, Qi Le can't do it with unfeeling love.

"In this way, even if everything here is over."

Sword skills and elemental magic spread, and suitable products opened up the market.

After repelling the demonic beast tide, the forces of the Quartet began to fight.

As long as there is no victory or defeat, it can at least provide hundreds of years of strength of faith.

Anyway, the lifespan of the gods follows the Supreme Throne. As long as the Supreme Throne is immortal, the gods don’t have to worry about lifespan.

So for a few hundred years, for a normal god, it is probably just a flick of a finger.

This gives Qi Le time to develop quietly.

As long as Qi Le doesn't make any big movements, in the eyes of the gods, it is a "normal situation".

"It's just a pity, the Heaven and Earth will of this world, there is no way to recondense it."

"Otherwise, with the help of Heaven and Earth will, collect the strength of Faith It’s several times faster."

This is Qi Le's conclusion based on the situation in the first two worlds.

The strength of Faith is not so important to the will of Heaven and Earth.

So, if a cooperative relationship can be established between the two, the benefits are definitely greater than imagined.

However, those gods have never thought of this, and it is probably a customary rule.

The relationship between the gods and the will of Heaven and Earth has always been an unwelcome relationship.

Then these benefits are all cheaper than Qi Le.

"Four gods wrestle, if in this situation, they still force the will of Heaven and Earth..."

"Then I might as well not come to this World. " Qi at the Le Shook head, looked at the side of the demonic beast raging tide comes in my mind.

"system, help me clear the mark."

"Then help me open the barrier gate, this time of travel is here."

system: "Understand, the host, the imprint has been cleared."

Immediately after that, the familiar barrier gate also appeared in front of Qi Le.


Elements unite, battlefield defense.

Although most of the demonic beasts are attracted by Flame Sovereign.

But some of the demonic beasts are still left behind, still attacking the defense of the elemental union.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2359: The Role of Reputation)...

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