Otherwise, with the strength of Flame Sovereign, if you really want to leave the stage, you don’t know when you will end up.

Fortunately, when I gave the element's favor potion before, I asked the system for a simulation robot.

In this way, the products left here can continue to be sold without any doubt.

After figuring out this matter, Qi Le also dispersed the flame giant and returned to the back of the elemental united defense line.

"Everyone, I think I have a way to end the demonic beast at this time."

Qi Le pretended to be solemn, and said solemnly.

As soon as these words came out, the magisters around immediately startled and looked towards Qi Le.

"Flame Sovereign, what you said is true?"

"If the demonic beast tide can be ended now, the combination of elements can definitely save a lot of troops!"

"Flame Sovereign, let's talk about it, what is the way you think of it."

It's no wonder that the magisters are so surprised.

The impact of the demonic beast tide is huge, and the consumption of troops is also huge.

Even if you win in the end, you can make up for the loss of resources when cleaning the battlefield.

However, the loss in military strength is not a short period of time that can be fully replenished.

Even if the fighter phalanx does not have too many requirements for recruited fighters, the most basic training must be guaranteed.

In this way, people are recruited, let alone training for two or three months before they can go on the battlefield.

Or if the horn is blown, the drum is blasted, these guys who have never been on the battlefield may be so frightened that their legs are weakened to kneel on the spot.

So the demonic beast tide must end as soon as possible.

"The way is very simple, let me attract the demonic beast tide alone."

Qi Le said this sentence casually as much as possible.

"What do you mean?"

As soon as these words came out, the magisters suddenly became confused.

"What do you mean by letting Flame Sovereign attract the demonic beast tide alone?"

"This matter, speaking of which is also simple..."

Qi Le slightly smiled, and then told the giant wolf's desire to avenge the unity of the elements when he was dying.

Finally, I explained the meaning of my words.

"As long as I go to the depths of the demonic beast forest alone, I can naturally attract the demonic beast tide."

In the following words, Qi Le did not continue to speak, but was present. The magician, which one is not a human spirit.

Once you hear Qi Le, you know what he wants to do.

Suddenly moved to a mess.

"Flame Sovereign, do you want to attract demonic beasts by yourself."

"But if you do that, won't you be very dangerous?"

"Yes, Flame Sovereign, as long as you are there, the element union is indestructible. You don't need to take a personal risk."

"Just such demonic beasts, not the element union. Opponents, don’t deserve to let Flame Sovereign lead them away yourself."

"For hundreds of years, we have only waited for a Flame Sovereign. You must have nothing to do."

Unconsciously, the voices of the magic masters all used honorific words.

For such a powerhouse who is willing to take risks and even sacrifice his life for the unity of elements.

That is worthy of the elements to unite everyone to respect and admire.

"You don't need to persuade me, I have decided."

"The potion of favor of the elements, as well as the forging method of the element staff, I have actually given it to Emperor Feng ."

"So you don’t have to worry about the problem of stagnation in the development of the unity of elements after I leave."

Qi Le shook the head, with a look of death and generosity. The appearance of righteousness.

In fact, I want to take this opportunity to go to the store.

Why not keep a good name handed down to the world.

Anyway, the Azer Empire and the unity of the elements, when faced with the demonic beast tide, the victory is determined.

And the Palace of the Dead itself is not very afraid of demonic beast tide, so the follow-up matters, in fact, have little to do with Qi Le.

The arrangements have been arranged, and now it is time to find a suitable opportunity and leave the scene safely.

"This... But, Flame Sovereign, if you really have an accident."

"Then even if there are elemental favor potions and elemental staff, there is no way to make up for such a big deal. The loss."

The magisters are still persuading.

If these magisters used to value Flame Sovereign, it was because of the element's favor potion.

Then in that battle with the Palace of the Dead, the magisters truly recognized the strength of Flame Sovereign.

It is also willing to call Flame Sovereign the First Demon mentor, and is willing to make the element union stronger and stronger under his leadership.

But now, Flame Sovereign actually wants to attract the tide of demonic beasts by one person for the purpose of uniting the elements.

In case something happens to Flame Sovereign, Element Union cannot afford such a big loss.

"This is also something that can't be helped. If I don't leave, the element union will face a demonic beast tide that is several times larger than it is now!"

" Compared with the elemental unity in the difficult resistance, the suffering that may be encountered at any time."

"It's better to let me bear it alone."

Qi Le shook again. the head, devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

The magisters present suddenly turned red, and the tears of moving were almost uncontrollable.

But this time, no one will persuade you anymore.

Because everyone knows, Flame Sovereign is right.

Under the attraction of the last imprint released by the giant wolf, if Flame Sovereign does not leave the unity of elements.

Then the next thing that the element union will face is the demonic beast tide that is several times larger than it is now.

There is no doubt that it is by no means an enemy that can be confronted with the current unity of elements.

So the best way is to give up Flame Sovereign.

And Flame Sovereign's willingness to do so is tantamount to saving the entire elemental union with his own life.

How can this kind of benevolent act not move people.

"Flame Sovereign, your act of righteousness, we unite everyone for the element, thank you!"

"Wish you a safe return!"

The magisters held back their moving tears and gave a gift exclusively for the element magician.

Immediately afterwards, moving tears also blurred the eyes.

"Many thanks for your blessings."

"Don't worry, even if I never come back, it doesn't matter."

"I believe, The unity of elements will surely become more prosperous under your leadership."

Qi Le played his role with due diligence, and the devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence on his face, he regards death as home, absolutely It is of the Emperor level.

Anyway, I have to go back to the store, at the last minute, make another good reputation.

Maybe it can be better to collect strength of Faith.


"I am here, Flame Sovereign, what else can I order."

Corgabert stood up immediately , With red eyes, asked aloud.

Among these magisters, Kogabert and Flame Sovereign spend the longest time together.

So the relationship with Flame Sovereign is the deepest.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2357: Acts of Great Benevolence)...

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