So with the sword saint as the strongest sharp knife, and the remaining sword saint as sharp blades, leading the several millions Swordsman to attack, all of them resist the demonic beast tide.

The demonic beast tide's offensive was actually suppressed after the initial collision.

This kind of development, although it is the situation that Azer Empire wants to see most.

But it really appeared, and it was amazing.

You know, the boundless demonic beast tide, like a huge wave, moved towards the border of the Azer Empire.

The momentum of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, ascends the sky, and disperses the clouds; descends to the earth, trembling endlessly.

The ordinary Martial Artist, let alone fight against the demonic beast tide.

Even if you look at it, your hands and feet will feel frightened.

But now, under the leadership of the sword saints, the Azer Empire actually blocked the demonic beast tide.

Even with the outrageous battle strength of sword saint and the jaw-dropping killing speed, the Swordsman of the Azer Empire slowly gained the upper hand!

This is something that no one thought of.

Even the many sword saints, at this time, are quite surprised at the strength displayed by the sword saint.

Because the sword saint's battle strength displayed in this battle is simply not on the same level as them.

That is completely crushing the battle strength of their sword saints, so tyrannical!

Until this moment, these sword saints realized that the sword saint had been hiding their strength before.

It is estimated that after beheading the Bone Dragon, occasionally there was a sudden enlightenment, and then he lived in seclusion in order to improve his strength.

In this way, it makes sense to explain why sword saint suddenly disappeared after becoming famous.

This time I left the customs, I probably felt that my strength had reached a bottleneck.

That's why I went out specially to see if there is a chance to go further.


It is a pity that no one can think of it. The real sword saint is long gone.

The only person who knows the truth has already been overwhelmed by Qi Le.

Now, even if the sword saint is really alive, it is estimated that there is no way to regain his name.

I can only say that these sword saint's brain supplement ability is really strong, for this, if Qi Le knows, it is estimated that he will be very satisfied.

It also saves Qi Le from explaining the situation by himself, right?

However, this great battle of the Azer Empire did not last long.

Because at this time, a roar that shook the earth suddenly came out from behind the demonic beast tide.


This roar also caused the space to oscillate.

The sound waves condensed in circles, like ripples, spread out.

In an instant, countless Swordsman who were fighting the demonic beast were suddenly affected by this sound wave, and all of them vomited blood and blurred their consciousness.

The strength is a little powerhouse, and can resist awhile, but with a battle strength, it also went for more than half.

The weaker ones either fell into a coma on the spot, or the Qiqiao bleeds, crashing to the ground, and has no breath.

Just a roar, it turned out that the Azer Empire directly damaged tens of thousands of troops.

He also injured hundreds of thousands of Swordsman, which made his battle strength greatly damaged, making it difficult to fight again.

In this moment, the Azer Empire previously relied on the advantages of the sword saint and the sword saints, all of which were lost.

"Sure enough, there is a real tyrannical demonic beast sitting in the demonic beast tide!"

In this huge roar , even you sword saint felt a burst of chest tightness .

This kind of depressed feeling does not cause any substantial harm, but it is quite uncomfortable.

It's as if I have been crushed.

In fact, these sword saints also understand that they are indeed crushed.

Just a loud roar can have such a big impact on them.

It is hard to imagine how powerful this demonic beast that emits a loud roar is.

At least, they will not be opponents.

"Heroic Rank Peak...a half-step powerhouse-level demonic beast?"

However, sword saint lowered his eyes slightly, sensing the strength of this demonic beast.

There are also rules for disputes between gods. If you can't use powerhouse-class power, you can't use it.

The gods who break the rules for no reason will be attacked by other gods.

Therefore, even if the demonic beast is mixed in halfway, the demonic beast of the powerhouse realm will not be used.

However, the half-step powerhouse level, that is already the peak power among the demonic beasts that can be used.

At least in the cultivation realm, impossible has a higher level than the half-step powerhouse level.

The cultivation realm of sword saint is also stuck in this position.

Therefore, in the demonic beasts before the battle, you can behave so easily, just like chopping vegetables and melons.

Because of the demonic beast that appeared before this, even if the cultivation realm is lucky enough to be able to enter the Heroic Rank, it will be uneven.

Compared with sword saint, whose sword skills and combat skills are all at its peak, the gap is not that big.

But even so, it is a huge challenge for the other sword saints.

But now, the half-step powerhouse-level demonic beast that suddenly appeared is not an opponent that these sword saints can handle.

"áo hǒu ——!"

But at this moment, the roaring sound appeared again, and it became even more terrifying.

The surrounding space was also in shock, and there was a one after another crack, and the sound wave spread out, like a deadly weapon.

The sword saint glanced at each other, and they all understood the thoughts in each other's eyes-the Swordsman of the Azer Empire must not be allowed to continue to be consumed by this power!

It was too late, it was fast, and the moment the consensus was reached, the sword saint made a move.

A large number of sword skills aimed at the sound wave strikes that spread.

Be sure to defeat the Swordsman of the Azer Empire before the sound waves reach it.

"hong long long ——!"

At the moment when the two forces collided with each other, a more shocking voice erupted.

As if Heaven and Earth is furious, Thunderous Roar, instantly resounded through Heaven and Earth, shocking people's hearts.

Fortunately, the sound at this time did not form a sound wave with terrifying impact and would not cause damage.

This is good news for the Azer Empire, but it is not good news for you sword saint.

Because through the power of this time, the sword saint clearly understood one thing.

That is this Demon Beast, it is definitely not an enemy they can deal with.

The strength is beyond imagination.

"How is this possible..."

"In the forest of demonic beasts, there is such a powerful demonic beast hidden!"

But this kind of thing Please, the reason is not unexpected.

You must know that in the previous hundreds of years, the Three Great Influences have been in constant disputes, and I don’t know how much force has been lost.

The powerhouse of sword saint level has also lost a lot, and there are many talented people among them.

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