What a terrifying concept this is.

Even these newly added magisters are the weakest kind of magisters.

But it can't hold up the large number.

You know, the Magister and the Great Magician are as different as heaven and earth.

The existence that can be called Peak battle strength, even if it is the weakest, is only comparatively speaking.

When it is really on the battlefield, it will not be as violently as a mess.

Can sanction Peak battle strength, and only Peak battle strength.

Others, let's step aside.

So in order to prevent the elements from uniting first, the Palace of the Dead can only brace oneself.

But then again, as long as the Necropolis is done, the Azer Empire will definitely be moved by the wind.

Sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight this kind of thing does not exist, otherwise, even if the Palace of the Dead is fighting to die on its own, it will drag the Azer Empire into the water.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Azer Empire will certainly not stand idly by.

It's just a question of when to do it, that's all.

But the magicians on Qi Le's side are happy.

A large number of magisters gathered on this main battlefield, not to see the scenery.

Rather than a stalemate that wastes time, these magisters want to fight directly.

After all, the rapid increase in strength will lead to inevitable expansion.

Now speaking of which, that’s right.

However, if you really want to speak of which, there is no reason why these magisters will swell.

There is a saying that before this, the balance between Three Great Influences has always been a state, and no one can break it.

So the comprehensive battle strength possessed by Three Great Influences is actually on the same level.

But it's different now.

With the help of the element’s favor potion, the number of magisters united by the elements has almost doubled in a short period of time.

The peak battle strength of magisters has increased by one. Times!

What is this concept?

Although I dare not say that the overall strength of the combination of elements, it has also doubled.

But to put it bluntly, the overall strength of the element combination has increased by 50% in an instant, and that is definitely a certainty.

And this sudden increase of 50% battle strength is the source of confidence for these magisters.

This is also the reason why this war started.

Because of the combination of elements with a powerful enough to break the balance, it will definitely be jealous of the Azer Empire and the Palace of the Dead.

Unless the unity of elements can fade down again and then rebalance.

Otherwise, this battle is inevitable.

"dong dong dong ——!"

The war drums that shocked people's hearts were struck.

"Assemble the whole army!"

A loud voice sounded in the barracks.

The soldiers in the camp quickly got up and assembled, put on the Battle Armor, and took on the weapons.

Numerous element magicians also rushed to form a phalanx, following behind the soldiers' phalanx, standing with their heads high.

Although element union does not allow cultivation Battle Qi, it does not say that body refinement is not allowed.

And among the element magicians, there are not many people who can assist element magic.

Under the blessing of various auxiliary magics, there is not much difference in battle strength between the fighters of the united elements and the fighters of the Azer Empire.

Even because of the fact that various auxiliary magic can be superimposed, it will be stronger in many cases.

Then when facing the Palace of the Dead, let alone.

The individual battle strength of the undead creature, although not weak, but let's say it is strong, it's really not strong.

Because the strongest part of undead creatures is that they can be continuously summoned by the Necromancer, forming a huge number.

Thus, like a torrent of undead, it crushes the enemy with a huge and unmatched number.

But this is a joke in front of element magician.

"Auxiliary magic starts to bless!"

"The warrior's phalanx three hundred steps forward!"

"As long as one person in the warrior's phalanx does not fall , Never allow any undead creature to approach the magician phalanx!"

Orders were ordered to each phalanx in an orderly manner.

Magic elements quickly gathered, and then formed a large auxiliary magic, shrouded in the warrior square.

In a short while, all the fighters on the battlefield were covered with a faint rays of light on their armor and weapons.

That is the symbol of the highly condensed magic element under the blessing of auxiliary element magic.

"Go to battle!"

"For the unity of the elements!"


The warrior phalanx roared loudly Moved forward and walked out.

The sound of stepping on the ground made the ground tremble slightly.

The sound waves soared into the sky, and even the clouds on the horizon were washed away, revealing the blue sky.

Several millions The torrent of people formed by the soldiers, mighty and mighty, just watching this scene, you can feel shocked.

This is the first time Qi Le has seen such a magnificent battlefield, and naturally there is a sense of pride in his heart.

In the battles Qi Le has experienced in the past, the level of battle strength may be higher.

But it was the first time that the scene was so grand.

Several millions of soldiers participating in the battle, the battlefield is so wide that it stretches for nearly a thousand miles.

Qi Le is deeply moved by the magician phalanx that follows it.

In the element union, hundreds of thousands of element magicians can be mobilized so easily.

It is truly the Great Influence of the highly developed elemental magic, and its background should not be underestimated.

However, the Palace of the Dead does not show any weakness.

In this battle, the Elements United wanted to divide their troops into two ways to take care of the battlefields on both sides.

But for the Palace of the Dead and the Azer Empire, it is enough to concentrate their forces on this side of the battlefield.

As for the battlefield on the other side, whether it is the Palace of the Dead or the Azer Empire, there is a tacit understanding that only the minimum force is left for basic defense.

After all, it is not impossible to reverse water.

What you need to guard against, you still have to guard against it.

So on the opposite side of the unity of elements, tens of thousands of Necromancers from the Palace of the Dead also came out.

Unlike Martial Artist and element magician, the cultivation of Necromancer is arguably the most difficult.

Because whether it is Martial Artist or Elemental Magician, as long as the tutor leads, there will be almost no danger.

At best, it means nothing.

But Necromancer deals with undead creatures, various toxins, and curses all day long.

Even if a tutor is staring nearby, accidentally something will happen.

And generally, accidents are terrible.

So if you want to cultivate a powerful Necromancer, you not only need a lot of resources, but also a lot of human lives.

The Necromancer who can successfully make achievements, in the Palace of the Dead, it is simply the existence of the admiration of all.

The status is much higher than that of the magister and sword saint.

After all, Martial Artist and Element Magician, even if they are weaker, are eligible for the battlefield.

But if Necromancer is weaker, there is basically no battle strength on the battlefield.

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