"Accept the challenge of the Aden Magic Academy. You don't have to worry about winning or losing. Let the students play freely."

"Then you can tell me about the element's favor medicine. Other magic academies."

Qi Le went to Aden Magic Academy to serve as a mentor. Although at first was a whim, later, there was a detailed plan.

Become famous, and then use the Aden Magic Academy as a base for selling elemental blessing potions. This is the first point.

And the second point is to turn Aden Magic Academy into a real Peak Magic Academy.

In this way, a large number of students will come to Aden Magic Academy every year.

These are all sources of strength of faith.

Because Qi Le has decided long ago, the element's favor potion can only be sold in limited quantities.

So how to collect strength of Faith on the element union side, we can only think of another way.

So Qi Le quickly thought of one thing he had done in the Azer Empire-teaching sword skills to gain strength of Faith!

Then on the element union side, of course, the successful method can be copied again.

Moreover, compared with the Azer Empire, the sword saint can only teach a few people different at one time.

The Academy of Magic in the Union of Elements is quite popular.

Therefore, it has become an imperative task to improve the ranking of Aden Magic Academy.

You know, the magic book currently used by Aden Magic Academy is newly edited by Qi Le.

As long as a student learns the element magic written by Qi Le in the magic book, then Qi Le will be provided with strength of faith.

Therefore, Qi Le will not hesitate to get the Academy rankings.

Anyway, the higher the Academy ranks, the greater the reputation.

When enrolling students, those students will also give priority to the high-ranking Magic Academy.

In this way, as long as the Aden Magic Academy always exists, more and more students will come out of the Aden Magic Academy.

Correspondingly, the strength of Faith that Qi Le can collect will increase.

This is a very good sustainable development project, and Qi Le will certainly not be perfunctory.

Therefore, Qi Le will do his best to benefit the Aden Magic Academy as much as possible in the transaction of the element's favor potion.

Not to mention the guarantee that the Aden Magic Academy will last forever, but at least it must coexist and die with the elements.

For this, Cardigano said it is very simple.

As long as there is always a magister in the Aden Magic Academy, even if the Academy ranks down again, it will not drop much.

Well, the Magister has such high prestige and deterrence in the elemental union.

Even if it's just a new magister, it's the same.

Even if it is not taken seriously in the circle of the magician, among the many elements of magician, it definitely belongs to the level of cream of the crop.

The Magic Academy with a magister and the Magic Academy without a magister are simply two different things.

Otherwise, why would Qi Le help Kogabert be promoted to the Magister realm?

Not because Qi Le impossible has been staying at Aden Magic Academy.

How long can it last by relying solely on the reputation of "Flame Sovereign"?

Therefore, it is more reliable to let the Aden Magic Academy really have its own magister.

Because after all this is done, the Alliance of Elements will probably ignore the secret request of the Azer Empire to join forces, and then directly declare war on the Azer Empire and the Palace of the Dead.

After all, if the element's favor potion is used well.

On the elemental unity side, there may be a large number of magisters in a short period of time.

The sudden increase in strength will also make the ambition of the elemental alliance start to skyrocket, becoming arrogant and blind.

So the battle between Three Great Influences is bound to intensify, and this kind of development cannot be stopped.

However, this situation is also something Qi Le is very happy to see.

If Three Great Influences is not played more intensely, how can Qi Le make a fortune in the middle?

"I see, Flame Sovereign, you want the Aden Magic Academy to take a place in the Peak Magic Academy."

"You have a potion of favor of the elements in your hand. Existence, this is still very easy to do, but the current situation of the Aden Magic Academy is not like a Peak Magic Academy at all."

Cardigano probably understood Flame Sovereign The meaning of, my heart is also a little settled.

Although the Aden Magic Academy was not well-known before, it has Flame Sovereign and the Favoring Potion of the Elements.

The rise is already destined.

So it is too late to make a good deal now.

So when Flame Sovereign mentioned these things, Cardigano also gave appropriate suggestions.

The seat of the magister is indeed very important for a magic Academy, but sufficient teacher power is also important.

After all, the person who teaches those students is not a magister, but a mentor who comes to the Academy.

Another one, the teaching buildings and dormitory buildings in the Aden Magic Academy should also be renovated.

The dilapidated appearance will indeed appear to have historical heritage.

But it will also make those newcomers feel that Aden Magic Academy has no money?

Yes, the Aden Magic Academy is indeed poor...

If you really have a lot of money, wouldn't Kogabert want to live more comfortably?

Qi Le also agreed with this suggestion, and felt that not only the buildings need to be renovated, but the area of ​​the Aden Magic Academy also needs to be expanded.

Because Qi Le’s original intention was to rely on the Aden Magic Academy to teach elemental magic and obtain the strength of Faith.

So the larger the area of ​​the Aden Magic Academy, the more students it can accept.

In this way, Qi Le can obtain more strength of Faith.

Anyway, in the territory of Xhosa, the golden lord, it is not difficult for the Aden Magic Academy to apply for the Academy land.

You must know that the Magic Academy that appears in your own territory can be counted as the lord’s achievement.

If Aden Magic Academy can be upgraded to Peak Magic Academy, maybe Xhosa can also take advantage of it.

For example, it is impossible to upgrade from the Golden Lord to the Black Steel Lord, even the Star Stone Lord.

After all, the territories where the other Peak Magic Academy are located are all under the rule of Lord Star Stone, with almost no exceptions.

So after learning this news, how could Xhosa not support the actions of the Aden Magic Academy.

Almost Kogabert applied first, and Koza later agreed.

Even specially asked the staff to expedite this matter.

But these all are things, Qi Le has not thought so much now.

At present, Qi Le is still negotiating the price with Cardigano.

Qi Le only wants to support Aden Magic Academy into a Peak Magic Academy.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2316: Trading and Good Dealing)...

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