"These demonic beasts are... Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf!"

Kogabert recognized the wolf-shaped demonic beast in the cage at once.

Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf is a standard Wind Element demonic beast, extremely fast, good at fast attack, like sneak attack prey, and can use simple Wind Element element magic, which is quite difficult.

However, the strength of Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf is not too high, at most it is magician.

Just like the three-headed hurricane Wind Demon Wolf that is now captured by the Wind Whisper Magic Academy, the cultivation realm is almost the same.

Basically, they are all newcomers to the magician level.

Even if there is an accident during the competition, with the strength of Kogabert and the others, he can immediately stop it.

However, the use of Wind Element demonic beast as a demonic beast is definitely a small means of Wind Whisper Academy.

This kind of demonic beast, known for its speed, is quite tricky for most element magicians.

For the Wind Element element magician, it is speed vs. speed.

Whoever is faster will win.

This is also the advantage that can be obtained as an organizer of exchange activities.

Despite the partiality on the surface, impossible appears under the supervision of element Guild.

But this kind of secret trick is quite common.

And the element Guild will not care about this kind of thing.

Because the element magician needs to face the enemy, impossible is exactly suppressed by the element magician every time.

It is also common to encounter strong enemies that are difficult to deal with.

If you can't even handle this kind of problem, then don't talk about getting stronger.

Therefore, this kind of reasonable small method is also one of the reasons why the Great Demon Academy compete for the qualification of the exchange event organizer.

The Great Demon academies have frequently tried to keep their ranks in the Academy.

So even if Kogabert knew that Pedro did this a bit unnatural, he couldn't say anything.

Because the organizer of the exchange event at this time, if it is the Aden Magic Academy.

Na Kogabert may not be exempt.

Since everyone is birds of a feather, what qualifications does Kogabert have to talk about Pedro?

Furthermore, even if Pedro uses such small means, it may not be able to win the Aden Magic Academy.

Flame Sovereign is a true magister. With his teaching, the students of the Aden Magic Academy could easily lose.

"Wind Element demonic beast! Sure enough!"

"When the exchange event was scheduled to be held at the Fengyu Magic Academy, I guessed it would happen. ."

The leading tutor of the Flame Magic Academy browses tightly frowns and involuntarily sighed.

Fire Element magician on destructive power can be regarded as one of the very best.

But in terms of speed, it is a very obvious shortcoming.

The Wind Element element magician is just the opposite.

Using Wind Demon Wolf as the demonic beast in the competition, doesn't this mean that the Flame Magic Academy is eliminated directly.

But there is no way, the plot against between the specialized magic academies is much simpler than the other magic academies.

As long as you start with the attribute of the magic element, it is basically impossible to miscalculate.

Therefore, during the exchange activities of Flame Magic Academy at this time, it is only necessary that the Academy ranks not drop.

As for winning... there is basically no hope.

To put it hard, in the first competition, the Flame Magic Academy can win, so the Wind Whisper Magic Academy will give face.

I think I will start plotting against the Flame Magic Academy later, so let them eat some sweetness at first.

After saying this, neither side loses face.

But the problem now is that at first the Aden Magic Academy, which they hadn't seen, suddenly came out.

Even when hitting a moving target, even if the speed of elemental magic is not as fast as the students of Wind Whisper Magic Academy, they just rely on superb skills to win.

In this way, the ranking of the Flame Magic Academy will drop, which is almost a certainty.

Thinking of such a development, it would be strange if the instructor of the Flame Magic Academy could be happy.

On the contrary, Qi Le didn't care when he saw Wind Demon Wolf.

Elemental magician will indeed be restrained by enemies with high attack speed.

But restraint is not a natural enemy, there will always be countermeasures.

even more how This third competition is not for the students to go head-to-head with Wind Demon Wolf.

After all, the battle strength of Wind Demon Wolf is not an opponent that these students can handle.

So the rule of the competition is that every Magic Academy needs to send ten students to join forces to fight against Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf.

The shorter the time, the better the cooperation between each other, and the less severe the injury, the higher the score.

Of course, defeating Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf is not a rigid requirement, and it doesn’t matter if it is impossible.

However, if even the most basic requirements are not met, then the final score will be out of the question.

"The third competition of the exchange event, officially started!"

"The first to go on stage are the ten students of the Flame Magic Academy. Now, open the iron cage and release the demonic beast! " and hurricane Wind Demon Wolf fighting such a test, of course, one by one come.

Otherwise, it would be too easy for students to interfere with each other.

"ao ——!"

The hurricane Wind Demon Wolf, who has escaped from trouble, let out an angry wolf howl.

Azure's beast pupils are shining fiercely, staring at the ten act recklessly in front of them.

Although the boundary of the battlefield has been specially set up with a magic barrier to prevent Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf from escaping.

But under this anger, Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf would not even think about running away.

Ten students of the Flame Magic Academy also expanded their formation and stood on top of their positions.

dignified A magical Academy, even if the Academy ranks low, this kind of battle formation will still be involved.

Because most of the element magicians have poor mobility, the battle formation is even more important.

"Let's get started."

"Wall of Fire!"

The battle started from the moment Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf came out of the cage.

Therefore, the students of the Flame Magic Academy did not wait. After the position was fixed, they immediately began to release their magic.

Fire Wall is a fairly basic defensive magic among Fire Element elemental magic.

After use, it can condense a high wall of burning flames at the target.

But the defensive power of this high flame wall is actually not very strong, and there is no way to move it.

The enemy only needs to pay attention to it, and it will be of no use.

Not even as good as a flame barrier.

So later, the wall of fire was more often used to restrict the actions of the enemy, rather than to defend it.

"A very clever approach."

Pedro narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

Use the wall of fire to limit the attack speed of Hurricane Wind Demon Wolf, in order to make up for the short board of Fire Element magician in speed.

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