So, in addition to the normal exchange activities, there is another way to participate in the exchange activities.

That is, the low-ranked Academy challenged the high-ranked Academy.

Of course, this challenge is not unlimited

Otherwise, those Peak Magic Academy won’t have to do other things, just deal with these challengers every day. .

It is precisely this point that has been taken into account. Element Guild has clear regulations on the qualifications for launching a challenge.

Ranking challenges can be initiated at any time.

However, if the challenge fails, the challenge qualification will be frozen for one year and the Academy ranking will drop by one.

This rule also makes many low-ranking academies consider more things before launching a challenge.

Because of indiscriminately launching a challenge, but there is a price to pay.

However, if the challenge is successful, the challenger will get the Academy ranking of the challenged.

The Academy rankings of the challenged will be postponed by one place.

In addition, the challenge qualification will not be frozen, and you can continue to challenge higher-ranked Academy.

At the same time, the challenged person will also have a one-month truce, and can refuse subsequent challenge requests.

In order to prevent those low-ranking academies from uniting, the possibility of a wheel war against the high-ranking academy.

However, although these regulations are very user-friendly, there are not many magic academies that will use challenge qualifications.

The biggest reason is that what the Academy ranking represents is basically the true level of the Great Demon Academy.

There is no falsification part, and naturally, it will not give those low-ranking magic Academy fish in troubled waters a chance.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is simply a dream to increase the rank of the Academy in a large span.

What Qi Le fancy is the challenge qualification of Aden Magic Academy, which has not been frozen yet.

Because Qi Le itself is a special case!

"Let me see, in 14 days, to what extent these students can improve!"


The next day.

Qi Le came to the classroom of Aden Magic Academy early in the morning, waiting for the arrival of the students.

In the current Aden Magic Academy, there are only two people left, Qi Le and Kogabert.

So simply no one cares about Qi Le's whereabouts.

The notice for the students to return to school was sent out yesterday by Kogabert.

In the territory of Xhosa, the reputation of Aden Magic Academy may not be very good.

But Kogabert's reputation is still very loud.

So as soon as the notice of returning to school was issued, those students began to return to the Aden Magic Academy one after another.

Those who come back first are the students who live on campus.

Obviously, the number is not large.

No way, the Academy ranking of Aden Magic Academy is the standard bottom level.

Not well-known, naturally it is not possible to attract students from other places to the Aden Magic Academy to study.

So now there are only more than 60 students left, almost all of whom are residents of Xhosa Territory.

Because they don't have any innate talents themselves, they don't want other advanced magic academies either.

After going around, I had no choice but to come to the local Aden Magic Academy.

In the final analysis, it is the crooked melon split dates with broken pots and bowls, it is a perfect match.

It's no wonder that the Aden Magic Academy will become where it is now.

"Hey, buddy, why did you come so early?"

"I got a back-to-school notice yesterday. I heard that all the students of the Aden Magic Academy must be merged into the same one. Is it true that the class has come to class?"

"Looking at you, it feels a bit strange. You should be a student in another class."

What came in the classroom was a handsome boy.

Wearing Yuewhite's robe makes him look quite elegant.

But the endless chattering words made this boy's elegant image greatly compromised.

But after listening to the boy's rants, Qi Le also learned a few things.

Speaking of which, Aden Magic Academy at first, did not fall to this point.

Although it is still not a high-level magic Academy.

But at the time of Pinnacle, it was a mid-range level anyway.

Not as it is now, it can only be the bottom, or even go bankrupt.

Therefore, there are still many classes in the Aden Magic Academy in the past.

After all, the energy of a tutor is limited, and it is impossible to teach too many students at the same time.

Like this time, it is still too rare to merge the remaining sixty students into the same class.

"Sit down first, the other students haven't arrived yet."

Qi Le spoke for a long time after listening.

"That's right, those guys are not very active until now, they all want to spend one day at a time."

The handsome man responded, and then sat next to Qi Le After coming down, he continued: "By the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Burns, what is your name?"

Burns didn't introduce his family background, maybe because he has no background.

Think about it, whoever can come to the Aden Magic Academy, can anyone have a good background?

"Hello, Burns."

"What is my name, you will know soon."

Qi Le hearing this, Dan Said hello with a smile.

"Can't you say it now, it made it so mysterious and secretive."

Burns protested loudly, but didn't care too much in his heart, but continued to chatter.

Aden Magic Academy has not fallen to where it is today. Although it has its own reasons, it has nothing to do with these students.

Because most of the students who came to the Aden Magic Academy, their magic aptitude was not very high.

In addition, the teachers here are not that great.

So from the very beginning, they came here with the mentality of chaos.

It is enough for these people to get a bronze badge and show off one's military strength in front of ordinary persons.

If you have the luck and get the silver badge, you can go back and blow for a year.

As for the gold badge...

If you have the ability to get the gold badge, who will come to the Aden Magic Academy.

It's like Burns in front of me is a magician with a silver badge.

According to Burns himself, he is still the main student of the Aden Magic Academy in exchange activities.

"The task is getting more and more difficult."

The more Qi Le listens, the more worrying the road ahead.

But this is the status quo of Aden Magic Academy, which can only be described as miserable.

However, the Magic Academy, which will face the crisis of bankruptcy, can expect it to be better?

"Hey, Burns, you are the first to arrive again."

"Who is the little brother next to you? Is it someone from another class? ?"

"We just came here to mess around. It's good to stay home on vacation. Why did the dean call us back."

.. You can click on the bottom "Favorite" records this time (Chapter 2296: Status Quo)...

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