Since the name "Flame Sovereign" is taken, what Qi Le needs to show is naturally to conform to the aptitude feature of Fire Element magician.

So, the moment Qi Le put his hand on the magic crystal ball.

A dazzling fiery-red flame light suddenly emerged from the magic crystal ball.

The dazzling light suddenly appeared, and the eyes of the onlookers suddenly flashed white, and they quickly covered their eyes.

Some people who moved slowly even let out a scream, tears bursting out of their eyes.

This strong light, even in broad daylight, is so dazzling.

The meaning represented is self-evident.

This is a terrifying Fire Element magic aptitude!

I am afraid that it will not take long before another Fire Element magister will come out.

"No, No way...This light, it blinds my eyes, what a magical aptitude this should be!"

"It turns out that this adult was before What is said is true, he really went wrong."

"Then he doesn't account for what we said before..."

Come here to try one's luck People's faces showed a look of astonishment and panic.

There is no doubt that such a terrifying magic aptitude will definitely be cultivated by the element united as a key figure.

Maybe in a while, the person who once appeared at the identity registration point with them will change and become the leader of the younger generation.

Although they are honored to be associated with such a task.

But what I said before, if you care about such a great character, something will happen.

The expressions on the faces of the staff in the identity registration hall are even more exciting.

Before, they thought that the youngster in front of them dared to take the name "Flame Sovereign", which was arrogant and conceited.

But now they know the test results of the magic crystal ball.

It turns out that this is not arrogant and conceited, but really emboldened!

Peak’s Fire Element magic aptitude can be called the genius of the sky.

This kind of powerful to terrifying magic aptitude, in the entire element combination, there are not a few.

If this youngster grows up and wants to retaliate against them, who can run away?

However, these guys think too much about this matter.

When did Qi Le become so small?

As long as it doesn't infringe Qi Le's interests, what can we do if others cheer you up?

If you don't agree with me, you will fight, and you will slaughter the whole family at every turn. What can it be?

Peerless bully or Abyss Demon?

So, these people’s worries are completely unnecessary.

Even more how, what Qi Le shows now is only a small part of his power.

If all the power is really exploded, this magic crystal ball, it is estimated that it will be broken on the spot.

"This, my lord, don't you know what else you need our help?"

The staff standing by, swallowed hard, trembling with fear Speaking aloud.

The disdain and contempt in his tone have long since become respectful and panic.

Even the name Qi Le has changed back to "adult".

This is the awe and fear of the element magician.

The ordinary person, even if he becomes a nobleman, is impossible on the head of the element magician.

Because here is-element union!

"Now I can use the magical stone tablet over there."

Qi Le laughed, he didn't care about it at all.

"Yes, of course you can!"

The staff was busy and nodded, and then quickly opened the way.

This time, everyone’s expressions all turned into awe and awe, and when they looked towards Qi Le, they looked even more respectful.

The magic stone tablet is already empty here, so there is no who passes by.

After seeing Qi Le's magic aptitude, no one will get in the way at this time.

So Qi Le quickly followed the staff's instructions and pressed his hand on the magic stone tablet.

On the magic stone tablet, there is a crystal column inlaid from bottom to top.

It will gradually light up according to the strength of the tester’s magic power.

The longer the length of the crystal cylinder is lit, the higher the tester’s magic strength, and the higher the cultivation realm.

A very simple and clear test prop.

After listening to the introduction, Qi Le immediately controlled the strength of his magical power to the Heroic Rank realm.

No way, if the powerhouse-class realm's power is accidentally burst out, who knows if the magical stone tablet will be broken.

Then when the time comes, you can play Dafa.

Such a big movement will definitely be watched by the president of Element Guild.

Because in those gods' agreements, except for the supervisor, this World will not have powerhouse-level powers.

Therefore, once the supervised person is targeted, there is a high probability that it will be reported to the gods.

This is why, Qi Le has always been shown as a sword saint in the Azer Empire.

Never has the power surpassed the Heroic Rank realm.

After all, doing that will only cause trouble for yourself.


With a slight hum, the crystal column on the magic stone tablet suddenly lit up.

Starting from the bottom, the fiery-red flames continue to rise, rushing straight up.

It didn't stop abruptly until it was almost at the top.

This is because Qi Le managed to control his burst of power in time. Otherwise, it would be with no difficulty to light up a whole crystal column in an instant.

However, even this is enough to shock the people in the identity registration hall.

Because anyone with a bit of common sense can see that the crystal column on the magic stone tablet is so bright.

Then the cultivation realm of the tester can already be determined, and it is definitely a magister.

It turned out that the adult in front of him, named "Flame Sovereign", is simply not as simple as having absolute confidence.

Rather, it is expounding a fact!

Fire Element Magister, named "Flame Sovereign", there is no problem.

Who dares not accept?

But for such a powerhouse, why hasn't his identity been registered before?

Could it be that it came out of some deep mountain and old forest?

No one knows about this, and no one dares to ask.

They only know now that the adult in front of them is a genuine Fire Element magister.

It is definitely not a great character that people like them can afford to offend.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the element magician of this level, as long as there is a valid reason, even if it wants to destroy the territory of a golden lord, it is the same as playing.

And afterwards, you only need to submit a report explaining what happened to element Guild, and no one will be held accountable.

What a lofty position this is!

For a while, no one even dared to speak aloud, and even the breathing rate was trying to slow down.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2287: Flame Sovereign not just in name only, but also in reality)...

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