So, in the quarter-finals of the game.

As a result, it was as expected by Qi Le.

After a arduous battle, Pesha still lost to her opponent, exhausted her sword skills, and was defeated on the spot.

This result also made many viewers under the Martial Arts Competition Stage express their regrets.

But no one was disappointed.

Instead, everyone thinks that Pesha has done well enough.

Able to break into the top eight of the Martial Dao tournament with the cultivation realm that first entered the swordmaster realm.

This kind of thing, it is no exaggeration to say that simply is unprecedented, so what can be unsatisfactory?

On the contrary, more people are looking forward to Pesha's performance in the coming year and believe that she will definitely be better than now.

When the sword saints sitting in the special spectator seats saw this scene, they all followed sighed in relief.

Finally, Pesha Oka was given away!

It's just a quarter-final position, and it's still acceptable.

If Pesha really makes it to the final, then the faces of this group of sword saints will be lost.

Using the weak to defeat the strong is nothing to brag about. Using the weak to defeat the strong is what people talk about.

Isn't that the case with Pesha now?

The contrast against Pesha is their dísciple!

Fortunately, it is finally eliminated, so there is no need to worry about it anymore.

However, the next second after Pesha raised her hand to admit defeat, the hearts of the sword saints came up again.

"Sorry, I want to use this Martial Arts Competition Stage to say a few words to everyone, okay?"

On the Martial Arts Competition Stage, Pesha suddenly looked towards referee.


The referee was stunned for a while, and then turned his head and glanced at the person in charge of the event group.

After getting the instructions, he looked towards Pesha's opponent.

Because although the result of this game has come out, it has not been announced yet.

"I have no objection."

Pesha's opponent spread their hands.

People who can come to participate in the Martial Dao tournament are not people with small stomachs.

It's just a few words, and it won't affect the result of the game. Why should I refuse?

So the referee just nodded and said to Pesha: "Yes, but please hurry up."

It's not that the tournament team has encountered this situation before. Most of them are prepared to speak a lot of rhetoric before stepping down.

Therefore, the competition team will not block Pesha's request.

The key is how to choose the players in the stands.

"Many thanks."

Pesha thanked him, and then slowly put the gold thorn sword into the scabbard.

Next, Pesha turned and looked towards the Martial Arts Competition Stage.

My eyes swept over the remaining contestants, as well as the more peripheral audience.

"Everyone should know that I have been able to go to the Martial Dao tournament until now because of my sword skills."

"So, here, I sincerely thank you My Master, because of his cultivation, can I be who I am today."

"Thank you!"

While speaking, Pesha bowed towards Qi Le. Bowed.

And everyone's eyes followed Pesha's movements and fell on the sword saint's body.

Qi Le, wearing a mask, also nodded to Pesha, indicating that he had received Pesha's gift.

Soon, Pesha straightened up and continued.

"And today, although I lost, it was not the fault of the Master, but that I was not good at learning."

"The sword skills taught to me by the Master, It’s stronger than I thought."

"So, in order to prove this, after obtaining the Master’s consent, I’m willing to teach one of my sword skills here and let everyone Anyone who is interested can learn."

At this point, Pesha's voice suddenly paused.

In fact, this is also time for everyone to react.

Because every sword saint possesses an unspread secret, which can only be taught to one's own dísciple.

Like the sword saint of Zhanlong, the teaching of carefree is simply impossible.

You know, last night, after Pesha heard of her Master's idea, she was stunned on the spot.

It took a long time before I could think of a reaction, and I even wanted to dissuade it.

However, sword saint's heart is determined, Pesha said nothing is useful, and she can only do it.

So now, after Pesha told the news, the scene of the Martial Dao tournament suddenly fell into silence.

After a long while, all the people present reacted and there was a sudden uproar.

All of them are full of incredible faces.

"Are you telling the truth? Sword saint master is really willing to teach his sword skills?"

"No way, teach sword skills? Is it true?"

Did I hear it wrong?"

"This is the sword saint of sword saint!"

"Yes, I heard it clearly, Pesha Oka just wanted I want to teach us a style of sword skills."

"God, can we also learn the sword skills of the sword saint lord, this is too lucky."

"It's great, I came here to watch the official match of the Martial Dao tournament, but it's really right!"

With Pesha's nodded confirmation again, the Martial Dao tournament was instantly cheering excitedly Up.

The faces of everyone are full of surprises.

How strong the sword saint's sword skills are, you only need to look at Pesha's performance in the Martial Dao tournament.

There is no doubt that it is definitely stronger than imagined, and much stronger.

The first three battles and three swords are still fresh in the memory of the audience who have seen it with their own eyes.

Compared with the "sword-out style-Swift" and the "sword-breaking style-breaking the blade" and the "sword-drawing style-out of the sheath", it is obviously simpler and more practical.

Who doesn't want to try the feeling of a sword seals the throat.

So at this moment, many spectators, even the contestants off the field, are staring at Pesha on the Martial Arts Competition Stage.

Even the sword saints sitting in the special spectator seats are no exception at the moment.

As a result, I was shocked by the magnanimity of the sword saint, and he was willing to impart his sword skills to everyone.

Secondly, I also want to see how strong the sword saint's sword skills are.

It actually made Pesha forcibly break into the quarterfinals.

"Because time is limited, I will only teach it once."

"Please take a closer look, this style sword technique, called'Drawing Sword Style-Unsheathing' !"

While speaking, Pesha's right hand was on the hilt again.

As a teaching-style demonstration, Pesha's sword this time will naturally not be the same as in battle. The sooner the better.

However, even if Pesha deliberately slows down the sword drawing speed, the core of the "sword drawing style-unsheathing" is to draw the sword at the fastest speed and then kill the target.

So when the sword light flashed by and Pesha was already standing with the sword, some people still didn't react.

"What just happened?"

"What does this mean? Is it already done?"

"What? It's done already? So Hurry up!?"

"I haven't seen it clearly yet!"

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