Is it because the small space of the hidden Aristocratic Family is independent of this world?

Maybe this is the reason.

Extreme-Cold Force does not have the ability to freeze space, and it will not affect the small space hidden in the void, which is normal.

In this way, there is no need to worry about involving the hidden Aristocratic Family in the next battle.

After all, this battle has nothing to do with them.

However, Qi Le's thoughts just flashed past, and did not think deeply.

What should be more concerned now is the space barrier in front of me and the cracks all over it.


The battle in Glorious Star Empire has been much better after the reinforcements of various Great Influences joined.

The advantage is gradually moving closer to the Human Race side, and is slowly turning into a victory.

Outside the deserted town, there is the guardian of the Dragon's Breath Wall.

Extreme-Cold Force was impossible to spread before the wall of dragon's breath went out.

So the Glorious Star Empire frontier guards led by Paladin and the white clothed priest also rebuilt the defense line twenty miles behind the deserted city.

And with the help of the Wall of Dragon's Breath, all the ice crystal Variation Beast that attacked from the depths of the Big Desert was blocked.

Although the casualties of the Glorious Star Empire frontier troops are increasing.

But the battle situation in Glorious Star Empire is improving.

One city after another was rescued, and one ice crystal Variation Beast was killed.

The reinforcements of Desolate Origin Empire and Ancient Gauze Empire started from the eastern border of Glorious Star Empire and used a carpet search to clean up all the ice crystal Variation Beast they found.

Although the manpower and material resources are huge, the effect is equally remarkable.

You know, the biggest advantage of Ice Crystal Variation Beast lies in their huge number and extremely aggressive cold.

Rather than individual battle strength.

Especially after so many elites have joined the battle in Human Race.

In terms of battle strength, Ice Crystal Variation Beast is even less dominant.

After all, compared with Extreme-Cold Force, although Ice Crystal Variation Beast is agglomerated by Extreme-Cold Force, its aggressiveness and extreme Cold Attribute are still far behind.

With Ling Ao and Gu Pingchuan, these powerhouse-level powerful arrays, Variation Beast simply can't beat any storms.

even more how there is Nalan Qinqi, the bloodline of ice.

So it can only be dragged by quantity.

And this biggest advantage is vividly and thoroughly played by Ice Crystal Variation Beast.

Because the territory of Glorious Star Empire is not small, I want to search it again and take care of every city-state.

The time required is not rare, and it is by no means a task that can be completed in one or two days.

It will take more time to search only with the aid of Desolate Origin Empire and Ancient Gauze Empire.

So that the people who followed the last sect were scattered and started to do scouts.

A small stock of ice crystal Variation Beast was found in the wild. If you can deal with it, you can deal with it yourself.

If you can’t figure it out, use the Membership Card to call your companions around you.

And if you encounter a large stock of ice crystal Variation Beast, then quickly notify the nearby army to come to encircle and suppress.

Then after the army arrives, he will continue to explore the way.

Well, scouts do these things.


"I don't know how many ice crystal Variation Beasts ran into the territory of Glorious Star Empire, how can every city-state have it."

Ling Ao casually threw a ball of flames and cleaned all the ice crystal Variation Beast around him.

Although Extreme-Cold Force has a higher level than the ordinary Fire Element, it also depends on the user’s cultivation realm.

With Ling Ao's strength, cleaning up these ice crystal Variation Beasts shouldn't be too simple.

It’s just that it’s simple to clean up, and it can’t hold up the number of people on the other side.

Although Ling Ao is here to supervise the battle, she also needs to travel around and search around.

And a little bit more-these ice crystal Variation Beasts are not creatures, so they don't emit any aura themselves.

And the chill that always escapes from the ice crystal Variation Beast has already filled the entire Glorious Star Empire.

Because of this, it is extremely difficult to search.

Otherwise, just disperse the perception, wait for the location of the Ice Crystal Variation Beast to be sensed, and then go straight to the target, wouldn't it be much easier.

Unfortunately, there is no way to do this.

Otherwise, why use such a time-consuming and labor-intensive method?

It's not that there is no other way.


"In addition to all the city-states, the forests and deserts in the wild must be searched again."

"Don't miss any corner , If accidentally missed an ice crystal Variation Beast and failed to find it, I don’t know how much casualties it will cause."

Gu Pingchuan is also directing the students in Brilliance Academy to search for places outside those city-states.

Ren Gongxiu and Ban Zheng naturally learned a lot and sent the students from Precipice Academy and Mother Earth Academy.

Anyway, the students of the three major academies are just following "checking for omissions".

Now I go to the field to search, but I am doing business.


Cloudmist City, Qi Le shop.

As everyone rushed to support Glorious Star Empire, the number of customers in the store decreased a lot.

Any cultivator with a little battle strength has gone to Glorious Star Empire.

The rest are the guys who are weak.

For example, those pampered young masters who do not have any cultivation aptitude at first, even if they get a little strength in the store, they are not enough to compete with the ice crystal Variation Beast.

And facing those terrifying chills, it is not a problem that pet cards can solve.

So I can only stay in the store if I can't spare my energy.

After all, supporting Glorious Star Empire is not something that can be done with a passion. Personal strength is still very important.

Otherwise, the ice crystal Variation Beast would be frozen before the fight, so it would be wrong to die.

"Xi'er, I heard that Qi Le, they ran with that ice again... Well, the ice crystal Variation Beast was fighting."

"Why don't you take us with us? Ah."

Yue Shuangxue yawned and said to Yue Xi'er.

Last time I swallowed the corpse of a giant dragon in Ruins of Dragon, but Yue Shuangxue was destroyed.

So this time, she also wanted to take advantage of it and see if there were any good things that could continue to be devoured.

"Little Xue, Qi Le big brother specially said that we are not allowed to pass this time, so don't think about it."

Yue Xi'er tilted his head, yes Yue Shuangxue said.

Last time Human Race and Dragon Race battled, Yue Xi'er just went to blend in.

After all, the clansman of Dragon Race is not strong enough to threaten the life of Yue Xi'er.

But this time is different. Qi Le went directly to the Ocean Dragon Emperor. If Yue Xi'er passed by, he would definitely not be pleased.

In the case of Glorious Star Empire, there is no shortage of the battle strength of Yue Xi'er.

So simply ban Yue Xi'er from participating in the battle this time.

"Is that so?"

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