The wall of dragon's breath, although it looks simple, but the blood essence that Lanqi paid is a real loss.

But the fuel of the wall of dragon's breath is dragon's blood, and the stronger the burning dragon's blood, the stronger the defensive power of the wall of dragon's breath.

Until the dragon's blood is burned out, it is the moment when the wall of dragon's breath collapses and dissipates.

So Ranchi didn't get a lot of time.

"Let's go, Ice Crystal Variation Beast must be dealt with as soon as possible."


When the wall of dragon's breath rose to the sky, Paladin led the army back Did not leave much.

The sudden skyrocketing flames shocked them with waves of exclamation.

"Is this the power of the Dragon King."

As one of the peak powers in the Human Race, Paladin naturally knows Ranchi's identity.

However, at this moment, I was also in awe, shocked by the terrifying power that erupted from the wall of dragon's breath.

From this point of view, Ranchi asked him to lead the army to evacuate the deserted city first and retreat to form a new line of defense. It was indeed for their sake.

Because it is near the Dragon's Breath Wall, it is simply not a place to fight.

The scorching temperature is enough to make people with insufficient cultivation realm lose their battle strength on the spot.

"The true power in Dragon Race is really terrifying."

The white clothed priest also sighed in shock.

Both powerhouse-level realm are powerful, and the gap between them is still like worlds apart, almost insurmountable.

Give a simple example.

That is, one and nine are both single digits, but the difference between one and nine is nine times!

So even if you are promoted to the powerhouse realm, that is not the beginning of pride.

You know, there is Person beyond the Person, there is a mountain beyond the mountain, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven.

"But we won't lose!"

"Human Race, never admit defeat!"

Paladin was suddenly proud, with a wave of the cross sword, Drink it high.

"Warriors of Glorious Star Empire, raise your sword! For Glorious Star Empire!"

"For Glorious Star Empire!"


On the front lines of the battlefield, morale is like a rainbow.

In the territory of Glorious Star Empire, the same is true after the arrival of reinforcements.

When I learned that the reinforcements of the Great Influence were rushing to various city-states to support, the residents of the various city-states of Glorious Star Empire were almost crying with joy.

The City Guards, who were struggling to resist the Ice Crystal Variation Beast, had a high morale for a while.

If it were not for a desperate situation and no fight back, who would not want to die.

There is hope of survival at this moment, and that is the news that can boost morale the most.

The war is intensifying and in full swing.

The reinforcements of Desolate Origin Empire and Ancient Gauze Empire are also clearing ice crystal Variation Beast from one city to another.

Those who follow closely from behind are the students of the three major academies, whose task is to solve a fish that escaped the net.

Although the amount of a fish that escaped the net is quite rare, it must be taken seriously.

Because any ice crystal Variation Beast is a devastating disaster for an ordinary person.

A small city-state without a powerhouse guards, in front of a random ice crystal Variation Beast, they have nothing but to lie down to be slaughtered.

After that, there are those sect people.

These guys, just like the vanguard at the beginning, their task is to move freely and support everywhere.

Among these people who support all around, there is the most unique team.

Those are the people from Orchid Leaf Group.

"Weird, why don't those ice crystal Variation Beast dare to come by?"

Nalan Qinqi, who came to Glorious Star Empire and wandered around several city states, finally confirmed this one. thing.

That is these fierce and unafraid of death, the ice crystal Variation Beast, who is not afraid of what they are, but dare not approach him at all.

As long as Nalan Qinqi walked past, these ice crystal Variation Beasts were either afraid of a strategic withdrawal, or they lay on the ground and bowed their heads, even if they didn't even dare to move.

Even if death is imminent, there is no point in resisting it.

This is very interesting.

"Didn't expect Xiaoqi to have this kind of power? Is this what Qi Store Manager once said, the so-called domineering exposure."

Lan Ye they found out After this phenomenon, it is also clicking one's tongue in wonder.

Who would have thought that these ice crystal Variation Beasts, who are not afraid of even the powerhouse-level might, would actually behave like this when they saw Nalan Qinqi.

You know, even if Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian, who have stepped into the powerhouse realm, can't make these ice crystal Variation Beasts hesitate, they will also pounce on fierce and unafraid of death. .

Battle Puppet simply did not fear this emotion.

However, the situation on Nalan Qinqi's side is shocking.

"Sister Lan Ye, don't laugh, it's definitely not like this."

Nalan Qinqi scratched his head with a tangled face and twitched his delicate eyebrows, even though he knew it was a good thing. , But it just feels strange.

But it was also because of this incident that made the battle on Orchid Leaf Group seem extraordinarily easy.

As long as Nalan Qinqi showed up, none of the ice crystal Variation Beasts would dare to resist.

If it weren't for Battle Puppet's no self-decision function, maybe you don't need someone else to do it, just a command from Nalan Qinqi.

"Have you ever thought about whether this is because of the bloodline problem."

Once again easily dealt with the ice crystal Variation Beast in a city-state, Lan Qing 'er suddenly said this sentence.

As Lan Qing'er who owns Elf Race Royal Clan Bloodline, he knows how powerful the bloodline is.

In demonic beasts, sometimes, the suppression of bloodline is more terrifying than the suppression of cultivation realm.


Lan Zi'er repeated it with a dull look.

Although Lan Zi'er also has the bloodline of Dragon Race, it is clear that his brain is not as easy to use as Lan Qing'er.

"Yes, is it because of the bloodline?"

Lan Ye was reminded and reacted.

speaking of which, or because the bloodline owned by Nalan Qinqi is really not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, it is easy to be ignored.

It's totally unlike Lan Qing'er's Elf Race bloodline and Lan Zi'er's Dragon Clan Bloodlines, even if you want to ignore it, it's hard to ignore.

"The bloodline of ice!"

This is a bloodline that fits perfectly with the ice element and controls all frost.

It will make Variation Beast of Ice Crystals feel scared, and it seems normal.

"Yes, is that so?"

Nalan Qinqi simply didn't think about this problem, it was actually because of the bloodline of ice he had.

After all, the ice bloodline is not something that Nalan Qinqi was born with, but in the small space of the hidden Aristocratic Family, given by that mysterious skeleton.

So Nalan Qinqi has never paid much attention to it.

Because the ice bloodline and the ice queen rank have a certain degree of overlap.

If you don't deliberately mention it, Nalan Qinqi will not remember that he still owns the bloodline of ice.

But in this situation, is it really because of your own bloodline of ice?

"At present, this kind of probability is the greatest."

Feixue calmly analyzed it.

Otherwise, I can't find a reasonable explanation.

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