Paladin and white clothed priests are responsible for solving the ice crystal Variation Beast with the highest cultivation realm.

The large number of ice crystal Variation Beast, which has a poor cultivation realm, is the task of the City Guard and the frontier guards in the deserted city.

You know, the battlefield line of the town of deserted city, but opened several hundred li long.

In order to defend the Ice Crystal Variation Beast, almost half of the Glorious Star Empire's troops were invested.

This makes the forces in Glorious Star Empire so stretched.

Although very helpless, it is something I have to do.

If these ice crystal Variation Beasts are not blocked in the Big Desert, then Glorious Star Empire probably no longer exists.

"Go on!"

"Magic shelter!"

"Frost protection!"

"Increased destruction, increased strength ......"

Following Paladin's movements, the white clothed priest instantly blessed him with a lot of buffing magic.

Then I watched the Paladin moved towards the powerhouse-level realm's ice crystal Variation Beast greeted him.

This time is two ends.

One against two is always easier than one against three.

But the face of the white clothed priest became more solemn.

As an auxiliary rank, the observation of the overall battle situation is always more detailed than the battle-type rank.

Because they have more time to observe those corners.

So the white clothed priest also noticed the anomaly in that big desert.

"The frost is beginning to spread over!"

The white clothed priest has always been aware of this situation.

Every ice crystal Variation Beast emits strong or weak cold air, eroding the external environment.

But this time, the degree of freezing of the Big Desert is by no means a simple coldness.

There must be another force behind it.

Maybe, that is the origin of these ice crystal Variation Beast!

I have to say that the white clothed priest's instinct was very accurate, and he guessed the truth that the Big Desert was gradually frozen.

Unfortunately, Extreme-Cold Force is not a popular product that everyone knows.

Even though the white clothed priest thought that there might be another force behind him, he couldn't guess the existence of the Extreme West.

I can't even think of the terrifying part of Extreme-Cold Force.

"ah -!"

"...... ice cubes, a pain ......"

"I can not move ...... not move, and why It will be like this..."

"No, don鈥檛, save me, save me!"

But at this moment, the soldiers who went out of the city to face the battle still came into contact with the spreading Extreme-Cold Force.

The extremely aggressive and terrifying Extreme-Cold Force burst out of its ferocious side in an instant.

Those fighters whose cultivation realm was less than Grandmaster Rank fell to the ground almost the next second they were eroded by Extreme-Cold Force.

Following, his face turned blue, his lips turned purple, and his body was covered with frost.

In just a few breaths, it turned into an ice sculpture with a hideous expression and distorted movements.

Being corroded by Extreme-Cold Force, the pain I endured can be imagined.

The severe cold that spreads from the bone marrow seems to freeze the soul.

Perhaps because of the low strength, the rapid death caused by the erosion of the Extreme-Cold Force is a kind of luck.

"How could this happen, what the hell is going on?"

The white clothed pastor's heart tightened, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

Is the destructive power caused by the chill from these ice crystal Variation Beasts, has reached such a terrifying realm?

Then why hasn't this happened before?

"Something's wrong!"

"There is a problem with these chills!"

Just as the white clothed priest was in shock, Paladin suddenly broke out.

One sword smashed a powerhouse-class realm ice crystal Variation Beast, and shook another ice crystal Variation Beast back out.

Then he quickly withdrew to the range of Extreme-Cold Force erosion, staring at the boundary line between frost and yellow sand.

"This is not the chill from the Ice Crystal Variation Beast, but a more terrifying force."

Paladin, who has more combat experience, saw Extreme-Cold Force The danger.

This is a kind of cultivator with insufficient cultivation realm, and it is not worthy of touching it.

"Let all the fighters withdraw!"

Paladin made a decisive decision.

Faced with this kind of power, if you still choose to fight hard, it is pure death.

"Damn it, why is there such power?"

"Why is it spreading over?!"

The white clothed priest clenched his teeth with hatred The order to retreat was given.

The threat of Extreme-Cold Force is really too great.

It can be said that every time Extreme-Cold Force erodes an inch forward, they have to step back and give way.

Otherwise, the only way to wait for those who are weak is death.

No choice!

"Extreme-Cold Force is spreading so fast?!"

"How can I swallow the entire Big Desert now!?"

When Paladin and the white clothed priest were about to abandon the city and evacuate, a surprised voice suddenly appeared in the sky.

When the two looked up, they saw a huge Black Giant Dragon, suddenly transformed into a human form, and then fell down with another person sitting behind the Black Dragon.

"Your Excellency Ranchi, Your Excellency Shana, did you two come to support the Glorious Star Empire?"

After seeing these two silhouettes, Paladin asked politely Screamed.

"It's so."

Lan Qi brows tightly frowns and responded.

But his eyes did not fall on Paladin or the white clothed priest, but looked towards the Extreme-Cold Force eroded.

"many thanks."

Paladin thanked him.

"You are welcome."

Shana replied for Ranchi.

"Your Excellency Ranchi said that this is Extreme-Cold Force just now. I don't know what it means?"

After Paladin thanked him, he immediately returned to the most important thing right now.

This sudden chill is simply deadly.

If you leave it alone, in time, I am afraid that the entire Glorious Star Empire will become a dead zone.

"Extreme-Cold Force is a terrifying force that was sealed by Ancient Era."

"But this seal was broken by the escaped Ocean Dragon King."

Lan Qiyan gave a brief and concise explanation.

Who is the Ocean Dragon King, the Paladin and the white clothed priests who participated in the previous Human Race and Dragon Race battles, are naturally not unfamiliar.

Now that Ranqi mentioned, the two were startled first, and then furious.


"It turned out to be made by the Ocean Dragon King, that damn guy!"

"Your Excellency Ranchi, you should know the ocean Where is the Dragon King."

Just because the Ocean Dragon King broke a seal, it caused the Glorious Star Empire to almost face the disaster of annihilation.

No matter who is placed on this kind of thing, it must be furious.

"Of course I know where the Ocean Dragon Emperor is, but this is not the time to talk about it."

Lan Qi said slowly.

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