However, in the most powerhouse of these residents in mind, in front of these ice crystal Variation Beasts, they seem so vulnerable.

This kind of psychological shock is enough to destroy their previous beliefs.

Panic, despair, horror... all kinds of negative emotions, under this situation, spread rapidly and spread everywhere.

The chill radiating from the ice crystal Variation Beast makes people like falling in a ice hole, and there is no thought of resistance.

This kind of thing happens everywhere in Glorious Star Empire.

Despair began to spread throughout the Glorious Star Empire.

The City Guard of most city-states is simply not an opponent of Variation Beast, and it is very good to be able to protect itself.

Let alone knock back these ice crystal Variation Beasts.

And the frontier army is even more overwhelmed.

Because on the side of the Glorious Star Empire near the Big Desert, there is also continuously ice crystal Variation Beast, which is moving towards here.

If you don't send troops to stop, I am afraid that the wave will not be resolved, and the wave will rise again.

Even though Paladin and white clothed priests who have been promoted to powerhouse-level realm, at this moment they are also restrained by the ice crystal Variation Beast, who is also powerhouse-level realm, unable to attend to other things.

These monsters condensed from Extreme-Cold Force, although not many have entered the powerhouse realm.

But it is more than enough to contain two powerhouse-level abilities.

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

"Where did these ice crystal Variation Beasts come from?"

Paladin holds the hand The cross sword, with the help of the white clothed priest, is one enemy three, and ice is splashed everywhere.

Although the wind does not fall, but it has gradually begun to show a slight decline.

Even if the decline at the moment is not obvious.

But if the delay continues, this slight decline will sooner or later turn into failure.

"It looks like a monster from the Big Desert... But why is there such a monster in the Big Desert?"

The white clothed priest is also very puzzled.

Obviously it is an endless desert of yellow sand, hot and dry at the same time lacking water.

But in this environment, the ice crystal Variation Beast, the least supposedly monster, appeared.

If it is possible, the white clothed pastor really wants to curse "mental disorder".


There was another loud noise.

Paladin once again cut open the Variation Beast that came up on the ice crystal, and suddenly aroused the ice scum in the sky.

After spending so long in the Qi Le shop, Paladin's fighting skills have long been different from what it used to be.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to be one enemy three when facing enemies of the same cultivation realm, and have persisted for so long without losing.

But even so, wanting to win is not that simple.

The life force of these ice crystal Variation Beasts is so tenacious that people feel scared.

Even if the body is already riddled with holes, there will be no sluggishness in the movement.

The chill that exudes is constantly transforming the surrounding environment, making it more suitable for the combat characteristics of Ice Crystal Variation Beast, and restricting the opponent's actions.

Over time, it will only become more and more difficult to win.

"I don't know what's going on in Glorious Star Empire now. I put that many ice crystal Variation Beast in. I hope nothing will happen."

Paladin panted, a little worried Said to himself.

The place where he and the great white clothed priest are located is on the border between the Glorious Star Empire and the Great Desert.

That is outside the deserted city.

Because the ice crystal Variation Beast of the powerhouse realm must be blocked from the Glorious Star Empire.

Otherwise, there is no city-state in Glorious Star Empire that can withstand a full attack from these guys.

It is for this reason that Paladin and the white clothed priest were also confined in this place.

The Ice Crystal Variation Beast that has rushed into the territory of Glorious Star Empire can only rely on City Guard and cultivators.

"There is no time for us to think about it now. If we don't solve them, we can't get out of here."

The white clothed priest took a deep breath, and then A drop of blood essence was forced out at the fingertips.

"Increase blood sacrifice, destroy blessing-blood moon!"

With the magic of blood essence, except for those evil ways, it can be regarded as the unique skill of trump card.

In such a critical situation, the white clothed priest is no longer hiding.

With shouted in a low voice, the blood essence suspended in the fingertips of the white clothed priest, instantly turned into a blood mist, and then wrapped around the cross sword of Paladin.

The blade of the cross sword was dyed as red as blood.

"I hope I can still have time."

Paladin didn't think too much anymore. Instead, he stepped forward with a sword and once again fought with the ice crystal Variation Beast of the three-headed powerhouse realm. .


However, the battle situation at the border crossing cannot affect the situation in the territory of Glorious Star Empire.

Those city-states ravaged by Ice Crystal Variation Beast are still at risk.

Countless unarmed ordinary persons died in the roaring cold wind and terrifying frost. Every time a group of ice crystal Variation Beast passed by, they would create a dead zone.

A large number of city-states were frozen, and there was no more vitality at all.

The only ones that can withstand the ice crystal Variation Beast's attack are those city-states whose overall battle strength is tyrannical.

Other small city-states can only stay there and wait for death.

That scene, although not bloody at all.

But the breath of silence is really chilling.

When the cold wind hits, the residents hiding in the city-states can only shiver coldly.

"Why, why does this happen?"

"No matter who it is, please come and save us, save this city-state."

"City Guard lost, Sir City Lord also died in the battle, it's over, it's over, we can only wait to die!"

"I don't want to die, who will save us Ah!"

People hid in the house and prayed for rescue.

This is also the last thing you can do when you are powerless.

Without any hope of winning, what it brings is endless despair and fear that can crush oneself.

It's not that they haven't thought about running away and leaving this place.

But in front of the Ice Crystal Variation Beast, it is simply impossible to escape.

Even more how, the entire Glorious Star Empire is in crisis, where can they escape?

Under the covering of the nest, there are no eggs.


A violent roar came from the city wall.

This is the horn of the ice crystal Variation Beast's attack, mixed with it, there are also the scream of the cold wind and the flying frost.

The effect of the city wall on Variation Beast of the ice crystal is almost ineffective, and City Guard is also failing steadily.

The best result, but only a few ice sculptures that's all.

However, at the moment the City Lord died in the battle, the collapse of this city-state was doomed in the slightest.

The whole body looks like a ferocious Variation Beast carved from ice crystals, stepping into the city-state.

There have been no normal pedestrians on the street for a long time.

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