"According to the agreement, a part of the produced Fire Element Spring needs to be distributed to you. Thank you for your help, Lord Elf Queen."

After the things got in hand, Ling Ao still Very trustworthy.

After all, it is a long-term cooperation.

Before the fire resistance is piled up, if you want to eat the Fire Element oasis, you must rely on Tiana's group resistance shield.

"Your Excellency Flame Sovereign is polite."

Tiana smiled lightly and accepted the part of the Fire Element spring that belonged to her.

But at this time, the earth began to vibrate violently.

The surrounding flames quickly extinguished.

In the big map of the Oasis of the Spirit of the Elements, a prompt sound also followed.

"The Fountain of Fire Element is the core of the Fire Element Oasis."

"Now that the Fountain of Fire Element is taken away, all the flames will be extinguished, leaving only one place. Ashes..."

"Earth Element Oasis, it is opening!"


"I really guessed it!"

"It's really wood creates fire, fire creates earth."

When Qi Le heard such a series of prompts while watching the scenery in the wood element oasis, it was really shocking.

When the flame goes out, it becomes an Earth Element oasis...

I really want to speak of which, but there is no logical problem.

After the forest is burned out, isn't there only a piece of land left, but also a piece of fertile land.

"System is really rare to do a logical thing."


"Qi Le guessed it, it's really an Earth Element oasis."

Another person who was surprised by this series of tones was Yue Shuangxue.

But after being surprised, I was stunned.

If game merchants want to make a fortune, it is necessary to prepare early.

Although Qi Le said that this is his guess, the next copy is not necessarily the Earth Element Oasis.

But Yue Shuangxue doesn't care about so much.


And the players in The New World Mode, Fire Element Oasis.

At this moment, I was dumbfounded watching the boundary barrier of the Fire Element Oasis gradually collapse.

This familiar scene made them realize that a new copy is really about to open.

Earth Element Oasis, It shouldn't be more difficult to master than Fire Element Oasis.

But there is not enough time.

Originally, Fire Element Oasis is not a trifling copy that can be completed in four hours. It has changed several groups of people.

Now there is another Earth Element oasis, let it be given to other players.

Anyway, Ling Ao only needs the fountain of Fire Element.

But stay and see what the Earth Element Oasis looks like, it's okay.

"hong long long ——!"

The collapse of the border barrier of the Fire Element oasis attracted the attention of all surrounding players.

Appearing on the other side of the border barrier is a wood element oasis, and a completely different copy of the Fire Element oasis.

If the Wood Element Oasis is full of life, Fire Element Oasis is like purgatory.

Then the Earth Element oasis is deserted.

It may not be appropriate to use the word "oasis" to describe the new copy this time.

Looking around, you can only see that the dry ground is full of cracks, and the barren within the entire Earth Element Oasis is full of life.

Except for the Earth Element elves flying above the wasteland, no other living creatures can be seen.

And the number of Earth Element elves is much less than the previous Wood Element Elves and Fire Element Elves.

In the central area of ​​the Earth Element Oasis, there is a lake of yellow sand.

The spring of Earth Element is placed in the lake of yellow sand.

"This is the new copy, Earth Element Oasis."

The players who watched the border barrier gradually collapsed couldn't help sighing.

However, compared to the terrifying Fire Element Oasis, the Earth Element Oasis is lifeless,

But it is not that dangerous at all. It is cremated on the spot at every turn.

"For the rest of the time, if you want to clear the Earth Element Oasis, you will definitely not be able to pass, but it is okay to help others find the way."

Take When I arrived at the Fountain of Fire Element, Ling Ao was in a good mood, and immediately decided to go and take a look.

Every new instance requires a lot of players to open up wasteland and find ways to study the game.

Unless it is a copy that has rigid requirements for equipment or strength, smart players can always research out a variety of weird styles of play.

Then organize it into a collection of strategies and publish it in the forum.

So Ling Ao is planning to try it now.

The formation of the team is still the same as that of the first two dungeons.

But let Knight change to full magic resistance equipment first, and then top the front, while the priest bow and archer follow up in the rear.

Try the offensive of these Earth Element wizards first.

However, the result is very unexpected.

The offensive of the Earth Element wizard does not seem to be as good as the Wood Element wizard and the Fire Element wizard.

The reaction to the outsider was not as fierce as I imagined, but rather a tepid feeling.

Earth Element's elemental magic is not as expected, hiding the sky and covering the earth, but only a few symbolically lost.

And the formidable power of these Earth Element element magic is not very big.

Of course, in terms of formidable power, there is no estimation error.

After all, most of the destructive power of Earth Element magic is large-scale magic.

And the offensive Earth Element elemental magic such as "Rock Burst", "Flying Stone", "Stone Piercing", and "Stone Array" are basically single-damage magics. .

The coverage is really not big enough.

Let alone the elemental magic like Fire Element, causing such a big momentum.

So the offensive difference of the Earth Element wizard is not unreasonable.

"In this way, this Earth Element oasis copy is much gentler than the first two copies, and the difficulty is so low."

Ling Ao with Guild members of Desolate Origin Empire , Walked into the scope of the Earth Element Oasis with great emotion.

When stepping on the dry soil, I still can't believe it.

You know, the previous Fire Element oasis, I don’t know how many players were killed.

The terrifying Fire Element elemental magic is like a solid barrier, blocking all players who want to attack the Fire Element oasis copy.

Ling Ao This time, thanks to Tiana’s help, I could barely clear the level.

And even so, there will be no mistakes in the middle.

Otherwise, you will fall short and have to start all over again.

But this Earth Element oasis, how does it feel like the door is open, and any player can come in?

"Archer, free attack!"

But Ling Ao will not show mercy to the enemy just because the copy is gentle.

The wasteland that should be opened up is still to be opened, and the way to be explored is still to be explored.

"Open the bow!"

"sou sou ——!"

Under Ling Ao's order, the archer who followed immediately bend bow and place arrow.

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