"It turns out to be like this, Dean Meng, you are better than Dean Gu!"

Ling Ao patted Meng Xiangyu's shoulder with a face of real enlightenment. Speaking with emotion.


Meng Xiangyu looked confused.

You are outrageous in issuing Good Person Cards casually.

"Then prepare to attack the Fire Element oasis again now, Dean Meng, are you equipped with fire resistance?"

Ling Ao didn’t care much about Meng Xiangyu’s expression, Instead, the members of the glorious Guild began to prepare.

This time, the Knights in the front row need to change command.

Now that Meng Xiangyu has come to join the war, let the commanding power of Knight be given to professionals.

Anyway, Ling Ao's purpose is to succeed in the Fire Element Oasis strategy, and then get the Fire Element Fountain.

As for who will direct, it doesn’t really make a difference.

Because Ling Ao is a Fire Element magician, he is good at outputting things, so there is no problem in commanding the archer in the back row.

But Ling Ao hasn't done anything against injury.

After all, with the fragile body of the magician, when fighting an enemy of the same cultivation realm, if you take a hard hit, it is estimated that you will die on the spot.

So it's quite appropriate for Meng Xiangyu to take over Knight's command.

"Attention all Knights, your duty is not to resist the enemy's attack, but to help your teammates resist the enemy's attack!"

"So don't be foolish to take all the elemental magic Come down, it's useless."

Once Meng Xiangyu arrived, he focused on the role of Knight in the front row.

Stupid anti-injury, that's what Knight, who doesn't know how to fight, will do it.

Resisting damage and helping teammates resist damage are completely different things.

Because in combat, most of the time, most of the damage should be avoided, not reckless.

Only when teammates will be attacked, Knight needs to cover up and use his body as a solid shield for his teammates.

Of course, ordinary Knights are equipped with shields.

After all, as the reinstalled Knight in the front row, they simply don't need them to output. It is enough to protect the output position with peace of mind.

If it weren't for the shield can only be equipped with one piece, I am afraid that many Knight players would choose to hold the shield with both hands.

After a detailed instruction, the strategy of Fire Element Oasis has officially begun.

Meng Xiangyu did not walk in the forefront, but stood in the middle of many Knight players, commanding the center.

"Don't worry, I am here, Fire Element Oasis will definitely be captured."

"Pay attention to cover the archer in the back row to attack. There is a vacancy in the first echelon, and the second The echelon was added immediately."

As a veteran Great Knight, Meng Xiangyu's command is still fine.

However, confidence is a good thing.

But having confidence is too much, but it is not a good thing.

The preparations before the Raiders seemed extremely complete, but I really came to the Fire Element Oasis and saw the Fire Element magic like a pouring rain.

Meng Xiangyu suddenly felt that the challenge he chose was a little too difficult.

"What am I..."

The dazzling flames covered the sky from the sky to the earth, and there was almost no gap.

In this case, there is no operating space at all. It just depends on the fire resistance to fight hard, and the priest's treatment hard top.

You don’t even need to remove the control, just remove the burning effect.

Because of the Fire Element elemental magic, control magic is still very few.

After all, the violent formidable power is enough to destroy all the enemies that come in. There is simply no need to waste output for control.

Absolute coverage, and there is no need to worry about the enemy being able to avoid it.

As long as you step into the Fire Element oasis for half a step, even if you enter the magic coverage, you will definitely eat this terrifying damage.

"hong long long ——!"

Fire Element elemental magic is no better than Wood Element elemental magic, simply impossible has a chance to breathe.

If you can't hold it, you will undoubtedly die.

The rain of fire in the sky is like a plow, completely covering the Knight regiment that rushed into the Fire Element oasis.

Then amid a deafening blast...

"Everyone retreats and leaves the envelope of the Fire Element Oasis!"

Ling Ao decisively He gave the order, and then led the crowd, watching the Knight regiment in the front row, disappearing in the fire sea.

"Dean Meng, farewell."

"Shut up..."

Meng Xiangyu, who came over from the resurrection point, said in a trembling voice .

I don’t know if it’s because of anger or anger...

"It's really a headache. The damage of these Fire Element elves is too high. Simply can't hold it."

"Unless you can buy more advanced fire resistance equipment, otherwise there is no other way."

"Qi Store Manager, you said this Fire Element oasis copy, there are really people Can you get there?"

Ling Ao, who had been troubled for several days, couldn't help but find Qi Le, began to complain, and asked about the strategy by the way.

"Have you guys been there yet?"

Qi Le looked at Ling Ao in surprise.

The copy inside the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit is simply not designed for individual players.

So Qi Le has been staying in the wood element oasis to see the scenery these days.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2174: farewell)...

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