"Dean Gu, now that you are here, go in and sit down."

Qi Le laughed and said nothing.

No wonder people like Gu Pingchuan have not appeared these days. They were all in Trial Space, trying to break through.

For them, entering the Heroic Rank peak realm is already a long time ago.

The preparations to be done must have been done.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

And this shareholder style naturally refers to the powerhouse-level trial crystal.

So at this moment, I got the powerhouse-level trial crystal, so I can't wait to use it.

Whether it can break through the supreme powerhouse realm is all in one fell swoop.

And Gu Pingchuan was the first person who succeeded in breakthrough and came out of Trial Space.

So it was also the first person in this group to come to the store.

As for the others, it is estimated that they are still staying in Trial Space.

"Qi Store Manager, I heard that in The New World Mode, there is a new big map. It seems to be called the element..."

"Elemental Spirit Oasis ."

Qi Le helped Gu Pingchuan add the last word.

"Yes, it is the oasis of the elemental spirit. I heard that it can produce the blessing potion of the elements!"

As a Gu Pingchuan of the Great Magician rank, for this kind of The potion that can increase the affinity of magic elements is definitely the group of people most eager for.

Even more how this time's element's favor potion, the effect can also be superimposed.

"It is true, but only two copies have been activated now."

Qi Le nodded, affirming Gu Pingchuan's words.

I haven't been to the store for a long time. Didn't expect Dean Gu is still paying attention to things in the store on the forum.

But there is one thing to say. Now in the Membership Card exchange system forum, the post about the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit, hiding the sky and covering the earth appears.

It's hard not to pay attention to it.

"Each element's blessing potion needs a long time to stack, and two copies are long enough to be brushed."

Gu Pingchuan doesn't care about the number of copies. problem.

You must know that to exchange a bottle of elemental favor potion to the outside world, 10,000 elemental crystals are needed.

If this is brushed up, it is definitely a great tool to kill time.

But for Gu Pingchuan, if you only need to spend time, you can see a noticeable improvement in yourself, which is definitely a big profit.

I was afraid that time was wasted, and I didn't see any improvement in my own strength.

That is the deadliest.

After all, the lifespan of Human Race clansman is really inferior to those races that live long.

Just like Dragon Race and Elf Race, they are all measured in millennia to calculate the length of lifespan.

And like the Mysterious Tortoise in the long river of history, it is the unit of ten thousand years to calculate the length of lifespan.

Is this comparable?

So after confirming that the element's favor medicine information was correct, Gu Pingchuan immediately invested his limited life into infinite improvement.

Among the players on the Oasis of the Elemental Spirits map, an expert has also been added sturdily.

After all, among the many Guilds in The New World Mode, the brilliant Guild composed of Brilliance Academy students, plus mentors, is second to none.

Gu Pingchuan, as the chairman, often doesn't care about things.

But it's different now.

In order to get elemental crystals in the elemental challenge, to exchange for the element's favor potion.

Gu Pingchuan also posted a message on the brilliant Guild's public screen for a long time.

Let all members who have reached the eighth 15th level quickly rush to the elemental spirit oasis map to gather.

Then wait for the command in place, ready to attack the wood element oasis.

As for the Fire Element oasis behind, don’t worry for now.

The blessing of the elements still has to be slowly brushed one by one. After all, there are only four hours a day, bite off more than one can chew.

Even more how, Gu Pingchuan didn't think that Ling Ao could give him the same fixed-produced Fire Element spring after he came to the store.

You know, Ling Ao is Fire Element magician called Flame Sovereign.

The urgency of Fire Element's favor potion is far more than other types of element favor potions.

So after so many years of old friend, Gu Pingchuan also sorry to get what people need.

Besides, as far as the current situation is concerned, the Fire Element Oasis has not been attacked yet.

Before the fire resistance equipment is not complete enough, to touch the mold of those Fire Element elves is courting death.

The Fire Element magic that hides the sky and covering the earth is smashed down. To say nothing, it must have ten times the formidable power of the Wood Element magic, or even higher.

And these data are also returned by a group of unknown pathfinder players with their lives.

It is a group of respectable players.


"Lanci, you have eased the relationship between Human Race and Dragon Race, but you still haven't come back."

"Is it to go? Have you found the Ocean Dragon Emperor?"

Qi Le looked outside the store, thinking to himself.

At present, this is the only possibility.

Otherwise, in the East Desolation, apart from Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er, there is really nothing worthy of Lan Qi's nostalgia.

Only if this guess is true.

That means tying Ranchi and Shana together, and that is not the opponent of the Ocean Dragon King.

The powerhouse-level Supreme Peak's power is by no means an ordinary powerhouse-level power that can be mentioned on equal terms.

Once you encounter it head-on, it is probably bode ill rather than well.

"I hope they don't mess around."


To the west of the Eastern Desolation.

Over the Glorious Star Empire, over the deserted city, over the Great Desert...

Here, it is called the Extreme West, which is the depths of the Great Desert, even beyond The location of the hidden Aristocratic Family.

And here, it should have been a scene of yellow sand all over the sky.

At this moment, it is covered by an endless stretch of frost.

"Sure enough, the space barrier of the extreme west is broken."

Lan Qi looked at the ice crystals beneath his feet, browse tightly frowns, and then raised his eyes and looked away.

The snow-white frost has no end in sight, just like a world made up of pure white.

The strands of cold air are rising, slowly eroding the yellow sand on the ground.

The high temperature in the Big Desert has nothing to do with these ice crystals.

"Lanci, do you think the Ocean Dragon King will come here?"

Shanna asked with some worry.

"Not feeling, but affirmation."

Lan Qi took a deep breath and slowly said: "The ocean dragon king has coveted the position of the holy king for a long time, and now he can’t To win the Holy King token from me, naturally I have to find another way."

"And this place in the extreme west is the best choice."

According to Dragon According to Race history, the Extreme West is a piece of Heaven and Earth completely frozen by Extreme-Cold Force.

Because Extreme-Cold Force is extremely aggressive, it was sealed by the Peak power of Ancient Era.

And also set up a space barrier to prevent Extreme-Cold Force from invading the outside world.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2172: Land of the West)...

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