If the Wood Element Oasis is the world of the living, then the Fire Element Oasis is the world of the dead.

The Fire Element elves gleaming with fire all over, with that indifferent eyes, looking at everything in the wood element oasis.

Obviously, the hatred range of these Fire Element elves is farther than the wood element elves.

Just because there is no way to get out of the Fire Element oasis, there is no action.


The sound of swallowing saliva suddenly sounded, one after another.

This is one of the actions that a person will unconsciously produce in a state of extreme tension.

Although the wood element oasis and the Fire Element oasis have borders, the boundary between the two copies is entirely different.

Even if the flames in the Fire Element Oasis burn no matter how fierce they are, it cannot destroy the flowers and trees in the Wood Element Oasis.

In the center of the Fire Element Oasis, there is also a small pond.

It’s just that in this pond, it’s not water, but genuine lava.

The fountain of Fire Element is stored in this pool of lava.

"Is this the second copy in the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit?"

"The gap between the two is too big, we can really fight Have you ever been to the Fire Element Oasis?"

"I now start to doubt that the copy behind the Fire Element Oasis is not for others."

"Now we have to start preparing again The fire resistance is equipped."

The players who stayed in the Wood Element Oasis looked at each other in blank dismay and wanted to see inside the Fire Element Oasis, but they didn't have the guts.

Not to mention anything else, the formidable power of Fire Element element magic is definitely not comparable to Wood Element element magic.

Among these players, Knight with magic resistance equipment is very difficult to carry Wood Element elemental magic, let alone carry Fire Element elemental magic.

Just walk over there, isn’t it courting death?

Let’s first practice leveling in the Wood Element Oasis.

And fire resistance equipment also needs to be prepared separately.

After all, equipment with full magic resistance is definitely not comparable to a single type of resistance equipment in terms of value.

Carry Wood Element elemental magic that has no destructive power, and use full magic resistance equipment to make do with it.

But carrying the Fire Element magic...

It is better not to make fun of your life.

Even if there is a resurrection point behind him, unnecessary sacrifice is unnecessary.

And Qi Le, who was sitting aside watching the excitement, almost squirted out the pure milk that he had drunk when he saw this scene.

"Fire Element Oasis...Does it mean wood creates fire?"

According to the principle of mutual generation and restraint of Five Elements, it is true that wood creates fire.

But judging from the system's IQ, this layer shouldn't be thought of.

Qi Le was still speculating before, what kind of way the next copy will be used, didn't expect is such a unique way unexpectedly.

And there is a plot between the copies, which are connected to each other.

When those Fire Element elves face the outsider-that is, the player, it is estimated that the attacking momentum will be even more violent.

After all, he is the avenger who carries the monstrous anger of the wood element elves.

"It seems that the price of fire resistance equipment is going to be as the tide rises, the boat floats."

The prices in The New World Mode trading system have risen and fallen. It follows the progress of the game.

When I had a copy of the Wood Element Oasis before, the all-magic resistance equipment was barely enough, so I caught fire.

Of course, Yue Shuangxue is not necessarily the pusher who pushed behind.

The purpose is to sell inventory.

However, now, fire resistance equipment will probably sell better than full magic resistance equipment.

"This time is the turn of the fire resistance equipment?"

"very good, contact me the group of merchant Guild guys and ask them if they can eat the fire resistance in my hand Equipment."

Yue Shuangxue, who was staying in the City of Life store, became excited after hearing the announcement.

Anyway, working with the businessman Guild is not one or two times anymore. Pulling them together this time will make another profit.

Then hand the matter to Guild members, Yue Shuangxue started to contact Qi Le.

"Qi Le, is Qi Le there? Are you there?"

" Just talk."

Qi Le sees Yue Shuangxue lit up When she took the picture, she knew what she was asking.

"Do you know what element the next copy will be?"

Yue Shuangxue asked straight to the point.

This is the case in the market. It is important to seize the opportunity, so the importance of gossip is naturally unnecessary.

Because Yue Shuangxue doesn't have much inventory of Huo-resistant equipment in his hands, so this time just let the profit to the businessman Guild forget it.

Just pick up some snacks and eat by yourself.

But next time, we have to make preparations early.

"I knew you wanted to ask this."

Qi Le's mouth moved, but his face remained expressionless, lightly saying: "To be honest, this kind of I'm not sure about the matter, but I can guess for you."

If you look at the law of Five Elements' mutual growth and mutual restraint.

wood creates fire, fire creates earth.

Then the next copy should be the Earth Element Oasis.

"Well... the probability is the Earth Element Oasis."

Qi Le thought for a while, and slowly said his guess.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2170: Bring your own plot)...

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