It’s not surprising that a little kitty likes to drink black coffee, it’s just amazing.

Of course, Qi Le has heard of cats who like to eat coffee beans.

Even this cat's excrement can be made into expensive coffee for sale.

So Qi Le once wondered whether the genes of Devouring Civet also contained the genes of cats that love coffee beans.

However, it turns out that this should only be a matter of Yue Shuangxue's taste.

"Let’s do this first, I thought you would go to City of Life first."

Yue Shuangxue, who drank black coffee, ran back Went to the second floor.

Because when he saw Qi Le staying in Cloudmist City, Yue Shuangxue knew that the shop in City of Life must be guarded by himself.

So there is nothing to say.

Anyway, no matter which store you stay in, Yue Shuangxue can go to The New World Mode for two walks.

When I first started to watch the shop, I was cautious and had some worries in my heart.

That's why I will keep the shop conscientiously.

Now... It's all Old Fox.

"Qi Le big brother, good morning."

"Good morning, Xi'er."

The following Yue Xi'er, and After Qi Le said hello, he went to open the store door.

As usual, quiet and peaceful.

The impact of the battle between Human Race and Dragon Race was not as far-reaching as imagined.

Except for the elites of Human Race who participated in the battle, the others were simply not hurt at all, so there is no hatred.

The customers who should come to the store still run to the store as always.

But today, Qi Le didn't see the silhouettes of Lanqi and Shana, probably because they still haven't come back in Longdao.

Qi Le doesn't care much about it either.

After seeing the customers walking into the store one after another, I ordered something in my mind.

"system, as before, at ten o'clock in the morning, the world announcement will be released on time, and the spirit of the element oasis map will be opened."

Pick one of The New World Mode with the highest online rate When the world announcement is released at the time, the effect of publicity will be better.

Although Yue Shuangxue had already publicized it last night.

But that is only limited to the little kitty Guild.

system: "Understand."

The system has never missed the world announcement.

Just wait until ten o'clock in the morning...

"World announcement: Dear adventurer, the new big map-the Oasis of the Spirit of the Elements, is officially open!"

"All adventurers who reach the 8th 15th level can go to the border of the mechanical cow forest. After confirming to leave the mechanical cow forest map, they can cross the space barrier and go to the elemental spirit oasis map!"

"World Announcement: Dear adventurers, the new big map-Elemental Spirit Oasis, is officially open!"

"All adventurers reaching the 15th level can go to the mechanical cow forest. After confirming to leave the big map of the mechanical cow forest, you can pass through the space barrier and go to the big map of the elemental spirit oasis!"

"World Announcement: Dear adventurer..."

The long-lost world announcement has been published three times as always to ensure that every online player can see it.

For the old players in The New World Mode, this is all the norm.

"The new big map?!"

"Is it so sudden, there is no notice at all."

"What kind of notice is needed to open the new map? Besides, you don’t seem to have the 8th 15th level yet."

"This hasn't been updated for a few months. I have visited the mechanical cow forest, and finally a new big map is opened! " " What kind of forest stroll mechanical cow, Necromancer tower I brush spit. " " was integral to brush it? to a group of expert teams! "

"My fighter plane is stable..."

"The pot dog gets out of the way, now is the era of the elemental spirit oasis!"

As soon as the world announcement came out, Although the players reacted differently, in general, they all had similar emotions.

One is excitement, and the other is happy.

After a few months of soaking in the Necromancer Tower, I can finally change the map to play. It's strange to be unhappy.

However, if you let them know that in the Oasis of Elemental Spirits map, they still have to climb the tower in disguise, and they don't know if they will collapse on the spot.

This is an interesting question and can only be read later.

But according to Qi Le's guess, the crash should be impossible.

With elemental crystallization as the driving force behind him, it is too late for excitement, how could it collapse.

Anyway, it's all about spawning monsters, not spawning there.

Now that the jar has been brushed, it is time to start brushing the element crystals.

You must know that the elemental care potion and the elemental sanctuary potion are quite precious.

Although the effect of one or two bottles of medicine may not be obvious.

However, the effects of the element's favor potion and the element's sanctuary potion can be continuously superimposed.

But the effect will gradually diminish until it is invalid.

But if these two potions are really superimposed to the point where they are invalid when used again, the magic element affinity and magic element resistance have definitely reached a fairly terrifying point.

There is no doubt about this.

This is also the biggest reason why Qi Le feels that the elemental challenge is bound to be popular.

Strengthen oneself from the foundation, who doesn't want such a good thing?

It’s just that the ticket to the Elemental Challenge-Elemental Fountain, will be relatively rare.

But the problem is not big.

Because the elemental challenge is not like the Necromancer Tower, at most two people can team up to challenge.

In fact, as long as the Fountain of Elements is sufficient, even if a whole Guild enters the elemental challenge, it is no problem.

And, every player who enters the elemental challenge will make a comprehensive judgment based on the output situation, the treatment situation, and the injury situation after the challenge is over.

Finally, the rewards for each challenger are settled.

In other words, elemental crystallization is actually easier to obtain than the points of the Necromancer Tower.

It’s just that the Fountain of Elements is really not easy to get.

And this, those players who rushed to the Oasis of the Elemental Spirit in a hurry, deeply felt it.


With the accumulation of free time in the past few months, the players who have reached the 8th 15th level in The New World Mode are not too few.

Almost everyday all soak in the tower of Necromancer and climb the tower.

So once the new big map was opened, these guys rushed to the border of the mechanical cow forest to confirm.

Compared to this piece of smoke-filled, war-torn, technological wasteland.

The Oasis of the Spirit of the Elements feels more comfortable when you hear its name.

There is an oasis on one side and wasteland on the other. How to choose?

Needless to say.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2165: New Map Open)...

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