So the biggest pleasure of staying on Long Island is actually watching the scenery or sleeping.

Compared to the stores of Qi Store Manager, it's too far behind.

Thinking of this, Lan Qi began to admire the Bright Dragon King inexplicably.

Being able to be so patient and tireless, staying in such a boring place year after year, without even having to move a place, sleep for several decades.

Anyway, I am eating Sea Beast and I am absorbing Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi. I am almost desperate.

"Alright, Dragon Island is not your last destination, but..."

The Bright Dragon King ordered nodded and wanted to say something more.

But Ranch was quickly interrupted, and the interface said: "I know what you want to say, the Dragon King of Light, after I have negotiated with Human Race, I will come back and bring Dragon Race Those Little Brat took it out."

"We have been squandering on Long Island for so many years, and we can’t let them go to waste on Long Island."

Speaking of this, Ranchi was also embarrassed.

"But before that, I hope you can teach them the correct attitude towards life during this period of time."

"Our Dragon Race is indeed very strong, but supercilious Can't."

After a short pause, Ranchi continued.

Although the arrogance of giant dragons is innate, but arrogance does not mean looking down on other races.

In fact, this mentality is more like a feeling of "if others didn't offend me, i will not offend others; if others didn't offend me, cut weeds and eliminate the roots".

Because true powerhouse simply doesn’t care about the movements of a group of ants.

So let alone contempt or hostility.

This is a complete ignorance.

After all, does one care about what a colony of ants wants to do?

But when you encounter someone who is equal to your own status, or who is not far from the strength, the so-called arrogance should be put away.

This is not a sign of weakness, but the rationality that a normal creature should have.

And now, the overall strength of Donghuang Human Race is not weaker than Dragon Race.

So when Dragon Race faces Human Race, it doesn't have any arrogant qualifications.

Otherwise, when Lanqi takes these little-seen giant dragons to the store of Qi Store Manager, I am afraid that they will be kicked out soon.

That's really embarrassing.

Although it is not losing Ranqi's face, it is losing the face of the entire Dragon Race.

"I know, I will teach them, besides..."

The bright dragon king nodded agreed, and then planned to say something else.

The result was interrupted by Ranchi again.

"In addition, I will deal with the matter of the Ocean Dragon Emperor. This kind of thing that is enough to endanger the entire Eastern Wilderness and the northern mountain range can never happen!"

Ranqi seems to Knowing what the Bright Dragon King wanted to say, he spoke first.

It made the Guangming Dragon Emperor dry his mouth and didn't know what to say for a long time.

"Since you know everything in your heart, then I won't say more."

After a long silence, the Bright Dragon Emperor spoke in embarrassment.

The four dragon kings are all giant dragons of the same generation, and there is nothing offensive or offensive to this kind of talk. The Bright Dragon King is used to it.

In fact, Lanqi knew everything he could do, but the Bright Dragon King was a little more relaxed.

After all, the Bright Dragon Emperor cannot leave Dragon Island, so Ranchi can only do things outside of Dragon Island.

"It seems that asking you to take away the token of the Holy King was indeed the most correct decision I made."

At this point, the face of the Guangming Dragon Emperor is also full. It is with emotion.

In the eyes of other giant dragons, the Saint King token was stolen by the Dragon Emperor Ranqi.

But the real situation is often unexpected.

It's just this kind of thing, impossible to publicize.

In the entire Dragon Race, the only ones who know about this are Ranchi and the Bright Dragon King.

But those who know about this now might have to add Shanna.

"Who can say for this kind of thing."

Lanqi was shrugged, and didn't say too much.

"But, clansman, I brought it back to you, and I have said what I should say, so now I should also go."

"When the time is right, I will come back again."

After that, the black cloak behind Ranchi rises, once again turning into a giant dragon with a huge dragon body.

Then the wings vibrated and rose into the sky.

"I look forward to our next meeting again, Lord Bright Dragon Emperor."

Shana bowed slightly, and then she shook her figure and came to Ranqi's back.

Leaving the Bright Dragon Emperor staying on Dragon Island, looking at the back of Ranqi and Shana leaving, a rare smile appeared.

"Lanci, you are the creator of the future of Dragon Race."


Let’s go back to the Eastern Wilderness.

Cloudmist City, Qi Le's shop.

After returning to the shop from Ruins of Dragon, Qi Le, who had rested for most of the day, suddenly sat up in the middle of the night.

"Sleep, sleep full..."

As a very normal Human Race, Qi Le does not have the giant dragon's ability to sleep for several years.

This long rest of the day is enough for Qi Le to recover his spirit.

As for body injuries, the speed of healing may be faster than the recovery speed of spirit strength.

"Hey, this quilt covering me... should be Xi'er brought it."

From the Qi Le who came back to his senses, I also saw the quilt that fell on the sofa as he sat up.

Look at the tone of this girl's heart, Yue Xi'er should have taken it out of her own bedroom.

Fortunately, the blood stains on Qi Le's body have dried up, otherwise the quilt will have to be washed again.

"The blood on this body is so uncomfortable even after it dries, so let's take a shower first."

Qi Le didn't think about that many things that he didn't do during the day. , Even in the evening, it still has to be finished.

As for the quilt on the sofa, let Yue Xi'er take it back after dawn.

The blood stains on Dragon Bone Armor and the traces left in the battle, don't care about it, as long as you receive it in the system space, it will be repaired soon.

But Qi Le doesn't have the function of automatic dust removal, so he can only take a bath obediently and honestly.

However, when Qi Le was lying in the bathtub with his eyes closed and enjoying the beautiful moment of relaxation, the sound of system suddenly rang in his mind.

system: "Host, this system has a good news, do you want to hear it?"

"Do you have another good news?"

Soak in When Qi Le in the warm water heard these words, he didn't even plan to open his eyes.

The good news from the system is not one or two times, but it is not a few times that can bring surprises.

So Qi Le has long become extremely calm.

Wait when it is worth the surprise, and then pretend to be a surprise to respond to the scene.

"You can tell me what you want to say first. As for the good news, it is better to let me decide."

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