"I mean it!"

Qi Le didn't want to say anything.

His body flickered, as if he had crossed the barrier of space, and instantly appeared in front of the Ocean Dragon King.

The arm armor formed by the Thousand Chance Ball transforms into an angry voice of gold and iron.

Punched out is to do your best.

At this moment, no need to show mercy.

The sooner this battle ends, the better.

Long Sheng also did not evade, directly shot, and Qi Le fight together.

The huge dragon body, thousands of meters long, looks clumsy, but in fact it is quite fast.

The two fought together, and the sky was full of afterimages, as if one big and one small two black lights were colliding with each other.

Shocked the void and turbulence, the space collapsed and shattered, and bursts of thunder continued to sound, deafening.

The violent breath escaped, forming a circle of shock waves, moving towards all directions and spreading away.

It's just the aftermath, which can make Heroic Rank realm's cultivator dare not approach.

Even the giant dragon's tyrannical physique cannot withstand such a terrifying impact.

In the battle between powerhouse-level Supreme Peaks, no one else can simply intervene.

Those who lack cultivation realm may not even be able to bear the aftermath.

The void collapsed and the earth shattered.

The scene of shaking and earthly shaking, and even the battle on the frontal battlefield between Human Race and Dragon Race was stalled for a while.

There is no other reason, it is because the battle scene between Qi Le and Long Sheng was too shocking.

It is no exaggeration to say that these two guys can completely pierce the sky.

"Is this the true strength of Qi Store Manager? It's really stronger than I thought."

Lan Qi took the time to glance at the battle scene between the two, and immediately couldn't bear it. She exclaimed.

The shocking feelings in other people's hearts also exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

The first time that Qi Store Manager fully demonstrated its strength, it perfectly explained what it means to be tyrannical and unmatched.

The giant dragons who followed the Ocean Dragon King to Ruins of Dragon were equally shocked.

"Among the Human Race, there is a mighty existence that can rival the Ocean Dragon King!"

The four dragon kings are the most powerful existence among the Dragon Race.

Only the giant dragon saint king can rank above the dragon king.

However, at this moment, in the Human Race that they look down upon, there is an existence that can compete with the Ocean Dragon King.

This also makes these giant dragons realize one thing-is their understanding of Human Race wrong?

Actually, thousands of years of recuperation have come back to life.

Even though the lifespan of giant dragons is inherently long, few giant dragons can survive to the present when they can retreat from Dragon Race to Dragon Island.

So for the impression of Human Race, these giant dragons are not seen in person.

Just hearsay.

Therefore, in this brief moment, they doubted their own perceptions.

Maybe Human Race is not as weak as they heard.

Maybe the battle of the year was not about the crafty plots and machinations used by Human Race, it scammed Dragon Race...

If it was really a grudge from the past, then it ruined Dragon Race. Both Prince and Brilliant Empire Princess are wrong!


But at this moment, a loud noise resounded like a thunder through the sky.

Qi Le, who blasted out this fist, stood in the void with wounds all over his body.

The clothes and armor on her body have long been damaged, and the large and small wounds are constantly oozing blood.

Qi Le's miserable appearance is definitely the first time for all customers in the store to see.

So many wounds.

Although there were no fatal injuries, it was enough to illustrate the difficulty of this battle.

However, at the other end of the sky, the Ocean Dragon King, who was shaken back by Qi Le's punch, looked even more miserable.

The scars all over the body, the blood flowing freely outwards, almost dyed the deep blue dragon scales of the Ocean Dragon Emperor into crimson.

Broken scales, deep bone wounds, and flesh and blood rolled outwards all explain one thing-in the battle just now, the Ocean Dragon King was at a disadvantage.

It can even be said to be beaten by Qi Le.

Otherwise, this situation is absolutely impossible.

"Ocean Dragon King, you are indeed the strongest enemy I have encountered so far."

Qi Le wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his fingers, and slowly said Speaking of.

Although I have met the God of Forging before, Qi Le has never played against enemies of that level, so it can't be counted.

So the Ocean Dragon King is indeed the strongest one Qi Le has faced so far.

The powerhouse-level peak realm is already the peak powerhouse.

King Conferment Level... That is a distant realm.

Want to condense the highest throne, easier said than done.


Long Sheng gasped, did not answer Qi Le's words, just stared at him sullenly.

Qi Le didn’t make Long Sheng wait too much. He just paused for a while and continued to speak, "But, it’s not enough."

"You are not my opponent, either. It's impossible!"

Qi Le's calm voice seemed to be stating a fact.

Of course, it is indeed true.

"So, this battle is over, you will also pay for those clansman who died in the battle."

"Whether it is your clansman or my clansman. " finished every sentence, to take the step forward Qi Le looked towards.

When the last syllable fell, Qi Le had already appeared in front of the Ocean Dragon King.

The cold eyes looked directly at the vertical eyes of the Ocean Dragon Emperor.

However, Long Sheng looked at Qi Le without showing any weakness, and the vertical pupils were even more fierce.

But at this moment, the rumbling sound of a tsunami slapped on the ground suddenly came from a distance.

Looking out from above the sky, one can clearly see the huge waves rising above the sky, roaring ferociously.

This makes Qi Le's brows slightly frowned.

" What I am waiting for is here."

"Human Race, don't be too happy!"

Long Sheng's eyes, but A touch of joy emerged.

This made Qi Le feel a little uneasy, and immediately raised his fists, trying to stop the next move of the Ocean Dragon King.

But Long Sheng, who had planned a long time ago, how could Qi Le do what he wanted.

The huge dragon body instantly escaped tens of thousands of meters away and appeared above the tsunami.

The surging tide is so majestic. Under Long Sheng’s intentional drive, it turned into a water curtain covering the sky and the sun, shrouded in the sky, covering the whole Skyrim.

"Ice-sealed ten thousand li!"

Then in the next instant, the water curtain covering the sky and sun was all frozen.

Looking up, it looks like a piece of land formed by ice crystals, covering the entire sky and casting endless darkness on the ground.


While seeing this scene, Qi Le has even guessed what the Ocean Dragon King wants to do.

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