Since Yutian Formation is used to resist the tsunami, then the giant dragon in the sky should be stopped by Ranchi, who is the dragon king.

Shanna also took out her exclusive weapon, the Star Fragmentation longbow, looking for an angle of attack.

With Shanna's current level of strength, those enemies who are less than the realm of the powerhouse class, the Star Fragmentation longbow can completely kill one arrow.

Even if the target is defensive power amazing giant dragon is no exception.

Star Fragmentation Longbow comes with armor-piercing power, which can penetrate the scales of giant dragons with no difficulty.

"Dragon King, you finally can't help but take action ."

"Traitors are traitors, and they will face their own clansman swords!"

Lan Qi's actions made Long Sheng instantly occupy the commanding heights of justice.

The giant dragon hovering in the sky glared at Lan Qi under Long Sheng’s few words of "poke".

"Ocean Dragon King, I just want to prevent a big battle."

"Human Race and Dragon Race have been in peace for a long time. They both rest and regenerate clansman, not for the sake of Prepared at this moment."

"It’s you, but you have to put Dragon Race on the opposite side of Human Race. What do you want to do?"

However, Lan Qi also not To be trifled with, he quickly responded to Long Sheng's question.

Neither Human Race nor Dragon Race is a bloodthirsty and combative race.

The two major races have been recuperating for so long, is it because of the current race war?

Isn’t it good to keep peace like this?

" Human Race and Dragon Race, can coexist!" "Why do we want to make a non-bitter? Do we really tolerate it no less than the Human Race?"

Lanqi continued to talk while the iron was hot.

The number of clansman in Dragon Race is full of calculations. In fact, it is just a matter of looking at the number of clansman.

For Human Race, it is only a fairly small number. Even if you live together, there will be no big obstacles.

However, the will of the Ocean Dragon King is not so easy to change.

"Weak race, not worthy to coexist with Dragon Race!"

"Dragon King, you don't need to say more."

"This one The battle is a battle to maintain the dignity of Dragon Race, and it is also a battle to wash away the humiliation of Dragon Race!"

"Clansman, don’t hesitate to attack!"

No Long Sheng Let Ranchi's remarks come to shake the clansman's thoughts that follow him.

So simply quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, without giving Ranch a chance to continue to refute him, directly started this battle.


The roar of giant dragons, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

As if responding to the will of the Ocean Dragon King, with a high fighting intent.

If these giant dragons, even if only a small part of them, cross the line of defense of Yutian Formation.

All the Human Race city-states in the Eastern Wilderness can be disturbed.

Those Human Race city-states that do not have a Heroic Rank powerhouse are simply not able to fight back in front of the giant dragon.

The residents of the city-state can only watch the city-state being destroyed, and even have to bury the city-state.

This is the difference in race.

The level of individual strength between Human Race and Dragon Race is still too far apart.

And in the Dragon Race thousands of years of keeping a low profile, in the Dragon Race clansman, there are several giant dragons that have been promoted to powerhouse realm, mixed in these hundreds of giant dragons.

At this moment Dragon's Prestige broke out, it can be described as shaking the world.

Even though it is far from the battle strength of Lanqi.

But the giant dragon of the powerhouse realm is absolutely capable of overwhelming any Heroic Rank realm opponent.

In case one of the giant dragons of the powerhouse realm starts to wreak havoc in the Eastern Famine, it will not take a few days at all, and the entire Human Race will become half-destroyed.

And this is still something that cannot be prevented.

Because in the current Eastern Wilderness, Human Race, there is simply no powerhouse-class powerhouse.

"I will use facts to prove it to you, how big is the gap between Human Race and Dragon Race!"

Long Sheng held his head up and looked down at the table below. people.

The giant dragons following the Ocean Dragon Emperor also flap their wings and are ready to attack.

As long as the defense line of Yutian Formation is breached, they can act wilfully in the Eastern Desolation.

But at this moment, Qi Le sighed abruptly, and then said aloud: "I didn't want things to develop into this way, but now there is really no way."

"Since the battle between Human Race and Dragon Race is inevitable, there is no need to avoid it."

"Ocean Dragon King, Dragon Race is indeed a powerful race, but you really think , Is there no one to fight in Human Race?"

Qi Le asked, as if a thunder suddenly exploded.

The loud voice resounded through this world instantly.

"Our Human Race loves peace, but it does not mean that our Human Race is weak to be bullied!"

"Since you Dragon Race want to fight, then the Ocean Dragon King, our Human Race is also willing Stay with you to the end!"

Qi Le's words were like the sound of a trumpet for a battle.

The blood is surging, the fighting intent is high.

At the same time, a voice that seemed to be responding to Qi Le's declaration of war also came from above the Ruins of Dragon.

"Qi Store Manager, you opened Space Gate in the sky, isn't it a bit too good?"

This voice looked a little old, but it was full of breath.

Then, one silhouette walked out slowly from the Space Gate left by Qi Le.

He is the dean of Brilliance Academy, a half-step powerhouse realm Great Magician——Gu Pingchuan.

Dragon Race wants to go to war with Human Race, such a big thing, Gu Pingchuan are certainly qualified and have the right to know.

Because this is a great war that may affect the entire Eastern Famine.

As the Peak powerhouse and Gu Pingchuan in the Human Race in the Eastern Desolation, they are also obliged to participate in this battle.

Human Race usually, although I like to fight with my own people.

But during the race battle, the powerhouse in Human Race will never escape.

Because this is their responsibility on their shoulders.

If the race does not exist, even if they are strong, what is the point?

"Qi Store Manager, we are old and can't stand such a toss."

"I said the old man, you are indeed an old man, I can I’m still young, don’t include me.”

And immediately after Gu Pingchuan is the dean of the other two academies among the three major academies.

Precipice Academy-Ren Gongxiu.

Mother Earth Academy-Ban Zheng.

Thanks to the cultivation in the store, Ren Gongxiu and Ban Zheng also came to the same cultivation realm as Gu Pingchuan.

Only the last step is to truly step into the powerhouse realm.

However, this last step is the most difficult.

And the lack of powerhouse-level trial crystals, I don’t know where it came from.

But such a small problem does not stop them from fighting for the Protector clan.

If you survive the war, then go to Ranqi to buy a powerhouse-level trial crystal.

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