"Come on, let me see, the Ocean Dragon King is true strength."

Qi Le said while holding the Thousand Machine Ball in his hands, re-condensing Formed a pair of gloves with arm armor.

This is also one of the weapons that can best display all combat skills and battle awareness.

When faced with enemies of the size of the Ocean Dragon King, sufficient agility is the best way to deal with it.

Of course, this is only for Qi Le.

If it is a general cultivator, the suggestion is to stay as far away as possible.

"Then you are ready to meet my anger!"

Long Sheng issued an angry roar.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature began to drop continuously, but within a few breaths, you can see that the surrounding air has begun to condense tiny ice crystals.

These ice crystals are definitely not due to the condensation of ice elements.

It is because the temperature has dropped to an extreme point, so that the water vapor in the air is condensed.

Pieces of snowflakes also began to fall from the sky, and there is a growing trend.

This is the power of the powerhouse Supreme Peak.

With the strength of oneself, it can affect the entire Heaven and Earth and directly change the surrounding environment.

The extremely severe cold is exactly the terrifying low temperature of dripping water into ice. Even with a breath, a lot of ice slag can be condensed.

And the ice element mixed in it, raging everywhere, makes the environment here extremely dangerous.

In the face of this low temperature, even Qi Le had to allocate a part of his strength to resist it.

Otherwise, the ice element in it will definitely affect the action.

"Obviously he is the Dragon King of the Ocean, but he has such a powerful strength control over the ice element. It is really surprising."

Under the terrifying cold, Qi Le feels like himself The body was a little stiff from the cold.

Shouldn’t the ability of the Ocean Dragon King be Water Element?

Why is it the ice element?

However, Qi Le has no time to explore this issue, at least for the moment.

Under such terrifying cold, even Ranchi, who is far away from the center of the battlefield, is also condense shielded, enveloping herself and Shanna.

The giant dragons who came with the Ocean Dragon Emperor also backed back at this time, almost unable to see their silhouettes.

Looking around, the coverage of the severe cold has already exceeded ten thousand li, and almost the entire Ruins of Dragon is enveloped in it.

What is this concept?

You know, Ruins of Dragon was where Human Race and Dragon Race fought.

is the ruins left after the entire Brilliant Empire was destroyed by the war.

This is the territory of an entire empire!

Not a city-state!

The giant dragon of the powerhouse-level peak realm is truly incomparable, and in one's anger, it can freeze an entire empire's domain.

The Extreme Cold brought by the snow in the sky, and the Heaven and Earth luck mixed in it, can almost wipe out the vitality of all living things.

It can be said that if the Ocean Dragon King wants to destroy an empire, it is simply a matter with no difficulty.

And among the snow falling all over the sky, the only thing that is not affected.

Probably there is only the dragon soul fire that is still burning with blazing flames.

The power of thousands of dragon souls is gathered, and the fire of the dragon soul that has gone through tribulation thunder baptism can not be frozen by a simple ice element.

"Come on, clansman of Human Race, get ready to meet my anger!"

"Ice roar!"

Long Sheng spit out from his mouth With a breath of cold, both wings flicked, and a storm violently stirred up.

Then in the next second, a roar resounding through Heaven and Earth suddenly burst out.


In an instant, the sound of the surrounding blizzard disappeared, and all kinds of shouts disappeared, even the sound of my own breathing, the sound of heartbeat In this brief moment, it seems to have stopped.

It seems that in this world, there is only this roar.

"boom~ boom~ ——!"

Condensed into a substantial sound wave, mixed with the majestic Heaven and Earth air luck, moved towards Qi Le struck quickly .

It seems to have crossed the limitation of space, and instantly appeared in front of Qi Le, bursting out terrifying power.

The surrounding space was shattered, ice crystals condensed from ice elements turned into powder, and the ground was crushed into powder.

The violent power seems to be able to destroy all obstacles.

"It's really an incredible force."

This is almost a blow from the Ocean Dragon Emperor with all his strength, which makes Qi Le's expression serious.

Although this seems to be just a roar from a giant dragon.

But in this terrifying roar, there are unmatched Heaven and Earth luck, the Dragon's breath of Extreme Cold, and the ocean dragon king's perception of elemental power of ice.

The power of fuse together, the burst of formidable power, is simply an increase in geometric nature.

The destructive power is so strong that it can be called destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

What's more terrifying is that this kind of coverage hiding the sky and covering the earth's attack, simply can't dodge, after being locked by Heaven and Earth's luck, it can only be hard-wired.

"You like to score the victory or defeat with one blow, but I don't like wasting time!"

"Then compare and see who has the better attack!"

Qi Le took a deep breath, but his face showed a high fighting intent.

The vastness of Heaven and Earth's air luck, also began to move towards one's own fists.

The coercion and strength, even if they have not taken a shot, have already pressed the surrounding space to deform and twist, and the void began to appear cracks.

"Dragon Bone Armor, appear!"

Under angry roar, a faintly discernible ancestor dragon phantom suddenly appeared behind Qi Le.

It is a dragon whose appearance is completely different from that of a giant dragon. Even if its body is curled and entangled, it looks like a huge mountain.

If the dragon body is completely straight, it might be ten thousand meters long, which is terrifying.

Once this ancestor dragon phantom appeared, even if it was the Ocean Dragon King, his pupils shrank slightly, and his face showed a trace of amazement.

Keeping an eye on Ranchi and Shana on the battlefield, the expressions are even more exciting.

"What kind of creature is that illusory shadow?"

"Is it an ancient Variation Beast?"

Ancestral Dragon, whether it is in the east Wasteland or the northern mountain range are creatures that have never existed before.

Suddenly appearing at this moment, it is beyond the huge size of the giant dragon, even if it is just an illusory shadow, it is shocking enough.

Ten thousand meters long, what a terrifying body shape that is.

Across the sky, it is almost impossible to see the end.

Only Qi Le knows that his Dragon Bone Armor is forged from the bones of Ancestral Dragon.

The ancestor of summon dragon phantom, to help fight, can be regarded as the strongest means.

The defensive power of Ancestral Dragon is amazing.

Even if the Ocean Dragon King’s attack is accepted, it’s nothing difficult.

And this is also one of Qi Le's hole cards.

is one of the methods Qi Le can use only after being promoted to the supreme powerhouse realm.

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