The blood is thicker than water’s family affection, so even if Lan Qi and Shana have not met Lan Qing'er or Lan Zi'er in more than ten years, they are not at all unfamiliar. sense.

Once you start talking, it's really talkative.

All the thoughts accumulated over the past ten years have burst out today.

The customers who were still onlookers, although they were still discussing spiritedly, they also left wisely.

It is one thing to offend, but it is also a very important skill to observe your words and colors.

And in Qi Le's store, there are almost no ignorant customers.

Because of the ignorant guys, all disappeared...

And you don’t need Qi Le to do it. Just the old customers in the store are enough for the ignorant guys. Drink a pot.

This is also the biggest reason why these sand sculpture customers are so happy.

Since they are all the same type, there is no need to quarrel.

Is there anything we can sit down and have a chat.

For example, I sacrificed on the spot that you have been single for the rest of your life. Bless me once I get into the soul and get out of the SSR pet card!

So the next thing is a big chaos......


The atmosphere of the large-scale confession scene is still quite good.

Two or three days have passed, and customers in the store can still talk about it.

After all, it is also a famous scene.

In a family of four, three of them are powerhouse-level powerhouses. Who can stand this?

Except for the customers who have witnessed it in the Qi Le store, these words will be heard as stories.

Make up stories, as if someone would not.

So that this story spreads more and more widely, and they are shocked that Gu Pingchuan also came to the store deliberately, ready to see the protagonists of this story, to see if they can make friends.

Although they are already familiar with Lan Zi'er.

But Ranchi and Shana, it is indeed the first time to show up, they must make friends.

Of course, the most important reason is that Gu Pingchuan heard that Lanqi has powerhouse-level trial crystals in his hands.

That's why I wondered if I could find a way to buy one.

No matter what the price is paid, I will not hesitate.

Because as long as you can be promoted to the powerhouse realm, no matter what the price is, it is worth it.

Fortunately, Lan Qi is also influenced a lot in Qi Le, and his temper has improved a lot.

So after some friendly negotiations with Gu Pingchuan, Lan Qi also agreed to Gu Pingchuan, if there is an opportunity, help him get a powerhouse-level trial crystal.

But the exact time depends on fate.

After all, Variation Beast of the powerhouse realm is very alert, and will not come out after being caught. It is really hard to find.

However, these all are details. The real major event is the Ruins of Dragon.

The three days that Lanqi expected had passed.

The thunderclouds above Ruins of Dragon have also gathered to a point where they are clearly visible from Cloudmist City.

In the dark thundercloud, the thunder rolls and flashes of lightning, which is terrifying.

However, between the electric light and the thunder, the glow that shines down has a sense of holiness.

The combination of these two should have been a very strange scene.

But when I look at it now, it's very harmonious.

"hong long long ——!"

The suppressed thunder sound seems to have crossed the space, spreading to all directions, the sound is so dull that everyone who hears it will feel it My chest feels tight.

It's like a big drum beating in the heart, and the peng peng is beating.

"Is this the beginning."

Qi Le stood still above Cloudmist City, looking at the thunder cloud that thundered endlessly, and slowly muttered to himself.

"Yes, when the tribulation thunder falls, it is when the fire of the dragon soul takes shape."

"The tribulation thunder of the most Firm most Yang, will wash away the dragon soul Yin Qi in the middle of the world gathers the fire of the dragon soul, so that the fire of the dragon soul can help the unconscious dragon soul to reincarnate from death."

I don’t know when, Lan Qi also came to Qi Le. By his side, he said like an explanation.

But Qi Le is not interested in the principle of dragon soul fire formation.

No, to be more precise, Qi Le is not interested in the Dragon Soul Fire itself, he is just to prevent Dragon Race from attacking the Eastern Desolation.

If anyone is really interested in this principle, then maybe system is easier to learn than Qi Le.

"Then let's go over now and try to get the dragon soul fire immediately."

Qi Le said, a Space Gate also appeared in front of him.

And for the Space Gate this time, Qi Le also deliberately used Heaven and Earth luck to maintain the form, which can last for about half a day without dissipating.

It is convenient to leave Ruins of Dragon soon after getting the Dragon Soul Fire.

lest when the time comes to fight, but also distracted to open Space Gate.

Of course, if the giant dragons of Dragon Race are willing to come to Cloudmist City, then Qi Le will not be stingy with his own power.

Ruins of Dragon is just a ruin, no matter how it is destroyed, it will not change into a flower.

But Cloudmist City is different.

Such a great city-state cannot be ruined like this.

"Let's go, just to see the grandeur of the dragon soul fire."

Lan Qi has no objection.

Shanna followed nodded and did not speak.

In three days, Ruins of Dragon will not change anything, what it should look like is still what it looks like.

The only difference is probably that the thunderclouds in the sky have become more terrifying.

And the sunlight shining down from the sky is more pure.

"en? The thing on the ground is..."

After Qi Le moved his gaze from the thundercloud in the sky, he suddenly found the ground above Ruins of Dragon , There is a clear magic array.

The above formation mark looks messy, but it looks very mysterious.

And on each key node of this magic array, there is a glow of sunlight shining down, as if connected to a thundercloud.

Looking at it as a whole, it turns out to be extremely coordinated

"Qi Store Manager, this is the array of dragon soul fire monsters buried deep under the Ruins of Dragon."

"When the power of a large number of dragon souls converge to the extreme, it will derive a glow, summon thunderclouds, and use the magic array as a catalyst to wash away Yin Qi and all the consciousness in those dragon souls."

Lan Qi explained.

The essence of dragon soul fire is the product of pure dragon soul power condensed to the extreme.

All impurities will be washed away by the tribulation thunder, and then you will be reincarnated from death.

The price that Dragon Race needs to pay for each dragon soul fire is too great.

That's why the Dragon Soul Fire Demon array is so rare.

"It's about to start soon, let’s get out of the scope of the Dragon Soul Fire Demon array with Store Manager."

Lan Qi suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The thunder in the thundercloud rolled over, and the roaring sound was even more deafening.

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