With the power of the dragon soul fire, even if you want to resurrect a giant dragon of a powerhouse-level realm, it is easy.

Even if it is a giant dragon of a powerhouse-level peak realm, as long as the dragon soul survives.

Then after fusion with the dragon soul fire, the dragon body can also regenerate and turn death into life!

This is the real meaning of one more life.

Unless it is destroy both body and soul, the soul flew away and scattered.

Otherwise, life and death can be reversed.

Such a Supreme Treasure, how can Dragon Race give it a hand?


"The breath of dragon soul fire!"

"Why does the condense come at this time? Why is it later than the recorded time It's been so many years?"

A deep voice came from the sea outside Long Island.

A giant dragon with deep blue scales protruded from under the sea and looked in the direction of Ruins of Dragon.

The sea surface that was originally calm as a mirror suddenly surged with ten thousand zhang waves.

It is like a throne made of sea water, which lifts this giant dragon out of the sea, looking down from the ten thousand zhang high.

Until this moment, this giant dragon showed all its dragon body.

Even if the wings are folded now, it looks like a mountain range.

The high-spirited dragon head is stunned, and with a flick of the dragon tail, it can roll up the sky and the huge waves, and it is unbeatable.

Looking around, there is a dragon body that is thousands of meters long, which proves the strength of this giant dragon, which is amazing!

This is the last dragon king who has been hidden in the sea-the ocean dragon king!

Long Sheng!

"But it doesn't matter anymore."

"Since the dragon soul fire has been condensed successfully, the agreement between my Dragon Race and Human Race is over."

"Dragon Race should not be trapped in the Dragon Island, it should stand on top of the ten thousand races!"

Long Sheng slowly spit out one mouthful of impure air from his mouth.

At this moment, the overwhelming wave that came from hiding the sky and covering the earth seemed to be frozen and stopped at the same place.

Then in the next second, a little bit of deep blue emerged above the huge waves.

In an instant, the ten thousand zhang huge waves and the ten thousand li sea surface were all covered by ice.

This is the power of the Ocean Dragon King, and the ice-covered ten thousand li is just a matter of thought.

"Long Sheng, you have shown up after all."

On the Dragon Island, the Bright Dragon Emperor also awakened from his sleep and looked towards the frozen sea.

At the top of the ice-covered ten thousand zhang huge wave, standing a deep blue sea-like scales, a proud giant dragon, looking down at Long Island.

"The fire of the dragon soul is here, it is when my Dragon Race sets off."

"Dragon Island can't hold the Dragon Race, trifling Human Race, even more impossible to constrain the Dragon Race !"

Long Sheng looked towards the Bright Dragon Emperor and said in a cold voice.

Although the agreement between Dragon Race and Human Race was set by the ancestors of Dragon Race.

But in order to show respect for the ancestors, Long Sheng will not violate this agreement, but stay in the sea all the time.

Until today, the dragon soul fire is about to condense and take shape.

Back then, Brilliant Empire and Dragon Race went to war, and then all the powers of Human Race and Dragon Race were involved.

Finally the Brilliant Empire disappeared, leaving only the ruins of what is now called the Ruins of Dragon.

The ancestors of Dragon Race also made a vow that if the fire of the dragon soul is not born, then Dragon Race will not reappear.

Because of this, Dragon Race stayed on Dragon Island for thousands of years and never went out.

Except for the defector, the Dragon Emperor Ranqi.

So now, it's already not far before the fire of the dragon soul is born, and it's time for Dragon Race to leave Dragon Island.

Donghuang should also belong to Dragon Race!

Race hatred, coupled with the grievances accumulated for thousands of years, is not so easy to eliminate.

First obtain the fire of the dragon soul, and then destroy the entire Human Race of the Eastern Wilderness!

This is what Long Sheng wants to do.

"Long Sheng, do you...want to destroy the Human Race?"

The Bright Dragon King knew what Long Sheng wanted to do at a glance.

Among the current four dragon kings in Dragon Race, the one who has the most grievances against Human Race is undoubtedly the Ocean Dragon King.

Long Sheng's fact that he was trapped in Long Island and couldn't leave, all boiled down to Human Race.

This kind of deep-rooted thought cannot be reversed in a short time.

So, if Dragon Race can leave Dragon Island.

Then, to shoot Human Race is something that the Ocean Dragon King will definitely do.

"Yes, the bright dragon king, Dragon Race should stand on the top of all races, this kind of small thing, if you do it, you will do it."

Long Sheng stands proudly on ten. Thousand zhang Above the huge waves, he looked up and said aloud.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

"I advise you, Long Sheng, don't think about doing such a stupid thing."

"What happened back then was not as simple as you imagined. Retreat to Long Island. Yes. Dragon Race is voluntary."

The Bright Dragon Emperor browses tightly frowns, said angrily.

This tone seems to be persuading and warning.

"hmph, what happened back then has nothing to do with me!"

"I just want to lead the Dragon Race and return to the top of the ten thousand races!"

Long Sheng sneered, not caring about the anger of the Bright Dragon King, but spread out his wings and suddenly vibrated.

A gust of wind swept across immediately, roaring the ten thousand zhang huge waves that had been frozen at the feet of the ocean dragon emperor, and the ten thousand li sea surface, all shattered.

The huge ice "hong long long" fell from the sky, making a huge noise.

"Dragon Race clansman, wake up!"

"The time to leave Dragon Island has arrived!"

"Dragon Race used to We are going to get back the lost things now! All clansman who want to let Dragon Race regain that glory, stand up for me and follow me!"

"Go to the East Desolation!"

A huge roar, mixed with Dragon's Prestige, echoed across the dragon island.

Long Sheng will not pay attention to the Bright Dragon Emperor, he will only bring his followers, and then kill him in the Eastern Desolation.

You know, there are many clansman in Dragon Race who are full of resentment towards Human Race.

At this moment, Long Sheng made a call from the heights, and it must be a hundred responses.


"Follow the Ocean Dragon Emperor and go to the Eastern Wilderness!"

Countless giant dragons respond with deafening roars The sound, then fluttered its wings, whizzed up from Longdao, and came into the sky.

The huge dragon body obscures the sky and casts a huge shadow on the sea, which stretches for more than a thousand miles.

Then he followed behind the Ocean Dragon Emperor and galloped towards the East Wilderness.

In a moment, he disappeared before the eyes of the Bright Dragon Emperor.

"After all, something like this happened."

"Dragon Race's grievances against Human Race must not be resolved...Lanci, I want to know, at this time, you will How to do it."

The Bright Dragon King watched the Dragon Race clansman drifting away until the silhouette disappeared, as if he had already expected it.

There was only a sigh, but there was no movement.

Then he looked back at Long Island.

The Dragon Race clansman, which can still stay on Dragon Island, is not the third one in the past.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2131: Climbing a high call)...

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