The inheritance scene of the rank inheritance scroll is commonplace for customers in the store.

even more how The inheritance scene of this night spirit rank inheritance scroll is much smaller than that of the dragon envoy rank inheritance scroll.

Not surprising at all.

So after seeing Lan Qing'er got the recognition of the spirit of the night illusory shadow, he spontaneously dispersed.

It’s just that what should be envious is still envy, and what should be jealous is still jealous.

So after arguing a few words with each other, there are not a few people who rushed to fight outside the store.

Of course, most of these people just talk about it. If they really want to fight, they just make two gestures.

After all, the stores of Qi Store Manager are coming every day, so you can see it when you look up.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if you played something good or bad.

"Qing'er, how are you feeling now?"

Lan Ye saw Lan Qing'er reach out and grabbed the Bow of the Hunting Shadow, and quickly walked forward. Asked with concern.

Although the inheritance process of the rank inheritance scroll is such a procedure.

But there are still many things to worry about.

"I feel very good now. The rank of Night Spirit is very suitable for me."

Lan Qing'er gently held the Shadow Hunting Bow and answered quietly .

Immediately afterwards, the Shadow Hunting Bow also turned into a black mist, followed Lan Qing'er's arm and merged into her body, leaving only a lightness on her wrist. Pattern.

"Just suitable."

"Qi Store Manager, what is the price of the inheritance scroll of the Night Spirit?"

Lan Ye looked up and down Lan Qing'er, only shallow nodded with a smile said.

But the latter sentence is obviously for Qi Le.

"The price of the Inheritance Scroll of the Spirit of the Night is...huh? Why is there still movement?"

Qi Le just wanted to answer, but suddenly realized that it was placed aside The Nether Dagger also showed a slight abnormal reaction.

Obviously, I have found a qualified person with a good soul fit.

"No way, can the people of the heavenly choose really come together?"

Although things are gathered together, people are divided into groups, which is true.

But there is no such good situation.

"Hey... these two daggers, are they calling me?"

You Jiu, who has been staying by the side, has a thin sense of existence, suddenly said.

She is the only assassin in the Orchid Leaf Group and the only person in the Orchid Leaf Group who uses a dagger as a weapon.

"It should be, there is no one else around here."

Xiaoya looked back and found that the customers who were still onlookers had already finished walking. .

There are only a few of them who are still here.

"Is it calling you? You will know by picking up these two daggers."

Qi Le scratched his head silently, and it took a long time to speak. Speaking of.

To be honest, the Nether Dagger is really a good thing, and there are not too harsh restrictions on its use.

Because the soul fit is indeed a very mysterious thing, Qi Le can't tell anyway.

So Qi Le was surprised to find a suitable candidate so quickly.

Although this suitable candidate appeared in Orchid Leaf Group again, it was really surprising.

Qi Le is even more surprised. This team of beautiful girls and little loli, what kind of Child of Destiny are they...

But let’s say it again.

Qi Le really has a sense of pride in training such a team of monsters from his own shop.

This is the legendary protagonist team. Thousands of destiny are added, and Good Fortune gathers in every way.

There is a saying, if you say these good things, they are not sold by Qi Le.

That kind of encounter really makes Qi Le envious.

But now...

"It's really calling me!"

"This familiar feeling... Why is it like this, like, Just waiting for me."

At this time, You Jiu has already taken the Nether Dagger from the shelf.

Two daggers, hold left and right separately.

The feeling conveyed to You Jiu from the palm of your hand is as if these two daggers are connected to you by a bloodline and are inseparable.

Born to be destined, it is her weapon.

"Qi Store Manager, what is going on here?"

You Jiu looked at the Nether dagger in his hand, suddenly raised his head and looked towards Qi Le.

"Because the Nether Dagger chose you, that's why you feel this way."

Qi Le walked over while talking and stretched out a finger. Point to the blade of the Nether Dagger.

The penetrating cold light flashing above the sharp blade proves the sharpness of the Nether dagger.

If you press it directly, it must be broken.

"Qi Store Manager, what are you doing?!"

Seeing this, You Jiu hurriedly wanted to withdraw the Nether Dagger.

However, the action is still a bit slower.

Qi Le's finger touched the sharp blade of the Nether Dagger, and then... penetrated!

It was as if it had been spotted on a piece of calm water, and passed through the Nether Dagger without any hindrance.


In this scene, not only You Jiu holding the Nether Dagger was shocked.

Even Lan Ye and the others, who stood by and watched, were shocked.

"What's going on?"

"Why do the fingers of Qi Store Manager pass directly through the dagger?"

"Big Brother , Are your hands okay?"

Lan Zi'er was even more worried but curiously leaning forward, checking Qi Le's fingers.

"Don't worry, Zi'er, my hand is okay. I just want to tell you that the Nether Dagger is invisible and qualityless. Only those who are recognized by it can pick it up."

Qi Le smiled and pulled his fingers back, rubbing Lan Zi'er's head.

Then looked towards You Jiu and said aloud.

This point is derived from the passive skill of the Nether Dagger-Nether.

The nether dagger is forged in the nether, it is invisible and qualityless, and can only be used as a weapon by the people it recognizes.

The attack caused will also directly affect the soul of the target.

So as long as You Jiu can pick up the Nether Dagger, it proves that she is qualified to use the Nether Dagger.

In addition to the owner of the Nether dagger, if you want to touch the Nether dagger, you can also condense enough majestic Heaven and Earth air to relieve the nihilism of the Nether dagger.

It's just a waste of spending so much Heaven and Earth luck just to touch the Nether Dagger.

"Invisible and innocent..."

After You Jiu saw Qi Le's movements with his own eyes, his gaze at the Nether Dagger became even hotter.

Weapons of special attribute quality, under normal circumstances will not be too bad.

After all, a weapon that can be copied, why is it engraved with an exclusive label?

It doesn't deserve it either.

"This is just a small feature of the Nether Dagger, because the real power of the Nether Dagger is much stronger than you think."

Qi Le slowly Say aloud, and then introduce various information about the Nether Dagger.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter Two Thousand 128: Is this the treatment of the protagonist team)...

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