These two things, one is to automatically find qualified candidates, and the other is to randomly choose the master.

And the common point is that they are not under the control of Qi Le...

"If the qualified person does appear in Elf Race, who might it be..."

Qi Le rubbed his chin, slowly recalling those memorable Elf Race clansman in his mind.

Lilian already has the ancient rank of Shadow Hunter, so let's rule it out first.

Yiluya, the genius girl in Elf Race, Lilian’s good friend...probability is not great.

Shanna...It's not impossible.

If you say who is the strongest archer in the current Elf Race, then Shana, who has entered the powerhouse realm, is undoubtedly the strongest one.

After all, Tiana is a bright magician, not an archer.

But the rank inheritance scroll chooses qualified people, it seems that I really don't think much about the cultivation realm.

Otherwise, the original Shadow Hunter would not be Lilian, but Shanna.

So if the scroll of Night Spirit rank inheritance really chooses Shana, then Shana's Star Fragmentation longbow may be wasted.

Like this kind of inheritance from the ancient ranks, in terms of weapon fit, it must be the exclusive weapon higher.

And compared to the Star Fragmentation Longbow, the Shadow Hunting Bow has only strong power.

Because of the previous owner of the Night Spirit rank, Qi Le does not believe that it is just the Heroic Rank realm.

"So, system, this night spirit rank inheritance scroll, what price are you going to set?"

And distinguish the strength level of a rank inheritance scroll, The best way is to ask about the price.

So Qi Le did it.

system: "After the appraisal of this system, 30 Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores are required to purchase the night spirit rank inheritance scroll."

This price is higher than the shadow hunter rank Scroll of inheritance of rank, but lower than the scroll of inheritance of dragon envoy rank.

Judging by price, the strength of inheritance scrolls possessed by the spirit of the night rank is at least at the powerhouse realm level.

The price of the inheritance scroll of the Imperial Dragon Envoy ranks is higher that many.

The main reason is that one copy of the Dragon Envoy rank inheritance scroll contains two copies of the strength of Inheritance.

Lan Zi'er obtained the strength of Inheritance of the Dragon Envoy, while the strength of Inheritance of the giant dragon was eaten by Xing Lian.

Otherwise, the price should be lower.

It can be seen that the strength of Inheritance in the scroll of Night Spirit rank inheritance is indeed very powerful.

At least it is much stronger than the inheritance left by the ordinary powerhouse-level power.

The reason for this difference in the price of the rank inheritance scroll is essentially because of the system's pricing method. After Qi Le has repeatedly thought about it, it is finally determined.

The stronger the power, the higher the price.

But this price has nothing to do with the type of power.

No matter what type of inheritance scroll is, the price is only related to the level of strength.

So using price to determine the power level of the rank inheritance scroll is actually quite reliable.

"It seems that I have good luck today. I haven't had such good luck for a long time."

Qi Le rubbed his hands, and then scrolled the inheritance of the spirit of the night. The projection was placed on the shelves of two stores.

Then after thinking for a while, he put the Armor of the Fiery Sun over.

Anyway, they are waiting for the destined person, so put them together and let these two things wait together.

"Let me see if there are any other good things that I haven't found yet."

Since today’s luck is so rare, then Qi Le is naturally I want to try my luck again and see if I can pick up some good things.

In case of emergency.

Of course, there is no way to test luck in the regular purchase channels.

So after Qi Le has been thinking hard, he finally remembered that, in his own hands, it seems that there really is another purchase channel-the special item black market!

speaking of which, this special item black market purchase channel, because there is too much "garbage" out of it.

So Qi Le almost forgot this very unusual purchase channel.

According to system, in the special item black market, it is possible to refresh up to epic products.

However, so much time has passed since today.

Qi Le has not seen the silhouette of epic products in the special item black market, even once.

So Qi Le once thought that system was just a bullshit.

But when he thought that he didn't fool around with the system, Qi Le silently put away the thought of what he wanted to say.

However, today, since Qi Le thinks of the special item black market, he naturally wants to take a look.

As soon as the mind moved, a screen of neither too big nor too small appeared in Qi Le's mind, and the patterns of five products also appeared on this screen.

This is the purchase panel of the special item black market. Qi Le has read it many times.

So this time, as usual, I glanced casually.

Then, with just one glance, I found a good thing.

Looking at the pattern, they are two sharp daggers exuding a dark atmosphere, placed crosswise.

The dagger is covered with faintly discernible patterns, and the frightening blood light gleams outwards, which is daunting.

Nether Dagger (Epic Weapon): Forged in You Ming, Soul Eater in the Invisible; Secondary Skill: Soul Eater, You Ming, Revenge.

Soul Eater: Passive skill, Nether Dagger can ignore defense and directly damage the soul of the target.

Nether: Passive skill, the Nether dagger has no entity; and the soul of the Nether dagger owner will be included in the Nether dagger, the weapon will not be destroyed, the soul will not die.

Vengeance: Passive skill. When the Nether dagger is damaged, it will activate the revenge skill to crush the destroyer’s soul.

(Note: There are two ghost daggers, only destroy one. It will not affect the ghost dagger owner in any way, but it will still activate the revenge skill.)

Limitation of use: Soul A creature that fits well with the Nether Dagger.

Purchase price: 500,000 Spirit Crystal.

"Epic goods can really be refreshed!?"

Compared with the appearance of the ghost dagger, Qi Le is even more surprised. It is the special item in the black market purchase channel , It turns out that epic-level products can really be refreshed.

It seems that system really didn't pull the bullshit.

It's just the probability of epic-level products appearing in the special item black market, which is really too low.

"This incident is really a surprise... No, it's about to turn into a horror."

"Special item black market, this purchase channel, I even get it in my hand. After a long time, I suddenly came to me with an epic product, I am not ready yet."

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