"If you want to eat meat, Big Brother can treat you to a large bowl of beef ramen. The beef inside is quite generous."

Qi Le knead He rubbed Lan Zi'er's head.

Regarding the amount of beef in the large beef ramen, Qi Le was really surprised when he watched Yafeier eat it.

Because it's really the same as the introduction, it's a large slice of genuine beef.

Although there are not a few pieces in quantity, each piece is quite large in terms of weight.

It's really enjoyable to eat.

So Qi Le is really satisfied.

After all, the essence of large beef ramen is a bowl of ramen, not a bowl of beef.

"But now something to you, not to eat."

"but your father asked me to give you a powerhouse stage trials crystal."

Qi Le put a crystal clear and near-transparent crystal into Lan Zi'er's hand, and then said aloud.

Little girls always yearn for fatherly love and motherly love, no matter how strong they are, the same is true.

Temperament seldom produces transformation with strength, and usually changes with experience and experience.

"Is it something my father gave me."

"Thank you Big Brother."

Lan Zi'er has a touch of joy on his face, but still Did not forget to thank Qi Le politely.

Because this is brought here by Qi Le.

"You're welcome, I just came here to help."

"Lanci still loves you very much."

Speaking of which, Qi Le glanced at Lan Qing'er pointedly.

Lan Zi'er only brought powerhouse-level trial crystals, it was not that Lan Zi's eccentricity, mainly because the current Lan Qing'er also couldn't use it.

And Ranqi has no extra powerhouse-level trial crystals in his hands.

Otherwise, I must send two of them.

Regarding this, Lan Qing'er also smiled at Qi Le, indicating that she was clear in her heart.

There is no envy, and no jealousy.

Lan Zi'er is his biological younger sister, why should Lan Qing'er be jealous.

Competing with one's biological younger sister is really immature.

"Is this the powerhouse-level trial crystal, the power contained in it...really strong."

Xing Lian, who likes to sleep when nothing else, is also from Lan Zi'er The eyebrows popped out and looked at the crystal in Lan Zi'er's hand.

Speaking of which, Xing Lian's problem with sleeping is still caused by the fact that she only has a soul body but no body.

Even if I have been living together with Lan Zi'er a long time ago, this defect cannot be changed.

After all, a body contains two soul bodies, and the burden on the body is not small, so Xing Lian is generally in a semi-dormant state.

When nothing happens, I rarely show up.

"Well, Big Brother, hello."

Xing Lian, who finally came out once, turned around and saw Qi Le, and hurriedly said hello politely.

"Hello, little pity, long time no see."

Qi Le also smiled back.

Several other members of the Orchid Leaf Group also gathered around at this time, looking at the powerhouse-level trial crystal in Lan Zi'er's hand.

This is a high-end product. I have only heard of it before. This is the first time I have seen the real thing.

"Take it away, Zi'er, I remember you seem to be about to break through."

After Lan Ye and the others satisfied their curiosity, they let Lan Zi 'er collected the powerhouse-level trial crystals.

From start to finish, there is no covetous emotion in his eyes.

Some are just curious, and some are happy.

For Lan Zi'er to be able to go further, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

This is the mentality that people who live and die together through countless difficulties and obstacles together should have.

In fact, in Orchid Leaf Group, Lan Ye and their status at first are not classified by cultivation realm, but by age.

Rather than being a mercenary squad, it is actually more like a squad.

This kind of relationship, in Qi Le's view, should be one of the most comfortable relationships to get along with.

"Big Brother."

"Zi'er, what's wrong?"

Qi Le, who was sitting aside chatting with Xing Lian, watched running over Lan Zi'er asked with a smile.

Lan Ye and the others were just curious, so after watching them, they went to do their own things.

After all, everyday all runs to the store, and it is definitely not here for tea.

And there is no tea in the Qi Le shop, only mineral water...

However, Gu Pingchuan and Ren Gongxiu, two older deans, sometimes they will Bring the good tea from my own collection and soak it with the mineral water in the store.

Listen to them, the tea made in this way has a special fragrance of tea.

And the flavor will be richer, and the layers will be richer.

I was so surprised that Qi Le wanted to try it out, to see if the tea made like this would really taste better.

However, the system should not produce tea in a short time.

Therefore, Qi Le's thoughts are gone.

"Big Brother, you said you would invite Zi'er to eat a large bowl of beef ramen."

Lan Zi'er's big eyes are full of expectation.

It's not that Lan Zi'er doesn't have so many Spirit Crystals.

Just kidding, how could such a Fuloli have no Spirit Crystal on her body.

It is mainly Qi Le treats guests, and it has a completely different meaning from buying Spirit Crystal by yourself.

You should know that there is only Yue Xi'er who can eat and drink for free here at Qi Le.

Even Yue Shuangxue has to earn his own food expenses.

Of course, except for the first difficult years, earning Spirit Crystal is no longer a problem for Yue Shuangxue.

As long as The New World Mode is still there, Yue Shuangxue is the most beautiful cat ear loli in it.

"Well, just right, let's have lunch together."

Qi Le hearing this, ordered nodded, said with a faint smile.

This kind of thing that just happened, Qi Le will certainly not forget.

It’s just that Lan Zi'er was surrounded by Lan Ye and Qi Le just now.


The days of idleness passed slowly.

Since the death of the Great Earth Dragon Emperor in City of Life, the Ocean Dragon Emperor seems to have suddenly disappeared.

Whether in the Eastern Wilderness or in the northern mountain range, I have never heard of Dragon Race anymore.

It is inevitable that there is something like tiger's head and snake's tail.

Qi Le doesn't think it matters.

But Lan Qi always felt that the Ocean Dragon King had another plan, or... was waiting for an opportunity.

"Waiting for the opportunity? What opportunity is there?"

"Giant dragon Saint Senior Wang has not mentioned a word about Dragon Race. I don't know it for so many years. Here, what happened in Dragon Race."

Qi Le didn't quite understand Ranqi's thoughts.

However, for the ambition of the Ocean Dragon King, we still have to find a way to guard against it.

After all, if Dragon Race produces turbulence, there is a high probability that it will involve other races.

And the Human Race of Donghuang is the first to bear the brunt.

As for the reason, it is easy to understand.

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