"system, just give me the reward."

Qi Le said in his mind while looking at the Store Manager backstage.

This sudden way of getting rewards gives Qi Le a feeling of being rewarded.

It's just that Qi Le opened a new purchase channel.

Of course, Qi Le also knows that this kind of reward is probably only available for the first time, just like some kind of achievement.

The reward will only be given when it is reached for the first time.

In the follow-up... Maybe you can look forward to the next time you open the cover and have a prize.

However, in any case, white prostitution is refreshed.

Only once, then only once. Qi Le is not a greedy person anyway.

system: "The rewards have been distributed, please check the host."

I probably know that Qi Le is staring at the Store Manager backend, so when the system sends the rewards, it disappears immediately. Up.

Don't say what the rewards this time are.

Fortunately, in the Store Manager backstage, after careful observation by Qi Le, he finally determined two rewards this time, one is a new snack, and the other is a new drink.

Very good!

To be honest, after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner before, Qi Le hasn’t eaten new food for a long time.

And there is only one New Year's Eve dinner.

After that, the glutinous rice balls limited to the New Year will not be mentioned. Qi Le only ate a few bowls and rushed to the summon world.

When I come back, the glutinous rice balls will no longer be sold.

Qi Le was so angry that he ate three more double cheese beef burgers on the spot, and it was barely relieved.

Now I always wait for new delicacies.

Large slices of beef ramen: The beef in this bowl of ramen is really large slices of beef! This bowl of ramen is really a big bowl of ramen!

Long-term consumption of large slices of beef ramen can slightly increase the power's attributes and agility attributes of the eater, and moderately enhance the qi and blood of the eater.

Price: 50 Spirit Crystals in a bowl.

"Large slices of beef ramen...It's really huge slices of beef..."

Qi Le looked at the introduction of this large slice of beef ramen, always felt that this Erbi system was ridiculing something .

For example, the beef noodles with a sales volume of 300 million, the ingredients share half a piece of beef...

Of course, this is just a joke.

But Qi Le is really interested in this big beef gimmick.

As for the side effects of large beef ramen noodles, to be honest, for Qi Le, it is simply not important.

Although the small mosquito legs are meat, but after they are small enough, they really can’t fill their stomachs.

So after talking about powerhouse-level realm, the food and beverages in the Qi Le store are basically used to satisfy the appetite.

Compared with the effect of medicine pill, it is really incomparable.

Especially now that there is a merchandise strengthening furnace in the store, the difference is even further.

However, this situation is only for a very small number of customers. For most customers, the side effects of the various snacks and beverages in the store are still considerable.

The role played is also quite significant.

Furthermore, this thing about food is meant to be enjoyable. I care too much about the side effects, but I lost my original intention.

Qi Le just had breakfast, so this large slice of beef ramen can only be used for lunch.

Otherwise, Qi Le really wants to try this bowl of ramen now.

Anyway, large slices of beef ramen must be put on the shelves, and they are also directly thrown into the snack vending machine. There is no need to wait until the evening when the stock is restocked.

" Very good, I can improve the taste again."

Qi Le was satisfied and ordered nodded, and then looked down.

Another reward is a new drink.

Freshly squeezed coconut milk: refreshing coconut milk, delicious taste, bring the most refreshing and sweet enjoyment.

If you drink freshly squeezed coconut milk for a long time, you can temper the drinker's spirit strength and physique, and the improvement depends on the drinker's aptitude.

Price: A bottle of 30 Spirit Crystals.

"Hey...is the coconut milk also squeezed out?"

"Isn't it just opened a mouth on the coconut and poured it directly out of it?"

Qi Le was inexplicably stunned after seeing the name of this new drink.

However, Qi Le didn't get too entangled. Maybe it's coconuts grown by system, the varieties are different.

However, the process is not important, as long as the finished product is in hand.

Anyway, there is no coconut plant in this World, so no one will be entangled with such a small problem.

And the side effect of freshly squeezed coconut milk, to be honest, it's really powerful.

Not only can tempering the drinker's spirit strength, but also tempering the drinker's physique, and the degree of improvement is also determined by the drinker's own aptitude.

This judging method is much stronger than those of past snacks and drinks.

After all, aptitude this thing varies from person to person, with high and low.

Compared with a fixed rate of increase, the increase based on aptitude is more popular with those powerhouses.

Because of the cultivation aptitude thing...

The cultivation aptitude of the weak is not necessarily weak, but the cultivation aptitude of the powerhouse must be strong.

even more how Among the beverages currently on sale, there is also mineral water that can improve the cultivation aptitude of the drinker.

So this freshly squeezed coconut milk will definitely become the next best-selling commodity.

But then again, every item in the Qi Le store, as long as it is not available to many people, is basically a hot-selling item.

You know, among the customers who come to the Qi Le store.

You can find ordinary children from rich families who don't have much cultivation aptitude, and powerhouse-level abilities.

There are also different products needed, so there are so many types of products in the store.

Because of this, it is so popular.

"Although I plan to use a large slice of beef ramen for lunch, I can still taste the freshly squeezed coconut milk first."

After Qi Le read the information of two new products, He walked slowly to the beverage vending machine and took out a bottle of freshly squeezed coconut juice.

The packaging is still nothing new in glass bottles.

The color of freshly squeezed coconut milk looks a bit similar to pure milk, but it should be more clear, with a feeling of crystal clear and near-transparent.

The color of pure milk is much stronger.

As soon as the cap was opened, a fresh coconut scent came out.

This scent is not strong, but it smells very comfortable, which means relaxed and joyful.

It's like being on the beach, the kind of slightly salty sea breeze emanating from the sea.

The fragrance is pleasant.

"It smells good."

Smelling the aroma first is Qi Le's consistent step in tasting new food, and drinks are no exception.

As for when I eat and drink in the future, I still can't smell it, it depends on my mood.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2115: Beef Ramen and Coconut Milk)...

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