Soon, Qi Le walked out of the warehouse.

The first customized equipment that came out was a pair of gloves.

According to the introduction of system, the materials of this pair of gloves use a lot of dragon scales to extract the essence, which is tenacious to the extreme.

And also used a lot of dragon's blood quenching, into this pair of gloves into a trace of condensed to the essence of Dragon's Prestige.

From the appearance, this pair of gloves seems to be unremarkable.

The exterior is covered with patterns in the shape of dragon scales, and there are Long Ya at the joints to increase the lethality.

Sky-Breaking Fist (Heaven and Earth Lucky Grade Weapon): It greatly enhances the destructive power of all the moves of the user, and has a high probability of smashing effect. Secondary Skill: Breaking the dragon impact, breaking the sky .

Broken Dragon Impact: Passive skill. Every time the glove wearer makes three attacks, there will be one Broken Dragon Impact. Broken Dragon Impact can triple the destructive power of the attack to three times that of the normal attack. .

Breaking the sky: Active skill, the glove wearer can actively accumulate energy. During the accumulation period, the glove wearer enters a state that cannot be interrupted, and the damage received is reduced by 90%; this time The destructive power that can be caused by a charged attack will continue to increase with the increase of the charging time, up to a hundred times that of a normal attack.

This is the glove that Qi Le created for Serratel...

No, it should be said that the system combines the requirements of Serratel and forged punches. set.

Because of the requirement of Serratel, it is too simple. It simply needs powerful destructive power, and it is extremely powerful destructive power.

So system doesn't have other bells and whistles.

Simple and clear, all skills, all start from the destructive power aspect.

The basic attribute is to greatly increase the destructive power of the glove wearer when attacking, and there are no restrictions at all.

The smashing effect with a high probability, of course, needless to say, and the attribute of destructive power is absolutely a perfect match.

The smashing effect can be used for armor piercing, and it can also cause higher damage to enemies with hard scale armor and amazing defensive power.

It is definitely one of the most practical effects.

The two skills attached to the Breaching Fist are simpler and clearer.

One passive, one active.

Passive skills: The effect of the broken dragon impact is literally, every three attacks can cause a triple attack.

This is one of the most suitable skills for a fighter like Serratel with a very fast offensive speed.

And the active skill: Breaking the sky, let alone.

A charged attack that can be up to 100 times the destructive power of a normal attack, and it cannot be interrupted.

It is no exaggeration, as long as you can find an opportunity, then this fist can determine the outcome of a battle.

even more how The materials for forging the sky-breaking gloves are there, all of which are forged from the material of the giant dragon. Could it be that the quality is bad?

Even if these powerful skills are excluded, it is only from the performance of the sky-breaking glove.

That is a rare treasure.

"Really strong power!"

"In this pair of gloves, the majestic degree of power contained in this pair of gloves is as powerful as I have never seen before!"

Sairatel was also not welcome, and directly put the Breaching Gloves on his hand, which fit perfectly on the palm of his hand.

After all, it is an exclusive weapon, so it is naturally the most suitable size to wear.

And the customized equipment, because it is also infused with the soul of the customizer and Heaven and Earth luck, so Serater can even feel a sense of Kind of a sense of communion.

"I'm very satisfied, I have Store Manager, many thanks."

Sailater said while admiring the breaking gloves on his hand.

"Don't be so polite, I didn't forge for you for free."

Qi Le shrugged, and then took out the second piece of customized equipment.

In order, this second piece is the equipment customized by Lanqi.

Because Lanci's requirements are quite special, he wants to strengthen his Dragon's Prestige or Dragon's Breath, so the system makes this equipment look like a helmet.

In terms of appearance, it's actually pretty good.

Because the keel is used as the bearing, this helmet also looks a bit like the dragon head of a giant dragon.

And system also gave this helmet a very second name.

World Destroying Helmet (Heaven and Earth Air Luck Grade Armor): It greatly reduces any form of spirit strength impact and imposing manner impact, Secondary Skill: Suppress the soul, destroy the world.

Soul Suppression: Passive skill. When the helmet wearer releases any form of spirit strength impact or imposing manner impact, it will be greatly amplified, and every ten seconds of impact time, there will be a round Second shock.

World Destruction: Passive skills, the formidable power of dragon's breath is doubled, and it will cause damage to the soul.

The effect of the skill is simple and easy to understand.

Because of whether the amount of materials provided by Lanqi was sufficient, eight complete dragon souls were used when forging the Helm of Destruction.

The final product is what it is now.

Lanci's two requirements have all been met.

The first passive skill: calm soul, main effect: amplify the formidable power of Dragon's Prestige, leave it alone for the time being.

The latter effect: spirit strength impact and imposing manner impact every ten seconds, there will be a round of secondary impact, which is the strongest effect of the soul-suppression skills.

You should know that Dragon's Prestige this thing, the Dragon's Prestige superimposed by the secondary impact, is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

For example, it is also Dragon's Prestige released by Heroic Rank realm's giant dragon.

So whether it is Dragon's Prestige released by one giant dragon or Dragon's Prestige released by two giant dragons, there is not much difference.

Because the strength level of Dragon's Prestige is still the Heroic Rank realm, this has not changed.

However, the Dragon's Prestige superimposed by the second impact is equivalent to the Heroic Rank realm's Dragon's Prestige, which has increased by half a level out of thin air.

This quality change cannot be compensated by quantity.

That's why it is said that the second effect of the soul-suppressing skill is the truly powerful effect.

As for the second passive skill: Destroy the World, the effect is easier to understand.

Strengthen the destructive power of the Dragon Transformation breath, and allow the dragon's breath to cause damage to the soul.

This point is actually related to the material for forging the helmet of the extinction.

After all, no matter how strong the dragon's breath is, it is also a substantial attack, and it does little damage to the soul.

Because the soul is an intangible thing, unless it can condense the entity by itself.

However, the person who can condense the soul of the entity is probably not a character that can be dealt with by ordinary dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath after strengthening is different.

One bite down, it is the real scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, plus the soul flew away and scattered.

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