"Ahem ..."

In Shanna's slightly puzzled eyes, Qi Le who returned to the store cleared his throat and moved the store The attention of customers is all attracted.

"Everyone, just now, I got a message."

"Those giant dragons in the sky actually want to attack City of Life!"

After attracting everyone's attention, Qi Le said aloud.

As soon as this statement came out, all the customers in the store were shocked and looked at the sky outside the store with some fear.

"But I have ascertained the cultivation realm of these giant dragons."

"So now I want to give you a good opportunity to test your own strength!"

Speaking of this, Qi Le waved his hand and said: "If the cultivation realm has reached the Heroic Rank, are you willing to go out to fight?"

To be honest, among the customers in the store, There may be few powerhouse-level powers.

However, there are still many cultivators of Heroic Rank realm.

These people are all soaking in The New World Mode every day, honing their fighting skills, or strengthening their equipment in the store and cultivating their own pet cards.

It's time to use actual combat to test the results of the cultivation success for such a long time.

After all, let Qi Le act on a group of Heroic Rank realm giant dragons, and I always feel a bit out of style...

system: "Host you are just lazy."

"Shut up!"

Qi Le scolded in his head, and then looked towards the customers in the store.

"How about it, is anyone willing?"

As soon as this sentence was said, the customers in the store immediately began to discuss it.

Then soon someone came forward.

"Qi Store Manager, I am willing to fight those giant dragons!"

Lilian was the first one to come out.

Speaking of which, this little girl hasn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time.

Since getting the Shadow Hunter rank, Lilian has been training hard, honing herself everywhere, and now she has broken through to the Heroic Rank.

Lilian will stand up, Qi Le is not surprised.

City of Life is the city-state of Elf Race. As a member of Elf Race, Lilian is responsible for protecting City of Life.

"If Lilian wants to go, then I will go too."

Follow closely from behind, but it is Yafer, a little girl of the beast ear clan.

It is true that the people of the beast ears are warlike.

Even this kind of thing has to join in the fun, do you really think that giant dragon is a good enemy to deal with?

However, as the current lord of beast spirits: Serratel's daughter, Yafer's innate talent and aptitude are indeed very strong.

At this time, the cultivation realm, like Lilian, is also the Heroic Rank realm.

"Okay, is there anyone else?"

Qi Le nodded to Yafeier, and then asked.

"Then count me, Qi Store Manager."

Fan Zan also came out.

Since the last race war, Dwarf Race, Beast Ear Race, Elf Race, this Three Great Races can not be said to be one heart.

But the relationship between them is indeed a lot more harmonious.

So Fan Zan will stand up, it is also expected.

With these three people taking the lead, other customers in the store who have reached the Heroic Rank realm have also started to sign up.

In such matters, the role of the leader is always the most important.

Without Lilian's three people, the other clansman in Three Great Races would definitely hesitate.

After all, Dragon Race is so strong that it has accumulated power for a long time.

Even if this Dragon Race hasn't been born for thousands of years.

But there is a legend about Dragon Race, but it has never been cut off.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Although this Dragon Race has been accumulating power for a long time, the customers in the store also not to be trifled with.

The best medicine pill eats, Peak equipment is used, magical food and drinks are drunk, and there are even powerful pet cards to increase battle strength.

If you dare not do this, what do you do to become stronger?

Isn’t it better to go home and eat and wait to die? Why come to the store to waste Spirit Crystal?

So in less than ten minutes, dozens of customers followed Qi Le to the shop.

Each of these customers has reached the Heroic Rank realm and is fully equipped. Compared with the giant dragon in the sky, the battle strength is not inferior at all.

"Are you all ready?"

Qi Le routinely asked.


Led by Lilian, Yafeier, and Fanzan, all the customers who came out answered in unison.

By the way, the most important piece of equipment in the battle at this time-the Dragon Slayer title badge, was confirmed again.

Other equipment, whether it is weapons or armor, can be less.

Only this dragon slayer title badge is absolutely indispensable when fighting giant dragons.

Not only can it be immune to the suppression of Dragon's Prestige, it can also cause 30% more damage to the giant dragon, which can be called the giant dragon Treasure Item.

"That's good."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then said: "The giant dragon of the powerhouse level, I will stop, and the rest , I’ll leave it to you to practice your hands."

"No problem, Qi Store Manager."

"I wanted to sign with these big guys a long time ago, now I finally have a chance. ."

The customers are gearing up one by one, wishing to rush up now and compete with the giant dragon in the sky.


"The giant dragon of the powerhouse realm, let me do it for the Store Manager."

Qi Le I just wanted to say "Let's go", but I was interrupted before the words were finished.

"Sairatel, why are you here?"

Qi Le looked back at the speaker.

"Such a majestic Dragon's Prestige, even if I don't want to pay attention, it can still be felt."

Sairater, who walked slowly, spread his hands, and then Looked at the sky.

When those giant dragons came to City of Life, they simply never thought about hiding their whereabouts.

And with the dignity of giant dragons, they are not allowed to sneak over.

So Serratel will come to intervene, it is entirely reasonable.

"Since you want to help, let you come."

Qi Le is not a hypocritical person, he can not make a move, but is happy to have a leisurely life.

"Then many thanks to Qi Store Manager, I am willing to give this opportunity to me."

"You are welcome."

Thank you, Seratl After finishing, he was unambiguous, kicked his feet, and instantly rose into the sky.

I was still thinking about where to find materials for making gloves, didn't expect travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily.

With so many giant dragons in front of you, the materials are not everything.

I really appreciate the selfless dedication of these giant dragons.

As Seratl thought so, the offensive speed was even faster.

As for those customers standing behind Qi Le, seeing Serater rushing up, of course they can't fall behind.

So without saying anything, he immediately rushed up behind Serratel.

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