"Forging this piece of equipment requires a sufficient amount of keel and at least one complete giant dragon soul."

"The quality of the material-and the quantity, you can go There is more, but it must not be reduced. Is there any problem?"

After a long silence, Qi Le spoke.

If you want to strengthen Dragon's Prestige or dragon's breath, the materials for forging equipment can only be used from the giant dragon.

Other races, or those mineral plants, do not have this function.

"Dragon soul and dragon bones... I know, if I have the opportunity, I will bring it over."

Although Lan Qi was a little surprised, he did not show any surprises or surprises. It's anger.

As Lanci said before, his relationship with Dragon Race is not good.

If there is a chance to kill giant dragon, presumably Lanci will not show mercy either.

"Lanci, if you really think so, then you might as well take me."

"You just don’t need the remaining dragon scales and dragon tendons, just let them Let me forge gloves, how about it."

Sairatel heard this from the side, and immediately leaned in and made an offer.

The things on the giant dragon are the forging materials of Peak.

Even dragon's blood can be used for quenching during forging.

"If you are free, let's come together."

"I would be happy to have more than one helper."

Lan Qi glanced at Seratl said blankly.

Although I don't want outsiders to intervene in the battle inside Dragon Race, if Seratl insists on doing this, then Ranchi has nothing to say.

The same powerhouse-level power, multiple helpers are always good.

"Then it's settled ."

Serratel laughed away.

For things like custom equipment, you still have to wait until the materials are in place.

Right now, there is at most a glimmer of expectation.

After both Ranchi and Serratt left, Qi Le immediately dragged the merchandise strengthening stove out and placed it in a corner of the shop, facing the pet card swap machine.

The appearance of the commodity strengthening furnace is quite similar to the legendary alchemic furnace.

It is a three-legged great cauldron with a lid, which is about one person tall and densely patterned on the outside.

When you want to strengthen, open the lid, throw the goods in, then throw in the Spirit Crystal, and pray sincerely.

After the enhancement, regardless of success or failure, the product will be spit out from the hole under the great cauldron.

The only difference is that if it succeeds, it will come out with enhanced products.

Unsuccessful, what came out was slag.

The product strengthening furnace with such a conspicuous appearance naturally attracts the attention of a large number of customers.

Even if the placement is a bit off, it can't stop the curiosity of customers.

As soon as Qi Le turned his head, he saw the customers surrounding him, including Elf Race, Dwarf Race, Beast Ear Race, and Human Race that went to City of Life after the race battle.

So he reached out and knocked on the merchandise strengthening furnace next to him.

"You must be very curious about what this is, then I will reveal the secret for you now."

"This great cauldron, called a commodity strengthening furnace, just put in Spirit Crystal, and Sincerely pray, you can strengthen the goods you put in."

"Of course, if the strengthening fails, the goods will become slag, so please keep a good attitude."

Simple After a brief introduction and a reminder by the way, Qi Le returned to the sofa with a shining tone.

The customers who were still onlookers left behind and uttered a mixed voice of astonishment and excitement.

There is no doubt that the equipment strengthening furnace is indeed a very popular machine, and it was quickly accepted by customers.

And also be surrounded by water.

In the past, customers who strengthened their products are constantly coming.

You must know that the commodity strengthening furnace can not only strengthen all kinds of equipment, but also strengthen the medicine pill.

The medicine pill, which has been strengthened and successfully shipped, can improve medicine efficacy by at least 30%.

And the more pious you pray, the more medicine efficacy improves.

At most, it can even double the medicine efficacy directly. For those medicine pills that have a lifetime use limit, one can be used as two pills.

In this way, it will be cheaper for those customers who have not used medicine pill that can permanently enhance the attribute.

Because the medicine pill that has been used, even if it is strengthened and then eaten, it will not take effect.

How could the system commit such an obvious loophole?

And there is one thing to say, the success rate of the product strengthening furnace is about 20-30%.

After all, the strength of Faith and system provided by the customer is a commission. How can it be used to strengthen the product?

Qi Le also understands this behavior very well.

Opening a store is not for charity, you have to take what you should take.

even more how success rate is lower, but it can make these busy customers have a higher sense of expectation.

And will pray more and more devoutly, in order to pray that their equipment can strengthen success.

There will be more strength of Faith.

Therefore, even if the success rate problem has been criticized, the number of customers around the merchandise strengthening furnace has never been rare.

Many customers even started to study how to improve the success rate of the product strengthening furnace.

For this reason, in The New World Mode, a Guild dedicated to researching products to strengthen the success rate was quietly established.

In nature, it can be regarded as the branch of Guild for pet card research.

It’s just that the audience of the product enhancement research Guild should be more extensive.

Once established, the number of members joining the club quickly exceeded 1,000.

Then everyone began to share their experience of successfully enhancing the product in Guild, organized into a post, and posted it to the Membership Card exchange system forum.

There are all kinds of these methods, and Qi Le sometimes finds these posts very interesting.

But if you really want to speak of which, the product can strengthen the core content of success, there is only one.

That is whether the strength of Faith provided is sufficient.

Because the so-called success rate, in essence, is that customers who want to strengthen the product, the strength of Faith provided by the system, after being drawn by the system, there is no way to complete the strengthening.

If there is no way to complete the strengthening, the result is that the strengthening fails.

The system will save the remaining strength of Faith and wait for the customer to provide the strength of Faith next time.

Until the strength of Faith accumulated by the same customer is enough to strengthen a certain product.

That will naturally strengthen the success.

Although the essence of the success rate of the commodity strengthening furnace, it has not been discovered.

But a similar pattern was found by the guys who researched Guild on commodity enhancement.

I also carefully sorted out the methods and detailed steps, and posted them to the forum for other people's reference.

This method is commonly known as using garbage equipment to lay the knife.

Until the time is right, take out the equipment that really needs to be strengthened and strengthen it.

.. You can click on the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter Two Thousand: Strengthening Attractiveness)...

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