The principle is roughly: You believe in these equipment, which can make you stronger and bring you victory.

And as the number of victories continues to increase, this belief will continue to strengthen.

The strength of Faith generated will continue to increase.

Probably so.

Therefore, the price of goods in the customized purchase channel of equipment has become this series of conditions.

A ray of Heaven and Earth luck is to confirm the focus of the equipment and mark it.

At any rate, it is also Heaven and Earth's luck-level equipment, so it must be a bit marked.

A sufficient amount of strength of Faith, of course needless to say.

The purpose of the equipment customized purchase channel is to collect the strength of Faith, but also to use the strength of Faith to build all kinds of weapons or armors. Of course, this item cannot be missed.

The soul breath that proves identity is probably something like blood essence.

This thing is mainly used to recognize the Master.

After all, it is a tailor-made equipment, so it must be marked as a customizer so as not to be taken away by others.

Moreover, since it is tailor-made equipment, it must not be used by others.

As for the last one, the material based on demand is easier to understand.

Is it possible for such a stingy system to trade at a loss?

Obviously it is impossible.

So in terms of materials, you still have to let the customizer collect it yourself, and the system only pays one manual at most.

Also charge a high manual fee!

No way, ability is so willful.

If you want to build the right equipment, you have to grit your teeth.

However, in accordance with the system's consistent style, for the products that come out of the equipment customization purchase channel, there are still two things to say whether the customizer will suffer.

Maybe the customizer can still feel like they are making money.

"I see, let's set the price like this."

Qi Le thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with the price, so he agreed.

Then paused, and asked: "Then how long will you get the equipment after I take the order?"

Although this question is not very important, it is also very important.

Shipment speed is a big issue.

If it is too slow, it is also quite annoying.

system: "Please don't worry about this. As long as the things you need are in place, this system can get customized equipment in minutes."

"With you ." Then I can rest assured."

Qi Le still trusts the system in terms of products.

At least in this respect, system never speaks big words.

"Okay, the rewards that I said have already been given, so now, let's talk about the rewards for the audience."

Qi Le was relieved. , I immediately talked about it.

Although I don’t know what benefits the system takes from Heaven and Earth’s will, I will never lose if I see it.

You know, the wisp of dragon soul that the giant dragon holy king specially left behind is for Qi Le.

Then it was divided into two parts by Qi Le.

One part was left in Silver Moon City, and the other part was handed over to the system.

Not long ago, after studying the strand of dragon soul, system actually took this strand of dragon soul, and exchanged benefits with the will of Heaven and Earth...

Changed the benefits!

How can you bear this kind of thing on Qi Le.

The main reason is this benefit, how can you not have your own share!

system: "Host, you can't be too greedy."

Maybe I think Qi Le's remarks are too shameless, so that system has said such a sentence.

"Greedy? You actually think I am greedy?"

"System, if you talk like this, it would be too unreasonable."

" If you don't have the dragon soul fragments I provided you, wouldn't you be able to get those benefits today."

Qi Le immediately earnest and well-meant advised persuaded.

system: "But the dragon soul fragment reward system has been given to you, the host is greedy if you do this!"

" can't say that, system, Think about it, when did I give you the dragon soul fragments? When did you give these rewards to me?"

"After such a long delay, you must give me some Make it up."

Qi Le couldn't help coughing twice, and then argued with the courage of one's convictions.

This is not a slanderous, awkward reasoning of this thing, as long as you put it right and right, it can become reasonable.

It is particularly effective when dealing with objects with low IQ.

system: "No, the host, this system thinks you are wrong!"

system: "If all these benefits are given to you, then the system will lose out. , No! Absolutely not!"

However, this time, although system can't tell what's wrong.

But for the sake of self-interest, we still fought hard on reason.

"Yes, I don't think I can take all the benefits, so I only need half of it, how about it?"

When Qi Le heard this, he knew that the system had been I'm crippled.

Compromise is a very magical effect.

If at first only said half the price, then Qi Le definitely can't convince the system now.

But from the very beginning, if you say everything, then the system is definitely willing to give half of the benefits.

To lose less is to earn.

Although it sounds unreasonable, in most people's minds, it is really this way of thinking.

Nowadays, the more and more humanized system is naturally inevitable from this mode of thinking.

system: "Half of the benefits...this system can be exchanged for other rewards to the host, how about it?"


Qi Le nodded, which means a deal.

As long as the system compromises, there is no problem.

As for the benefits of Heaven and Earth's will, to be honest, Qi Le may not find it useful.

After all, if you have something you need, it is more convenient to ask the system directly.

Why do you want to go farther and farther away?

system: "New pet card: Shadow hunter, has been issued, please pay attention to the host."

system: "New pet card: Qiongqi, has been issued, please pay attention to the host ."

Just when Qi Le was satisfied and nodded, the voice of system followed in Qi Le's mind.

It is two new pet cards at once.


What is the shadow hunter, Qi Le not quite clear.

But the name "Qingqi" is like thunder piercing the ear.

Qiongqi, one of the ancient Four Great Vicious Beasts, is powerful and powerful. It is called a symbol of evil and represents the most evil thing.

However, these messages are just legends.

Qi Le doesn't know exactly what Qiongqi looks like.

After all, in this World, there is no such ominous beast as Qiongqi.

I just don’t know if the Qiongqi in system will be the same as the legend.

"A big gift, it really is a big gift!"

"In this way, the benefits that system gets from the will of Heaven and Earth will certainly not be less."

Qi Le was surprised for a while, and suddenly thought of it.

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