"No, no! Let go, let me go!"

"You can't kill me, you can't..."

Watching step by step Near Qi Le, Frass face showed uncontrollable fear after all.

As if death was approaching gradually, Fras, who was so frightened that he fell on the ground with his legs weakened, moved back with his hands and feet together.

After all, there are only a few people who can face death.

The more you desire and the greater your ambition, the more you fear death.

Although Fras is a monarch-level power...It should be said that he used to be, but at this moment, when faced with this kind of gradual fear, compared to an ordinary person, Not much better.

"I knew today, why should I be in the first place."

Qi Le has never left a threat to himself, nurturing a tiger to invite calamity.

Now that you have started, you have to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, trouble will completely vanish.

Whether it is ruthless or cold-blooded.

Anyway, Qi Le will never allow this possible threat to endanger the people around him.

"In the next life, be a good person."

After that, Qi Le ruthless threw a punch.

Even the fist that the battle demon ape could not hold, slammed into Fras's face, and naturally there was no need to say more.

"You should be able to solve the rest of the matter alone, Lord Seya."

After doing this, Qi Le raised his head and glanced at Seya.

"Of course, thank you very much, Qi Le."

Saya, who had just experienced the ups and downs, quickly responded.

If it weren't for the power of this level, if it weren't possible to stay under her own command, Seya would like to give it up.

Naturally, I can't neglect at this time.

"It's so good, then I should also go back to Silver Moon City to take a look, carefully calculate the time, the army of the Blackwater Kingdom should be coming to Silver Moon City soon."

Qi Le clicked on nodded, and then he spoke of it meaningfully.

On the surface, this sentence is saying that the Blackwater Kingdom wants to take action on Silver Moon City, but in fact, it is still reminding Seya.

The issue of Silver Moon City should be resolved.

"Your Excellency Qi Le, please rest assured that the matters of Silver Moon City will be completed together when the capital is rebuilt."

Said said.

"Then trouble the Lord Seya."

Qi Le turned his head and glanced all around again, saying loudly: "What to see, You should have finished reading it."

"Then those who should go back, you should also leave."

This thing, the spy, there is no way to stop it.

Seya also knows these things, but doesn't care.

Because in the huge capital of Flame Dragon Kingdom, it is really impossible to find all the spies.

At most, it is to ensure that there are no spies from other forces within the coverage of the Flame Dragon Kingdom Palace.

And this is enough.

After all, the Flame Dragon Kingdom really wants to have any secrets, and it will not spread out.

If those spies really want to detect these confidential information, then they have the ability.

But Qi Le is different.

What he shouted here was actually warning the spies not to hit Silver Moon City.

Otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences!

And when Qi Le finished saying this, the many spies hiding in the dark suddenly felt cold behind them.

This feeling is like being caught by some terrifying demonic beast.

It makes people feel cold on their backs and sweats.

It was this feeling that made these spies realize one thing.

That is the unknown powerhouse, seems to be able to lock their position.

This time, it's just a warning.

Then next time, I am afraid I will be killed on the spot.


All spies have the same idea.

Anyway, the news to inquire has already arrived.

The rise of the Flame Dragon kingdom is already a certainty, and it is simply impossible to stop it.

And Silver Moon City will become a world-renowned city-state.

And there is also a powerful enough to easily kill the monarch-level servitor, guarding Silver Moon City.

There is one thing to say, but it is really impossible to afford to offend.

Probably from then on, Silver Moon City will become a forbidden place for their spies.

If you want to go in, you may stay in Silver Moon City forever before finding out any news.

"Another trouble has been solved."

Qi Le raised his eyebrows, cupped the hands towards Seya, and left straight away.

"Is this the ambassador owned by Angel Baron? This is more than a monarch-level ambassador."

"After this battle, Silver Moon City should also Well done."

Seya looked at Qi Le's leaving back, and thought to herself in her heart.


It is not a secret thing for the Blackwater Kingdom to attack the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

But Fras went to the capital of Flame Dragon Kingdom by himself, but no one thought of it.

Until the news came back, everyone in Great Influence was shocked.

The summoner who was first promoted to the level of the monarch, died like this!

Although half of the capital of Flame Dragon Kingdom was destroyed to bury him.

But the price paid by the Blackwater Kingdom is too heavy.

"In this way, the Flame Dragon Kingdom has reached the top of the world and it is unstoppable."

"This is the opportunity for the new era. It's a shame."

"Really didn't expect, Silver Moon City has such a powerful guard, no wonder it can rise so fast."

"Fortunately, we at first and Silver Moon City If you make good friends, you don’t have any thoughts, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"The better the development of Silver Moon City, the better for us businessmen."

"Yes, the appearance of Silver Moon City is really lucky for us businessmen."

The spies of Great Influence brought back news, and everyone started to talk about Flame. Dragon Kingdom and Silver Moon City.

As for the loser-Blackwater Kingdom, that's all that should be forgotten.

No one cares who the loser is.

Those who tend to follow the flames, only need to compliment the winner.

However, just when everyone was deliberately forgetting about the kingdom of Blackwater, the appearance of another news made everyone unable to calm down.

That is the news of the Blackwater Kingdom attacking Silver Moon City.

This incident happened immediately after Frass attacked the capital of Flame Dragon Kingdom.

At that time, the Blackwater Kingdom had not received news of Fras's death, so it was still marching in accordance with the plan.

When the news of Frass death came out, the army of the Blackwater Kingdom had already arrived under the city of Silver Moon City.

So the battle started without surprise.

At this time, according to the timeline, Qi Le should still be on the side of the capital of Flame Dragon Kingdom.

Knowing the size and influence of this news, it can be regarded as a cold sweat for Silver Moon City.

After all, Silver Moon City is just a city-state that dominates trade and is not good at foreign warfare. It is conceivable that the battle strength is weak.

Even City Guard has not been recruited yet.

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