"Yes, all sealed, no need to ask again..."

When Seya was upset, when she heard this, she immediately waved and said.

However, when the words were only general, Seya's eyes brightened, and the conversation turned, and she said: "Go and get the list of students reported by the Flame Academy this year."


The guard took the order and immediately retired.

In the major academies in the Flame Dragon Kingdom, the directory of each student will be backed up and received in the special warehouse of the capital.

Of course Seya has never seen these directories.

It's just that the guard mentioned Silver Moon City just now, which reminded Seya.

In the list of this year's Flame Academy, there is a very interesting student, Angel student.

According to Dean Fader’s speculation, although the level of the servitor from the Angel student summon is set to be High Rank, in fact, it is very likely to be the monarch-level servitor.

It's just that the monarch-level messenger involves a lot of things, so Feder doesn't dare to make a private conclusion.

So I noted this situation in the student list and backed it up to the capital.

Of course, only if this were the case, Seya would not notice this.

However, what is interesting is that in the battle of the Great Stone Pass, Angel students performed extremely well, and even before graduation, they won the title of Baron.

This also brought Angel into Seya's sight.

Then, such a special note naturally aroused Seya's interest.

It’s just that Seya at the time didn’t care too much about this. After all, a monarch-level envoy, how can there be such a good summon.

It is estimated that Dean Feder is exaggerating, so as to promote his Academy.

So Seya just took another look and left an impression, not paying too much attention to it.

Later, after the Silver Moon City incident was upset by the ministers, Seya noticed again that the Angel student was actually the daughter of Viscount Berrott.

This will be interesting.

So when she heard the name Silver Moon City, Seya immediately thought of this interesting student.

That one may be a monarch-level envoy, and it has become the life-saving straw for the Flame Dragon kingdom at this moment.

If you want to withstand the attack of a monarch-level summoner, a monarch-level messenger is definitely not enough. At least two are necessary.

Otherwise, once you are restrained by the other party's envoy, there is really nothing to do.

"Your Majesty, the list of students is here."

After a while, the guard who was ordered to the warehouse walked in with a stack of organized books and put them respectfully. On the table.

Then, under Seya's wave, he bowed and retired.

"Student Angel, at the summon ceremony, summon has shown a humanoid faculty."

"After the humanoid faculty appeared, he showed that he could easily suppress it. Living with the power of the superior-level envoy, and you can clearly feel it, there is still room for energy."

"Therefore, it is speculated that the humanoid envoy has a great probability of being a monarch-level envoy..."

Seya turned over the list of students about Angel, looking at the remarks above, looking thoughtful.

"It can easily suppress an excellent level servitor..."

By this alone, it can be determined that this humanoid servitor is absolutely good in battle strength, at least it is an excellent level. High Rank.

According to the content of the remarks, Liwei's superior-level envoy is still a flame lesser dragon.

This powerful servitor with Dragon Clan Bloodlines has the strongest battle strength. Among servitors of the same level, it can be said that it is almost impossible to find an opponent.

In this way, the guess about the power level of this humanoid envoy can be raised to a higher level.

Even if it is not a monarch-level envoy, it should not be far away.

In this critical period, to have more strength is to have more hope.

As long as you can withstand the threat of the Blackwater Kingdom, pass the current period, and wait for a monarch-level summoner to appear in the Flame Dragon Kingdom, then everything will be calm.

Bring the situation of danger lurks on every side back to a balanced situation.

"Let's do it. If the Angel student's enchantress is unfortunately killed, then it is considered that my Flame Dragon kingdom owes her."

"Come on, decree !"

Seya, who had made the decision, didn't hesitate anymore, and called the guard in aloud.

A secret decree was sent out overnight and rushed to Silver Moon City.


The secret key has its own dedicated channel.

The speed of delivery to Silver Moon City is much faster than ordinary letters.

Within a day, a messenger walked into the City Lord Mansion in Silver Moon City and delivered the secret edict to Berrott.

"Today...Heaven and Earth are all shackles...The Blackwater Kingdom is a huge threat..."

The content of the secret decree is very simple, and it is roughly the envoy who conquers Angel Go to the capital to discuss matters related to defending against the enemy.

It means fighting or defending, just look at the meaning of Blackwater Kingdom.

You only need to wait until a monarch-level summoner also appears in Flame Dragon Kingdom, and the enlistment is over.

"The Lord wants Qi Le to go to the capital to discuss the matter of defending the enemy..."

"This matter, you have to ask Angel's opinion."

Berrott is not qualified to help Qi Le make this decision, so it is not easy to do this job on the spot.

Otherwise Qi Le didn't agree, and Berrott would be deceived.

"Come here, take this gentleman to the guest room to rest."

"Also, have you seen where Angel is?"

So after Berrott arranged the messenger's board and lodging, he went directly to Angel and Qi Le.

It is better to resolve this matter quickly.

There is an old feud between the Blackwater Kingdom and the Flame Dragon Kingdom. If there is a fight, Silver Moon City will definitely not be pleased.

Of course, as long as Heishui Kingdom has no problems with his brain, he will definitely not take the initiative to trouble Silver Moon City.

After all, such a large trading city can easily dispose of it at will, but it can easily affect its image.

It's just this battle together. In order to respond to this battle, Silver Moon City will definitely enter a state of battle.

When the time comes, the trade channel will be temporarily closed.

This is definitely a huge blow to a city-state under construction.

In addition, Berrot himself is the nobleman of the Flame Dragon kingdom, so it is reasonable in every circumstance that he should join the battle.

However, the problem is that Qi Le is not from the Flame Dragon kingdom.

What Berrott decides to do can't affect Qi Le's actions.

So I can only tell Qi Le about this, and let him make the decision for himself.

However, even though Berrott can't help Qi Le make a decision, it's okay to persuade him on the side.

"Sure enough, a monarch-level summoner appeared in the Blackwater Kingdom. I know about this. If there really is a battle, I will go over and take a look."

Qi Le Yi The expression on his face was as expected, and he answered peacefully.

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