Berote’s approach has reached a tacit agreement with the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

Silver Moon City continues to provide Summon Scroll for the capital of the Flame Dragon Kingdom, and if the name "Silver Moon City" is privately attached, please turn a blind eye.

When the merits are enough and the time is right, we can announce the matter and tell the world.

even more how, having a world-famous large-scale trading city-state is also of great benefit to the Flame Dragon kingdom.

So how to choose, the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom has already known in his heart.

"Come here, take out these memorials and seal them up!"

Sealing up means that these memorials will never be seen again.

This also means that the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom has made the decision to turn a blind eye.

The exchange of benefits is like this.

Compared to those courtiers who made trouble in the Imperial court, this kind of tangible benefit is obviously better.

The notes of the rumored story can only be used as a reference.

The vision of the country leader must be long-term.

How to deal with these things should be based on the Flame Dragon kingdom, not on oneself.

So regarding Viscount Berrott’s private listing of Silver Moon City, the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom directly suppressed it, and did not care how the court officials condemned.

However, Berrott did not know about this.

Of course, even if Berrott knew, he would probably say something as expected.

Because people who work for the country and the people, and those who work for their own interests, have different ways of thinking about problems.

Although Berrott is not for the Flame Dragon Kingdom, he is definitely for his people in Fiefdom, or for the residents of Silver Moon City.

At this point, Berrott and the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom reached an agreement.

Then the follow-up development will naturally be as expected, and a tacit understanding between the two will be reached.

And the ministers of the Imperial court dare not have any opinions on the Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom, so they can only put the flame hair on Bellot.

In this way, the pressure on the Imperial court will also be greatly reduced.

But, does Berrott really care about these guys who can only speak out?

The answer is obvious.

Silver Moon City is far away, as long as there is no army coming to crusade, will you care about your mouths?

Just kidding, if you have the ability, just go to Silver Moon City and say a few ruthless words to try and see if you can stand back.


Silver Moon City.

After two days of quiet in the Flame Academy, Angel returned to this ever-changing city-state quickly.

Because Berrott sent a message to Angel, saying that today is the day when the City Lord Mansion is completely completed.

In the construction plan of Silver Moon City, the tallest building of the City Lord Mansion, upon completion, a huge giant dragon statue will be poured on the top of the building to allow everyone who comes to Silver Moon City Can be seen.

That is the Totem of Silver Moon City, the symbol of Silver Moon City.

Although the appearance of the giant dragon holy king is very similar to Flame Dragon, the envoy of the first kingdom of Flame Dragon.

But in the details, there are still differences.

Especially when the size of the giant dragon sculpture is large enough, these differences are also magnified. As long as you observe more, you will find these differences.

So Berrott doesn't worry that he will be severely criticized by the ministers of the Imperial court.

Said that he offended the majesty of the first lord.

You know, this is a very serious problem. If the guilt is established, it would violate the principle.

That is not a problem that can be solved simply by the exchange of benefits.

So Berrott is quite cautious on this point.

Never leave a handle.

"Magic Core hasn't started inlaying yet, that's a big project."

Qi Le, who came back with Angel, took a look at the towering city wall Above, those grooves that were left out purposely.

When these all are Qi Le are building on the city wall, help to find out the location.

Only after the city wall has been completely built, the Magic Core will be inserted into those grooves, and finally the grooves will be sealed.

In this way, Magic Core will automatically form a set of guardian array.

As long as the city wall is attacked, the guardian array will emerge and spontaneously resist the damage.

At the same time, this set of demon array can also be opened manually to form a protective cover to resist attacks from the sky.

It can be said to be very convenient.

No matter which city-state it is mounted on the city wall, it is the best choice.

The only drawback is that the cost is too high.

Because the number of Magic Cores required for this set of guardian arrays is completely determined by the length of the city wall.

The longer the city wall, the more Magic Core is needed.

And if you want the stronger the power of the demon array, the higher the Magic Core level you want to use.

In short, it is a word-Gold Coin!

The number of Gold Coins required to complete such a set of guardian arrays is actually not much lower than rebuilding a city wall.

It is completely piled up with Gold Coin.

It’s just that the defensive power possessed by the two city walls is definitely not as strong as this array of demon guards.

Moreover, it is troublesome to build two city gates, and the manpower of guards has to be doubled again.

City Guard is not enough.

"Actually, the purchase of Magic Core is not yet in place..."

After hearing Qi Le's words, Angel replied a little embarrassingly.

The current Silver Moon City, although it looks like it’s getting a lot of money every day, piled up gold and accumulated jade, and made a lot of money.

But the construction of a city-state is undoubtedly a bottomless pit that swallows gold.

So the Gold Coin contributed by these merchants and tourists almost passed through the vault in Silver Moon City, and then followed it out.

The purchase of various materials, the demand for various materials.

There are also large sums of wages and public buildings.

For example, road construction.

This is not the original road connecting the nearest city-state, and in the entire Silver Moon City, it can be guaranteed to extend in all directions, like a spider web road.

And it will also extend beyond Silver Moon City, leading to all directions.

After all, a large-scale trading city-state can not only look at the situation inside the city-state, but also see visitors from outside the city-state.

Then there are health needs and medical needs.

A city-state full of dirty, messy, and rundown can't attract many tourists.

Therefore, the city-state sanitation is still very important.

In this regard, common facilities include sewage ditch, garbage dump, landfill incineration and so on.

We must also be equipped with corresponding sanitation personnel to patrol and clean up the entire city-state.

This is an indispensable expenditure.

The medical needs, to be honest, mainly take care of the residents of Silver Moon City.

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