And after speaking, Angel ran out directly, searched through the study, found a somewhat quaint book, and handed it to Qi Le.

"This is the original annals of the Flame Dragon Kingdom. It contains the portrait of the envoy of the first lord."

Angel helped turn the pages of the book while explaining.

The portraits in the historical annals are almost indistinguishable in appearance except that they are not very rich in color.

After all, there are a lot of people like Danqing master if you really want to find them.

So when Qi Le saw the portrait of the Flame Dragon envoy, he realized that the appearance of this Flame Dragon is indeed a bit similar to the Saint King of Giant Dragon.

Isn't it an illegality child?

Is this the reason why the first Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom insisted on going to the Desert?

But does the giant dragon holy king really have heirs?

Several questions suddenly appeared in Qi Le's mind.

Because this thing is really strange.

"Wait a minute, let me think about it. Before the giant dragon holy king is located, it was simply impossible to be discovered by outsiders."

" Then the contents inside are naturally impossible to leak out."

You know, a realm that can be completely sealed off by even aura is almost another space.

Before opening, how could there be items left out?

Is the space wall barrier really paper?

"But why, the reverse scale of the giant dragon holy king will appear in that desert, and will it be dug up by the people of the Blackwater Kingdom?"

" Could it be..."

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Le suddenly found a problem.

That was the envoy of the first Lord of Flame Dragon Kingdom, and it is very likely that it was transformed by a reverse scale of the Saint King of Giant Dragon.

After all, just a piece of dragon soul fragment can be transformed into a powerhouse-level Supreme Peak that will last thousands of years.

Then a reverse scale, turned into a Flame Dragon that probably entered the powerhouse-level realm, becoming an envoy, it seems there is nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, the giant dragon holy king has experience in doing things like enchantress, and he will definitely not show a weak spot.

In this way, it makes sense why the dragon scales of the giant dragon holy king appear in Desert.

And it’s not surprising that the first Lord of the Flame Dragon Kingdom will go to the Desert with the ambassador arbitrarily.

Logically speaking, there is no problem at all.

"Thinking about it this way, it should be right. It seems that the fate between me and the giant dragon Saint Senior Wang is really not shallow."

Qi Le covered the history books in his hands. Get up, think silently in my heart.

It's nice to have resolved another feeling of confusion.

"How about, Qi Le, I'm not mistaken."

Angel saw Qi Le closed the annals, and asked aloud.

"Maybe it's a coincidence, but this is a gift I specially prepared for you. I forged it by myself."

Qi Le unceremoniously took the credit for the system. On oneself.

system: " Bah—— !"

For this shameless behavior, system strongly condemns it.

However, Qi Le used the skills-turned a deaf ear, and successfully avoided the quarrel with the system.

"Ah...Thank you, Qi Le, I like it very much."

Angelton was overjoyed when he heard that Qi Le had forged it by himself.

I quickly took over this giant dragon statue.

The size of the giant dragon statue is about half the size of a child's body. It is made extremely delicate and lifelike.

However, due to the material problem, the giant dragon statue is not very heavy.

Angel can also hold a weight of tens of kilograms.

" Just like it."

Qi Le laughed, and then said: "Angel, let's drop a drop of blood on the statue now."

"What did you say?"

Angel was still happy, and suddenly heard Qi Le's words, a little unresponsive.

"This statue is a very magical treasure. As long as you drip a drop of blood and place it in the center of this piece of Fiefdom, it will be able to shelter you and this piece of Fiefdom."

Qi Le explained briefly and concisely.

It's too complicated, I guess Angel can't understand it either.

And in the case of insufficient strength, it is not a good thing to be exposed to the news of this level of Heaven and Earth's will.

Because in many cases, knowing too much is also a sin.

"Is that so, I know."

Angel's trust in Qi Le is blind.

So after listening to Qi Le’s explanation, Angel bit her finger without saying a word, and squeezed a drop of blood onto the giant dragon statue.

Unlike the ordinary treasure recognizing Master, if Heaven and Earth wants to remember the breath of a creature, ordinary blood is enough.

Otherwise, Qi Le has to teach Angel how to condense blood essence first.


The red blood, which penetrated the surface of the giant dragon statue, was quickly absorbed by the heart of summon.

Angel's breath naturally left a trace on Summon's heart.

Of course, dripping blood is definitely not enough.

Otherwise, the traces inscribed on the heart of summon are too cheap.

The ability to leave this trace is mainly due to Qi Le's Heaven and Earth luck, which is the greatest temptation for Heaven and Earth's will.

So a little accommodating is normal.

"Very good, it has been successful."

"Angel, now I just need to find a place to erect this statue."

Qi Le looked at Angel's tangled look, and said aloud.

Because if not reminded, Angel may continue to drip blood on the giant dragon statue...

"Oh, is this a success."

Angel put the bitten finger in her mouth.

"How about it? How much blood do you want to put?"

Qi Le said a little funny, walked over and took Angel's finger from her mouth He came out and released a healing magic on his fingertips.

The small wound healed instantly, with no traces visible.

"This is?"

Angel looked at her fingertips, stared wide-eyed.

"It's just a simple healing magic."

Qi Le peaceful answered.

Healing magic is not so difficult to learn, but there are relatively few magicians who can learn healing magic.

Generally, those who study healing magic are all priests.

And the orthodox magician, that must be learning combat magic!

"Wow, can I learn then?"

Angel asked quickly.

Angel wanted to learn the perceptual obstacle magic that Gu Yuan had used before, but it was said that it was unnecessary.

Now this healing magic, It shouldn't be "not necessary".

"This is something you can learn, but it shouldn't suit you."

Qi Le squinted his eyes and recalled Angel’s character, excited when the battle started, typical Violent law.

Learning healing magic seems a bit wasteful.

"How can it be inappropriate? I think healing magic is very difficult to deal with."

Angel said with blazing eyes.

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