"The heavy cavalry owned by the border guards at Jushi Pass is indeed a sharp weapon."

"Used as a sharp knife to pierce the enemy's formation, it is really true. Nothing goes wrong."

Seeing this scene, Cyborg didn't have the slightest surprise or shock on his face.

The heavy cavalry of the Guards at the Border of the Stone Pass is quite famous in the Flame Dragon Kingdom and the Blackwater Kingdom.

Charge into battle, unmatched strength.

The heavy cavalry is just a unit, it is difficult to play a role in the surprise attack.

So more often, it is used for defense.

Cyborg, who came to attack the Jushiguan, naturally expected a little.

"The formation disperses to the left and right, the two wings merge in the middle, blocking the path of the enemy heavy cavalry turning back, and intercepting them in the army formation!"

After a sneer, Cyborg quickly issued the order.

The strongest part of the heavy cavalry lies in the unmatched impact after the speed of the charge rises.

However, the heavy cavalry who has not been able to increase their speed has a sharp drop of 90% in lethality, not to mention that the heavy armor will also seriously affect the flexibility of the warrior.

Based on this, the most distressing part of the heavy cavalry is the U-turn after the charge.

If you can successfully turn around, you can cross rush in the enemy formation.

So as to completely shred the enemy's formation.

But if there is no way to turn around, then naturally there is no need to say more about the ending.

When the charge is exhausted, it is the time to die in battle.

Olain understands this truth, and Cyborg also understands this truth.

Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to prevent the turning of the heavy cavalry of the Jushiguan border guards, even if it takes life to fill it, it is worth it.

"Even you know how to restrict heavy cavalry, don't I know, Cyborg."

"If you think you can do it, then you can do it." Go ahead and do it."

Olaine sullenly watched the heavy cavalry charge silently, without any intention of turning around, and rushed directly into the Blackwater Forest.

As long as you don't slow down and turn around, the impact of the heavy cavalry will not weaken.

Unless the horsepower of the horse is exhausted.

But these horses that have been screened heavily and coupled with special training, it’s not that simple to run out of horsepower.

This level of rush killing can last at least five rounds before there is insufficient horsepower.

"You went straight into the Blackwater Forest? Interesting!"

Cyborg understood the meaning of these actions at once.

Ordinary siege battles, heavy cavalry charges, and destructive power, no matter how strong it is, there will be an end.

Because you want to crash into the city wall with a heavily armored war horse, you are dreaming.

So after the charge reaches a certain level, it will definitely stop.

This is also the reason why cavalry seldom use it to attack cities.

However, in the defensive battle on this open plain, as long as the heavy cavalry is not blocked in the army, it is normal to rush over.

And turning around far away from the enemy, and rushing again, you can also stab the enemy's army from behind.

Although each round of rushing will consume more horsepower, it will be safer.

At worst, just charge two rounds less.

"But... Olain, do you think this kind of trick works for me?"

Cyborg sneered at Olain who was standing on the city wall. Raised a hand: "Let the light cavalry catch up, wait until the horsepower of the enemy heavy cavalry is exhausted, and then slowly besieged."

On the destructive power when charging, the heavy cavalry should be lightened. The cavalry was several streets.

But in terms of flexibility during the battle, the light cavalry can definitely abuse the heavy cavalry to find the north.

Therefore, the tail chase is the best way for light cavalry to deal with heavy cavalry.

Avoid the edge and deal with it slowly.

"Sure enough, I got the bait."

Seeing the light cavalry team chasing the heavy cavalry after being separated from the army, a glimmer of light flashed in Olain's eyes.

When the two armies are fighting, isn't it that plot against comes to plot against?

The more who counts, the greater the chance of winning.

As long as there is no overwhelming powerhouse, there are many examples of using the weak to defeat the strong.

"Continue to attack! The whole army will attack!"

Cyborg glanced back at the whereabouts of the light cavalry, and then shouted loudly.

The amount of resources required to feed a heavy cavalry is several times more than that of ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, Cyborg is not worried at all that another heavy cavalry will rush out of the Jushiguan.

If this happens, it can only prove one thing-the lieutenant of the Ju Shiguan border guard is an idiot.

As the war is fully ignited, the battlefield is in full swing.

War drums are bursting, roar shakes the sky.

The lives of countless soldiers were buried in this battlefield, with blood splattered and corpses everywhere.

The students of Flame Academy, even on the city wall, looked pale.

This battle is much more dangerous than the battle of the demonic beast tide.

After all, the object of accepting the wheel war is the frontier guard at Jushiguan.


However, when the expedition army of the Blackwater Kingdom and the border guards of Jushiguan were fighting endlessly, there was a shocking shout, suddenly It came out from the black water forest behind.

The unexpected Cyborg suddenly looked back.

However, I saw a large number of soldiers in the armor of the guards on the side of the giant stone pass, walking out of the Blackwater Forest.

Accompanying them are the heavy cavalry who entered the Blackwater Forest before.

"How could this happen...Olain, when the strength of the giant stone pass is severely insufficient, you dare to set up an ambush in the Blackwater Forest!"

"I can I really underestimate you!"

Cyborg’s gnashing teeth said, a touch of anger appeared on his face.

Such a bold decision is particularly rare in a defensive battle with insufficient strength.

Because these ambushes entering the Blackwater Forest, if they were discovered before the war, it would be equivalent to losing so many troops in vain.

Not only does it have no unexpected effects, but it makes the frontal battlefield more difficult.

However, if the strategy is successful, the effect will also have the power to change the battlefield situation.

Especially now at this time.

Those light cavalry who went to chase the heavy cavalry should have been buried in the Blackwater Forest.

"The encirclement is already connected."

"Syborg, since you dare to attack the Jushiguan, you must be prepared to not go back. " Aolai En seems to have been waiting for this moment.

When he saw the soldiers ambushing in the Blackwater Forest, and the heavy cavalry who went in to join them, and walked out of the Blackwater Forest together, a smile appeared on Olain's face.

If you meet force with force with the army of the Blackwater Kingdom, you will lose to the frontier guards at Jushiguan.

It is nothing more than whether the persistence time is long or short.

So, if you want not to die chronically, then you have to the sword moves with side stroke.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2027: End-of-End Pursuit)...

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