As for the territory, it is just a luxury.

Insufficient strength, having a territory is just a disaster.

On this road, the soldiers of the Frontier Guards are all vigilant, always paying attention to all around.

There are a lot of demonic beasts in the Blackwater Forest. Although they don't take the initiative to attack, they are also normal.

And now, the demonic beast has just gathered.

Who knows if these guys will be aggressive and start to attack indiscriminately.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen.

Probably because there were too many demonic beasts killed during the attack on Boulder Pass, so the demonic beasts with weak battle strength in the periphery were reduced a lot.

After all, in the tide of demonic beasts, the first thing that is consumed is these cannon fodder-level demonic beasts.

On the contrary, those demonic beasts with tyrannical battle strength were able to escape alive when they were finally countered by a large number of Summoned Beast.

Then he returned to the Blackwater Forest.

And these relatively more powerful demonic beasts, where they live, are naturally deeper in the Blackwater Forest.

So after walking through this section of the road outside the Blackwater Forest, the next journey will become more and more dangerous.

So that the entire group, who hadn't talked much all the way, became more silent.

Even Nora followed Angel quietly, looking around, for fear that a demonic beast would suddenly emerge from somewhere.

"It's too quiet, it's strange to be quiet."

Qi Le walked along and suddenly said aloud.

"Isn't it good to pipe down?"

Angel asked with some confusion.

"Quiet also needs to be divided into places. In places like the Blackwater Forest, if it is too quiet, it means that the surrounding animals have been emptied."

"Yes. When this happens, the most likely possibility is that we have entered the territory of a certain demonic beast."

Qi Le glanced at Angel and explained aloud.

In the forest full of various demonic beasts, whether it is the surrounding Insect Cry or the movement of small animals, it is a sign of safety.

It means that there is no powerful demonic beast nearby.

Otherwise, the animals that are most sensitive to danger will not stay here.

But now in the surrounding environment, except for the sound made by their entire group walking, almost no other sounds can be heard.

The warriors of the Frontier Army who were on the alert might not have noticed this change.

But Qi Le noticed this change, so he said it directly to remind others.

"The territory of the demonic beast!?"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed slightly.

The demonic beast that can own territory in the Blackwater Forest will never be weak.

And demonic beast’s territorial awareness has always been very strong. For creatures that enter their territory for no reason, they will never show mercy.

Unless you can't beat it.

"No way..."

Nora grabbed Angel's clothes corner nervously.

However, the entire group did not wait long. A loud howl of a wolf spread from the depths of the Blackwater Forest.

"ao wu ——!"

The long and sharp wolf howl is like a fuse.

"ao wu ……"

For a while, Qi Le and the others were surrounded by loud howls of wolves.

And the sound waves are getting louder and louder. Obviously, the guys who make the wolf howling are gradually approaching.


The appearance of the wolf howl greatly changed the complexity of twenty elite soldiers from the frontier army.

Among the many demonic beasts, the wolf demonic beast is one of the demonic beasts that like to live in groups the most, and it is also one of the most dangerous demonic beasts.

An offensive like the tide, even those powerful summoners are unwilling to face it.

However, at this moment, they met.

Along with the howls of wolves, a pair of crimson beast pupils also emerged from the darkness.

The densely packed beast pupils make people shudder.

"crimson's eyes, and this wolf howl... it's the blood moon wolf pack!"

In the library of the Flame Academy, I have seen a lot of Summoned Beast illustrations and demonics Angel of the beast picture book recognized the names of these demonic beasts at a glance.

Blood moon wolves, medium-level demonic beasts, like to live in groups.

Among the blood moon wolves, there will usually be a High Rank other blood moon wolf king, leading the entire group of actions.

The more blood moon wolves this race has, the stronger the power of the blood moon wolf king.

So no matter which demonic beast forest is in, the blood moon wolf pack is a very dangerous kind of demonic beast.

Few demonic beasts are willing to provoke.

"What did you say? These demonic beasts... are blood moon wolves?"

Kemebo hearing this, the expression on his face suddenly became a little frightened.

These guys, even if they are a High Rank summoner, they all avoid it, don't dare provoke.

So what can they do?

The team that came to explore the Blackwater Forest at this time was originally not many.

Faced with demonic beasts of average strength, they were a bit stretched, let alone face the blood moon wolves.

Kemebo originally came to explore the Blackwater Forest with him, just to prove that he is not worse than Angel, but now he has to take himself in.

"Blood moon wolf...I don't think so."

Qi Le and Angel, also read a lot of demonic beast illustrations, so I have also heard about it. The name of the blood moon wolf.

Naturally, I know the strength of the blood moon wolf pack.

But the blood moon wolves in front of them, especially the blood moon wolf king, have reached the Heroic Rank long ago.

That is the excellence level of this World.

So whether the demonic beasts in front of us are blood moon wolves is to be determined for the time being, but Qi Le can be sure that there is definitely a treasure in this black water forest.

A treasure that can catalyze demonic beasts to enhance strength.

system: "Host, long time no see."

Then in the next second, the voice of system suddenly rang in Qi Le's mind.

"I knew you would definitely appear, let's talk, what's the matter this time?"

Qi Le is not surprised that he will hear the voice of system.

Ever since I came to the world of summon, this two-stroke system seems to be dead, except that it appeared once when Summon Scroll was developed in the middle, and it seemed that it did not exist at other times.

Now when I encounter a treasure that may appear, I will cheat my corpse immediately.

system: "Host, don’t say that. It's like this system appears, it must be looking for you to do things."

" Be confident, not like, this is Facts."

"If there is no good thing to attract you, how could you take the initiative to show up."

Qi Le spread out his hands and described a fact in a straightforward tone. .

Originally, Qi Le thought that when he heard the voice of system again, it might be when he wanted to open the barrier to go back.

As a result, the system ran out at this time...

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 2013: Blood Moon Wolves)...

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