"How to find a powerful demonic beast? I shouldn't need me to teach you. From now on, you can drive Summoned Beast to attack the demonic beast freely."

"In this battle, I will record your performance as an evaluation result for your support mission this time."

"So, everyone from the Flame Academy, start acting. "

After scanning the nearly thousand Summoned Beast in front of him, Olain spoke in a deep voice.

A rough estimate, these students, almost everyone summoned three summoned beasts.

Joining such a new force into the battle is definitely a big boost.

And it is a boost that will not reduce the battle strength.

"Angel, don't you participate in the battle?"

After Nora drove her Summoned Beast into the battlefield, she curiously looked towards Angel beside her .

Just now Nora can see clearly that Angel simply did not summon out Summoned Beast.

And the current performance of this battle, but will be included in the total score of the actual combat assessment of the Flame Academy.

Don’t Angel want to graduate?

"Let’s take a look first, don’t worry, if you want to get good results, you have to seize the opportunity."

Angel waved her hand, very confident Speaking of.

Killing a powerful demonic beast is definitely better than killing a hundred weak demonic beasts.

Because it will cause huge casualties to the soldiers of the Border Army, only those powerful demonic beasts.

So Angel's idea is very simple.

Compared to winning by quantity, it is better to save a little effort, and it is more convenient to win by quality.

"Is that right, then I don't care about you, or I won't be able to graduate."

Nora showed a quasi-understanding expression on her face, and then Turned his head and began to concentrate on commanding his own Summoned Beast.

Other students are also staring at the battlefield outside the city wall, driving their Summoned Beast to attack those areas where the battle conditions are stuck, and supporting the soldiers of the frontier army.

With the addition of these Summoned Beasts, the demonic beast tide was also suppressed for a while, and the speed of advancement almost stopped.

This is also the battle strength exerted by the frontier guards of Jushiguan entering the battle in an all-round way.

And there is so much assistance from Summoned Beast.

It is not so difficult to stop the demonic beast from attacking.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

As the number of demonic beasts continues to increase, the strength of these demonic beasts continues to increase.

After the demonic beasts that were used as cannon fodder in the front were almost wiped out, the demonic beasts that had real battle strength behind them also began to emerge.

This also made the frontier soldiers gradually tighten their battle lines.

Although with the help of Summoned Beast.

But these summoned beasts, whose battle strength is not too strong, have the biggest effect, which is probably to reduce some casualties.

And relying on attributes that are not afraid of consumption, to contain those tyrannical demonic beasts.

But wanting to use these summoned beasts to push back the demonic beast tide is impossible.

Summoned Beast with nearly a thousand heads, in front of this demonic beast, which resembles a tsunami, at most it arouses a circle of spray.

Especially in this continuous battle, Summoned Beast kept fighting to death.

You need the summoner to spend magic power again to summon.

And these Flame Academy students have become summoners in less than a month. Naturally, they are not much stronger in tempering their own magic power.

Because in terms of magic reserves, the gap between summoner and magician is a bit big.

After all, magician mainly relies on all kinds of magic to fight, if the reserve of magic power is less, it is simply terrible.

But summoner, that is, summon magic requires magic power.

As for other auxiliary magic, honestly speaking, there are really few summoners who deliberately learn these things.

Why add an auxiliary magic to the problem that can be solved with Summoned Beast?

If summon has a problem that cannot be solved by Summoned Beast, it must be that the number of Summoned Beast is not enough.

What does it have to do with auxiliary magic?

So, Pianke is really terrible.

With the impact of the demonic beast tide, the faces of the students standing on the city wall, after finally recovering, began to pale again.

But this time, I am not scared.

It is because of the lack of magic in the body, which leads to the look pale.

This scene is naturally seen in Olain's eyes.

However, Olain is also helpless to deal with the loss of magic power.

After all, Battle Qi and magic are not universal. If there was such an aptitude, O'Lion would have switched to being a summoner a long time ago.

"Damn, we still underestimated the destructive power of the demonic beasts this time."

"Really didn't expect, there will be so many demonic beasts!"

Looking into the distance on the city wall, Olain can see that the demonic beasts rushing out of the Blackwater Forest are still endless.

This is definitely a shocking situation.

You must know that the corpses of demonic beasts are spread over the hundreds of miles outside the border wall of the Jushiguan.

The number of demonic beasts that fell on the ground was tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

Even the Jushiguan Frontier Guards have lost the lives of nearly 10,000 soldiers in this battle.

But the demonic beast tide that gushes from the Blackwater Forest, but there is still no end in sight.

This level of demonic beast tide is simply rare in the world.

At least in Olain’s military career, I have never heard of such a huge demonic beast.

Therefore, it is normal to estimate mistakes.

"ao ——!"

Just when Olain was browsing tightly frowns, a terrifying tiger roar burst out from the Blackwater Forest.

A circle of faintly discernible sound waves also spread to the battlefield.

heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

The powerful demonic beast is finally coming out!

"Damn, how can there be such a terrifying aura!"

Only this roar made Olain's face changed.

Every strong demon beast whose battle strength far exceeds that of the frontier soldiers will become a sharp knife that tears through the battlefield.

It caused a huge blow to the frontier army's front and caused a large number of casualties.

Especially for the current frontier soldiers, both Battle Qi and physical strength have begun to show signs of decline.

Once the front line was torn open, it would be a fatal blow to the entire frontier formation.

"Separate the manpower, must prevent this Demon Beast from entering the battlefield!"

Thinking of this, Olain hurriedly said to the students beside him.

There must be no cracks in the frontier army's front.

Otherwise, the crack will be the beginning of defeat, until the city wall of Jushiguan is destroyed.

"Although it is said that, but we have no magic power now..."

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