However, the first batch of Summon Scrolls designed did not include the two SR pet cards and the two activity-limited pet cards.

After all, the power of the SR-class pet card is still a bit too strong, not suitable for showing it prematurely.

As for the pet cards that are limited by the event, since they are all limited, they are the same no matter which world they are in.

At the same time, in accordance with Qi Le's requirements, the power of Summon Scroll is limited.

The Summon Scroll converted from the B-Rank pet card, the extreme state can exert low-level power.

Summon Scroll, which is transformed from the A-Rank pet card, is of medium level.

The R-level pet card is naturally High Rank. Goodbye.

Clear power boundaries can also be more convenient to distinguish customer groups.

Because of the three levels of Summon Scroll, the price difference is very large.

For the low-level Summon Scroll, Qi Le decided to sell ten Silver Coins.

The medium-level Summon Scroll is a Gold Coin sheet.

And the other Summon Scroll of High Rank, that is one piece of ten Gold Coins.

In terms of price, the unity is a tenfold increase.

Although this price may not be a big deal to the nobles, one thing to be clear is that Summon Scroll is all one-off.

One or two Summon Scrolls are nothing.

Ten sheets and 100 sheets may also be acceptable.

But tens of thousands of sheets, hundreds of thousands of sheets, there may be nodded pain.

So those nobles should not be so stupid that they want to use Summon Scroll to challenge the authority of summoner.

But the story comes back again.

Once Summon Scroll is on sale, the status of summoner will definitely be impacted. Although it will not fall to the bottom, it will certainly not be as lofty as it used to be.

So even if Summon Scroll is expensive, people who should buy it will still be eager for it.

There is no need to worry about the sales problem.

Qi Le’s only concern is not to let Summon Scroll ruin the stable summon world and make fire beacon everywhere, and the fun will be great.

"Let me see, what are the first batch of Summon Scrolls."

The first is the Summon Scroll modified from a pet card.

Low-level Summon Scroll: puppet doll, earthen doll, Golden Puppet Doll.

Intermediate level Summon Scroll: Great Earth Demon Bear, Water Spirit White Fox, Flame-toothed Dog, Thunder Rolling Tiger, Wind-Treading White Horse, Red Flame Spirit Bird.

High Rank Don’t Summon Scroll: Death Knight, Storm Wyvern, Bronze Giants, Golden Winged Griffins.

In terms of attributes, although it is quite complete, there are not many types.

So Qi Le also asked the system to design some Summon Scrolls based on these attributes.

However, due to the standard Summon Scroll, the additional Summon Scroll designed looks a bit dull.

For example, the derivative version of the stone armor beast that I have seen before, the golden armor beast, the wood armor beast, the Fire Armour Beast...

or the original pet cards like puppet dolls Advanced version, giant tree puppet, boulder puppet, diamond puppet and other Summon Scroll.

In short, there are many types, which can meet almost any customer's needs.

Qi Le from the beginning to the end, looking down one by one, I was dazzled, and I couldn't help but click nodded with satisfaction.

The intensity of Summon Scroll is just one point.

Types and attributes are also very important.

Because different types of Summon Scroll work together, the different changes produced are also what many customers are looking for.

In order to cope with various occasions, various Summon Scrolls must be equipped.

Only in this way can those customers continuously contribute their strength of Faith.

And there is the most important point.

That is, after the automatic vending point has been improved by the system, the collection speed of strength of faith has been much faster.

The unpleasant restrictions will no longer appear in the forging world.

"Very good, in this way, I can also start my next plan."

Qi Le slightly nodded, said in his heart.

Then the eyebrow raised, stood up, jumped off the steps, and came to the training ground.

"Angel, how are you practicing?"

When Angel stopped and started to rest, Qi Le asked aloud.

There are not many high-end skills in the magic of smashing a blow. It only pays attention to a control force burst, which means to fight.

After all, the smash hit is not a range-type magic, but a single attack magic.

If you want to use point to break surface, then precise strike is very important.

"I think I have completely mastered it."

Angel immediately replied confidently: "What's the matter, Qi Le, do you have any new magic? Can you teach me?"

"Don’t worry about the new magic, I want to test what you said about complete mastery, what is the level."

Qi Le laughed, and then one Raising his hand, condense a fist sized stone ball.

"This is a hollow stone ball with a smaller stone ball filled with water. Your goal is to smash the outer stone shell, but you can't hurt it. The little stone ball inside."

"As long as your power escapes a little, the little stone ball will burst and the water inside will seep out."

After explaining the rules , Qi Le stretched out his hand holding the stone ball.

"Now, you can start."

"Hey--! Could it be that you are here to hold this stone ball?"

Angie When you saw Qi Le's movements, he was stunned.

To be honest, Angel was really confident before, but after Qi Le explained the rules, Angel became a little unconfident.

Because of this challenge, the requirements for the degree of power control are too demanding.

It is almost necessary to achieve the degree of freedom of sending and receiving.

However, for most magic, in order to achieve the degree of freedom of sending and receiving, in addition to continuous practice, there are also high requirements for innate talent.

Sufficient comprehension is needed to do it.

So after seeing Qi Le's actions, Angel's biggest worry is that she accidentally hurt Qi Le.

After all, the destructive power of a smashing blow is not small.

"You don't need to worry about this, you can't hurt me because of you."

Qi Le could see what Angel was thinking at a glance, and immediately became angry. Speaking of.

A young magician whose strength level is quite reluctant to even reach the Professional Rank, is even worried about himself.

Although it is kind, but there is no doubt that he can't clearly see the performance of his own level.

"Really, then I will try."

Angel somewhat guilty raised his hand and began to gather magic.



Then, as Qi Le expected, the fist-big stone ball turned into one Pile of rock powder, fried all over the sky.

Qi Le even spilled the water in the little stone ball.

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