"It's just my father and mother, who have always wanted me to be a summoner, so I haven't dared to say it."

"But now, I can finally be confident He said this!"

The seriousness on Angel's face quickly turned into a cheerful smile.

In any case, the current Angel is just a girl and a half.

According to the actual age, it is still a bit worse than adulthood.

So the expectation that the family placed on Angel is too heavy for Angel.

Otherwise, Angel and Nora would not be so desperate at yesterday's summon ceremony.

From heaven to hell, and then from hell to heaven.

The ups and downs are really exciting.

So there will be such a jumpy performance at this time, nothing more than a child's temperament that's all.

Although Qi Le always thought it was incredible.

After subverting the world view, it can actually cause such a big change, it seems that Angel has indeed been suppressed for too long.

But the Aristocratic Family is easy to understand.

Fighting for power and profit, with a sword in the mouth and a sword in a smile.

If there is no absolute power, in the circle of nobility, one must live cautiously.

If this is not depressed, what else is depressing?

Now that I have a chance to be liberated, of course I have to vent my emotions.

"Angel, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"Is it because there is no summon to produce a powerful summoned beast?"

With a sluggish face, Nora finally came back to his senses. The first reaction was that Angel was joking.

Finally, he brought out the summon of the servitor and became a summoner, yet he said this again.

Could it be that when you practiced summon magic just now, you were hit too much?

"Of course not."

Angel quickly denied it.

Even if it is true that summon does not produce Summoned Beast, Angel absolutely does not want to admit it.

Because of this incident, it is really embarrassing.

A summoner dignified, but even a summoned beast can't be summoned. If this spreads out, it will definitely be laughed to death by others.

So after a short pause, Angel resolutely picked up Qi Le's rhetoric.

"I just think that if I drive Summoned Beast to fight, how can I personally take action and defeat the enemy so happy."

"As long as I am better than all Summoned Beasts, then Don't you need Summoned Beast."

Angel said confidently.

I even want to use this concept to brainwash Nora.

There is no way, this kind of deviant thing, if two people do it, it is always less psychologically stressful than when one person does it.

"Hey, what you said... seems to make sense..."

It was the first time Nora heard this, and her eyes lit up instantly.

"No, what she said doesn't make much sense. You must not listen to the favor."

However, before Nora could ask a question, Qi Le slapped him in the face. On Nora's shoulder, he warned very seriously.

In the process of turning from summoner to violent law, if there is no good teacher to lead the way, it is definitely a mistake.

But in the entire summon world, Qi Le is the only person capable of this job.

So based on this situation, Qi Le definitely does not want to appear a guy who is interested in becoming a fighting magician.

You know, with Qi Le's laziness, it is difficult enough to teach Angel in normal times.

After all, in the summon world, there is knowledge about combat magic, but it needs to be learned from the beginning.

If this is to add a Nora.

Then Qi Le doesn't need to do other things.


Nora glanced at Angel.

"No, but you have to believe me!"

Qi Le immediately straightened Nora's head, then looked straight into her eyes, and said sincerely .

"Hey, Angel! What do you think?"

Angel, who was suddenly mentioned by Qi Le, was taken aback.

But soon, Angel reacted and quickly replied: "Yes, Nora, it is very hard to learn this kind of fighting magic."

No way, Angel's transformation into violent law is based on the fact that he can't become a summoner.

That's why I had to do it.

But Nora is different.

Having an excellent level of envoy, it is destined for Nora to become a summoner, and it will be smooth sailing.

At this time, if Nora’s good future was missed because of this kind of thing, then Angel would never allow herself to do so.

Good girlfriends, just hope that the other party can have a better life.

"But I'm not afraid of hard work."

Nora still seemed a little ignorant and didn't understand the situation.

"No, you still didn’t understand. Angel meant that you don’t have this aspect of aptitude."

Qi Le said so, but he felt Silently sighed.

The wicked still have to do it themselves.

"Uh...then, forget it, if you can't learn it, then don't learn it."

Nora didn't struggle.

I really don’t know if this kind of character is cute or carefree.

"By the way, although I can't learn it, Angel, you have learned it, can you show me what magic is it?"

However, Nora still Quite concerned about the cracks on the training floor.

The magic that can smash cracks on such a solid floor must be very difficult to deal with.

"This is still okay."

At this moment, Angel is desperate to show himself and prove himself, of course he will not hide it.

So as soon as Nora made this request, Angel nodded responded.

Then, without saying anything, with one hand lifted, the magic instantly condensed into shape, followed by fiercely and hit the floor of the training ground.


There was a muffled noise.

It was originally a crack in the shape of a spider web, but at this time it turned into a not too deep pit.

Two consecutive smashing blows, both strikes in the same place, finally making the floor of the training ground unbearable.

"Very powerful destructive power!"

Nora said in half shock and half satisfaction.

It turns out that Angel’s previous statement of "not being a summoner" was not an angry word, but the result of careful consideration.

In this case, Nora's worries can be put down.

It’s just that you don’t have to say how happy you are.

Because there is a saying that is pretty good.

When your good friend fails the exam, you will feel sorry for him.

However, if her good friend gets full marks, then she might be even more sad...

So Nora’s mood at this time is that she is happy for Angel at the same time. Competing with himself in secret again.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1978: If you can't learn it, don't learn it)...

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