So after finishing the theory class, Angel and Nora did not sit idle, but ran to the training ground to prepare to practice summon magic.

This is also one of the content taught in today's summoner theory class.

The summon magic is not very profound magic for the summoner.

It’s just that when looking for Summoned Beast, you need a little skill so that summon can find the most suitable Summoned Beast.

This is why, every new summoner needs to learn about Summoned Beast.

One of the most important reasons is to understand the purpose of these summoned beasts.

When needed, summon offers the most suitable Summoned Beast.

But for new summoners, there are not many types of summoned beasts that can be summoned.

Because summon magic has a characteristic.

When summoner does not have Summoned Beast, it will be quite difficult.

But after summon has experienced this kind of Summoned Beast once, it will leave a mark in the summon magic. When summon again, it will be very easy.

Of course, the magic power that needs to be consumed will not decrease.

It simply omitted the search process that's all.

"First gather the magic power, find the Summoned Beast with the same attribute as your own, and then add the output of the Great Demon power to bring the Summoned Beast to yourself."

Nora recalls What I heard during class.

It sounds pretty simple.

But when it's time to do it, it's not as simple as imagined.

Gathering magic is not difficult.

The real difficulty is to find the same Summoned Beast as the attribute.

Summoned Beast that can be summoned by summoner summon, there are thousands of types, but only a small part of them are useful.

But when the newly promoted summoner is looking for Summoned Beast with the same attribute as himself at first, it is all random summon.

This is also a process that every summoner will go through.

Constant random summon.

Until summon produced a useful Summoned Beast, he left a mark on his summon magic.

So that you don’t need to spend time looking for it next time you need it.

So really speaking, the summon magic of every summoner is actually different.

Because the marks left in it are different.

"Gather the magic power and find the Summoned Beast..."

Angel also started his own difficult journey to find the Summoned Beast.

The magic power is condensed in Angel's palm, and then begins to outline the lines of summon magic.

And Qi Le stood by, wanting to see if Angel can summon out Summoned Beast.

"Flaming grass... useless..."

"Little fire rat, this... doesn't seem to have any battle strength."

"Hey, it's again A useless Summoned Beast."

"No, this doesn’t work either. Why are there some useless Summoned Beasts all the time."

Just look for Summoned in Angel. At the time of Beast, there was something strange and strange on Nora's side.

There are quite a few Summoned Beasts of Fire Attribute.

And it’s said that it’s Summoned Beast, but when it’s really summoned, it’s not just beasts that appear.

Fire Attribute plants, or some grotesquely shaped things, may appear.

And these things are generally classified as useless Summoned Beast.

However, even if it is a useless Summoned Beast, it is something summon has come out anyway.

But when I arrived at Angel, after such a long time, there was no response at all.

In this situation, Angel can't help but frown her eyebrows.

"What's the matter, why I can't feel the existence of Summoned Beast at all?"

"The summon magic that I released should not be wrong, but why summon can't come out of Summoned Beast? What?"

Angel looked at her hands and began to fall into deep self-doubt.

Qi Le, who was sitting on the side, was silent, not knowing what to say.

"System is very accurate, saying that there is no way to summon, but summon can't produce anything."

What is the truth of the matter, Qi Le of course knows. .

But it is absolutely impossible to say it.

Because Qi Le understands that it is better to make Angel self-doubt than to doubt herself.

After all, summoner's battle method is not just Summoned Beast.

Magic, summoner can also be used.

"Angel, what's the matter with you?"

So Qi Le, who has been sitting next to him watching this scene, asks knowingly.

"Qi Le, I, I don’t seem to be able to summon a Summoned Beast... No, it should be said that I simply can’t feel the existence of a Summoned Beast."

"Am I? No Suitable to be a summoner."

After deep self-doubt, Angel has involuntarily begun to show grief on her face.

According to in this world, the general idea.

The battle strength of a summoner is reflected in various summoned beasts.

But when a summoner can't summon out Summoned Beast, the value of the summoner disappears.

"No, how could it happen."

After Qi Le saw the sadness on Angel's face, he quickly comforted him.

Because Angel imperceptible to Summoned Beast, in the final analysis, it is Qi Le.

So reasonable in every circumstance, Qi Le should think of ways to make up for it.

"Angel, do you think that summoner can only use Summoned Beast to fight."

So after a brief comfort, Qi Le immediately changed the subject .

Rather than continuing to struggle with this sad part, it is better to solve this problem from another aspect.

In essence, summoner and magician are not much different.

Only one specializes in summon magic, and the other specializes in combat magic.

However, this does not mean that summoners cannot learn combat magic.

In fact, due to the rules of the summon world, in this World, there is no significant difference between the power of summoner and magician.

This is much better than other worlds.

Therefore, Qi Le feels that since Angel can't use summon magic, it's better to learn some combat magic for self-protection.

"Summoner doesn't need Summoned Beast to fight, what else can I use to fight?"

After listening to Qi Le's words, Angel's expression on her face suddenly started.

Whether it is in the Academy or in the summoner's word of mouth, it has proved one thing.

That is the summoner's battle strength, mainly from Summoned Beast.

So Qi Le's question seems a bit silly.

"Angel, you must understand a truth. Summoned Beast is just an external force. If you want to be truly powerful, you must rely on your own strength."

Qi Le didn't answer Angel's question, but started to persuade him in a good manner.

Although from the perspective of World Rule and belief, summoner must be the mainstream battle strength in the summon world.

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