Serratel’s fist and Cangyuan’s fist fiercely collided.

Then the two backed up at the same time, spreading out in the sky, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

"You, very good, very strong!"

Seratl took a breath, stared at Cangyuan closely, and said aloud.

Serratel couldn't remember how long he hadn't experienced this kind of hearty battle.

Except for the battle with Ranchi a long time ago, in Serratel's memory, it seems that he has never found a decent opponent.

"You are not bad, you are indeed a strong opponent."

Cang Yuan also took a breath, and then replied Seratl's words.

Between the powerhouses, even if they are mortal enemies, they will feel sorry for each other.

For their natural fighters, an evenly matched opponent, a hearty battle, can be regarded as the greatest enjoyment.

It's just that, after the mutual sympathy, the victory or defeat is still scored.

There is no reconciliation between dead enemies.

At most, the victorious party will help the defeated party to bury that's all.

"If that's the case, let's try it again!"

After a sigh of emotion, Seratl stopped saying more.

After stepping on his feet, there was a crisp sound in the void, and with the sudden appearance of cracks, Seratl's figure had appeared in front of Cang Yuan.


The sound of the sonic boom was shocking.

The powerhouse-class powerful body is strong, even if it is just a punch and kick, the formidable power is strong enough to break the mountains and the sea.

"Okay! Then come and fight again!"

Cangyuan took a deep breath, and then greeted him without showing any weakness.

Faced with Serater who suddenly appeared in front of him, he also blasted back with a punch.

The ranks of the melee type are so simple to fight, and they will not burst out with all kinds of gorgeous magic elements like those magicians.

But the level of danger is not less.

Because the more you engage in close combat, the less time you can use to react.

This is a huge test for combat skills, battle awareness, and reaction ability.

Just like the battle between Serratel and Cangyuan, within a few seconds, they may have fought thousands of times.

And every time I make a move, there are countless changes afterwards. As long as one break is unsuccessful, then the next attack may be howling wind and torrential rain.

Make a simple analogy.

If the battle between magicians is a battle between two armored vehicles loaded with heavy weapons.

Then the battle between Sailater and Cangyuan was like two eggs, smashed with a rock.

Between the two of them, every time they broke the move, it was like hitting a rock with a rock.

But if you are careless, you are throwing an egg at a rock.

The general warrior rank, unlike the Knight rank, the defensive power is extremely powerful.

even more how, Seratl is not yet a fighter-type rank, but a fighter who completely abandoned the defense and came to attack with all his strength.

So the level of danger will only be greater.

And in the same cultivation realm, then you can only compare the fighting skills of the two.

As the god of war, Cang Yuan is the most devout and honest believer. He believes in warfare. He is also a powerhouse-level power. His fighting skills are naturally impossible.

In these hours of opening up the territory for the god of war, Cang Yuan has followed Cang Zhan and experienced countless large and small battles.

Therefore, there is no shortage of combat experience.

Those seemingly simple tricks are all produced in a Life and Death Battle, thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

If Sairatel can be called the capital of a natural warrior, it is his strong fighting instinct as an animal ear clan.

So what Cangyuan relied on was his fighting skills honed with blood.

"shua shua ——!"

" Boom—— !"

A fist is like wind, and a blow is like electricity.

In the face of a powerful enemy with the same cultivation realm as himself, Cang Yuan did not dare to neglect. In a flash, he and Seratl had to fight hundreds of times.

However, even Cangyuan's fighting skills are extremely strong.

But it is not so easy to win Serratul.

The reason is that Serater’s fighting skills are not at all under Cangyuan.

You know, fighting skills are almost unlimited.

As long as the aptitude is good enough, the innate talent is high enough, coupled with diligent study, hard work, and perseverance, it can be said that fighting skills can always be improved.

It is precisely because of this.

If it was the former Serratel, relying on the fighting instinct of the Beast Ear Race alone, maybe it was really not Cangyuan's opponent.

After all, to hone one's own fighting skills, it also needs the corresponding opponent to be effective.

Otherwise, it’s just a waste of energy.

In the past, when Qi Le's shop hadn't opened to the northern mountain range, Serater really couldn't find a few opponents to accompany him.

At most, it is occasionally to discuss with Ranqi.

But this kind of battle, which is limited to the level of mutual understanding, has no room for improvement in Serratel’s fighting skills.

There is no way to compare with Cangyuan, a powerhouse-level powerhouse that is always in a state of war.

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in the world.

Qi Le's shop opened to City of Life and also brought the battle strength improvement training room to the northern mountain range.

Perhaps Serratl really can't find an opponent above the northern mountain range.

But in the battle strength improvement training room, there are not a few guys who can squeeze Seratl on fighting skills.

For example, in the single player mode of the battle strength improvement training room, there are eight people under the arena.

Or in The New World Mode, some wild boss monsters.

No matter how bad, Sailater can go to Qi Le to single out, and then improve his fighting skills in the face of unilateral abuse.

So Serater at this moment can be said to be different from what it used to be.

It is almost impossible for Cang Yuan to beat Seratl in combat skills.

Because the innate talent and potential of the animal ears in the battle is higher than most races.

So under the same conditions, Serratel's achievements in combat skills will only be greater than Cangyuan.

This is racial advantage.

Although this racial advantage may limit the development of a certain aspect of this race.

But in the same way, in terms of advantages, the potential of this race to burst out will be astonishing.

So in this battle, Cang Yuan became more astonished as he fought.

The situation that was originally evenly matched, but in the constant fights, constant dismantling and breaking moves, Serratel slowly gained the upper hand.

And this change happened unconsciously.

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