Then, in a coma, sleep forever.

"In this way, I really underestimated the powerhouse of this world. There is even this kind of ability."

Martial skills and magic that can directly damage spirit strength are quite rare. .

And each of them can be called a top martial skill or magic.

As long as you can learn one of them, in the same realm, you are absolutely proud of the crowd.

Even if it is a cross-realm challenge, it is not impossible.

After all, Battle Qi and magic shields can defend only the body that's all. The defense methods applied to spirit strength are really scarce.

This peculiar scene, even Fan Zan who was in battle, began to notice.

The black light flashing sharp arrow made Fan Zhan’s pupils involuntarily contracted slightly.

"This attack... It's Lilian!"

That iconic black arrow is the exclusive skill of the ancient-level shadow hunter, hunting moment!

After emerging from the darkness, the first attack launched will cause three times the physical damage, and the attack this time will be accompanied by the same strength of spirit strength damage.

Fanzan will not comment on how destructive power is.

But from the performance of those Heroic Rank powerhouses that hit the arrow, one or two can be seen.

The lethality is absolutely unquestionable.

It’s just a pity that Lilian’s current cultivation realm is not the Heroic Rank that Dashan guessed, but the Grandmaster Rank.

Otherwise, those Heroic Rank powerhouses that hit the arrow, under the attack of the hunting moment, although they will not die on the spot, they definitely lose their battle strength on the spot.

"It seems that the secondary support of Hammer City is finally here, very good, and it is finally supported."

Fan Zan secretly sighed in relief in his heart.

The arrival of Lilian means the participation of Elf Race.

Without the approval of the Elf Queen, Liliane is absolutely impossible to run to Hammer City.

Because there are so many things involved in the race battle, the influence is so great that it can definitely re-divide the sphere of influence of the northern mountain range.

So before there is complete preparation, impossible to intervene in these things indiscriminately.

But even so, Fan Zan did not take it lightly, but raised the Warhammer in his hand and roared loudly.

"Clansman, our reinforcements have arrived! Give me pull yourself together!"

"We must be able to defend the hammer city!"

" Give me all! Kill!"

Hope, it is a good medicine, and it is also a stimulant.

Although most of the Dwarf Race clansman news about the reinforcements, it is not clear whether it is true or false.

But they know that the person who shouted this sentence is Fan Zhan, that is enough, hope is right in front of them, there is no reason not to work hard!

In this brief moment, the clansman of Dwarf Race, the roar is stronger.

Even if they are facing the Heroic Rank powerhouse, they are not afraid, even if they are weak, they are unable to compete.

That can also use his own life to win more vitality for Hammer City.

This fierce momentum forcibly blocked the offensive pace of Human Race.

"Put up a desperate struggle! Do you really think that one more Heroic Rank archer can save you?"

Da Shan has a look of anger on his face .

The Heroic Rank archer in Hammer City really caused them a lot of trouble.

But based on this alone, there is no way to stop the advancement of the Human Race troops.

Because the twenty Heroic Rank powerhouse led by Dashan joined the Human Race offensive army, in terms of hard power, it has completely opened the gap with Dwarf Race.

In terms of the number of Heroic Rank powerhouse ranks, it is completely a trend of crushing.

So only a Heroic Rank archer cannot make Human Race's offensive pace go slower.

But if you want to stop it completely, it is far from enough.

It is precisely because of this that Dashan appears extremely angry.

If it is a battle of frontal meet force with force, no matter what the outcome is, whether you win or lose, Dashan will not have any complaints.

But the enemy just doesn't fight frontally with him, but hides in the dark and puts cold arrows.

The more critical point is that Dashan has not been able to find the location of the archer, which is quite hateful.

I am constantly being harassed, but I can't find who the target is. In this case, whoever comes will feel angry in my heart.

However, the hunter instinct skills possessed by the Shadow Hunter rank are not so easy to find.

The instinct of the hunter can help the shadow hunter to hide the breath perfectly.

You know, this skill is definitely a skill that can make all the assassin ranks envious of crying.

If it is a perfect hidden breath, it is a perfect hidden breath.

As long as Lilian does not show up on the initiative, or is directly seen by Dashan, then it is impossible to find Lilian’s location based on perception alone.

In itself, the ancient rank of Shadow Hunter should be an assassin rank.

However, the previous Shadow Hunter chose Lilian as the Inheritor.

I have to say, fortune plays with people.

Only in terms of these two exclusive skills possessed by the Shadow Hunter.

Compared to the assassin rank, it seems more appropriate to put it on the archer.

Especially in this situation, hiding in the shadow of the city-state, silently releasing the cold arrow, it is simply not too comfortable.

The only regret is that Lilian has not had time to be promoted to the Heroic Rank.

Otherwise, today’s battle will be much easier.

A Heroic Rank realm archer, also has an ancient rank, the added formidable power, is definitely a geometric multiple growth.

"Charge me as hard as you can! Kill it!"

"After breaking the city, I will crush the bones of that damn archer one by one!"

Dashan issued an angry roar, and then rushed forward immediately.

While anger reduces sanity, it can indeed increase a certain degree of strength.

It’s just that the way of offense will begin to become unstructured, ignoring the use of combat skills, and becoming very dependent on brute force.

However, when there is a gap in the level of strength.

Even with brute force, it can achieve the effect of single force subduing.

After all, fighting skills and battle awareness are things that are strong and strong, and important and important.

But it never has the effect of crossing the level of strength.

To put it simply, it is combat skills, which must be able to break defenses before they can be effective.

If you can't even break through the enemy's defenses, even if your fighting skills and battle awareness are against the sky, what's the use?

No matter how you fight, the enemy is not injured, so how can you play?

Qi Le is the best example.

You know, Qi Le's fighting skills and battle awareness have reached the realm of Major Perfection.

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