Fan Zhan’s rank and status in Dwarf Race is not low in the first place, and it is good for Elf Race.

In addition to Dwarf Race, Fan Zan is also the first clansman to go to Qi Le shop.

The harvest in the store is naturally far greater than other Dwarf Race clansman.

It can be said that Fanzan now can be regarded as one of the strong competitors of Dwarf Race's next patriarch.

It's just that after the three powerhouse-class powerhouses of Ranchi, Serratt, and Tiana came to the store, Fan Zan became a little transparent.

This is also impossible.

The cultivator of the Heroic Rank this realm, in front of the powerhouse-level might, there is really nothing to say about it.

So at this moment, Fan Zan appeared in Hammer City, which is naturally an exciting thing.

"Fortunately, the time came, the battle is not over yet."

Fan Zan stood on the city wall, looking at the whole battle, let out a long relaxed breath.

Human Race's hole cards are definitely more than that.

Even if it is not revealed, Fan Zan can be guessed, otherwise he would not rush over.

If you come a step late, the battle is over.

If Dwarf Race wins, it is indeed a happy event.

But if Human Race wins, it will be really powerless.

It’s just that before that, although Fan Zan had speculated, he had determined that the next target of Human Race might be Hammer City.

But everything is in case, you must arm it in advance.

So this time, the city-state deployed in Dwarf Race is more than Hammer City.

And Fan Zan stayed behind, waiting to see which city-state was attacked, before rushing to support the command.

It seems that this decision is not wrong now.

It is always right to win in stability, at least better than stake all on one throw.

"en? That person is...Fanzan!"

Before attacking Dwarf Race, the generals of Human Race will make various preparations and collect important figure data. complete.

As one of the next strong competitors of Dwarf Race patriarch, Fan Zan is naturally included in the important figure.

"It's really didn't expect, a trifling Hammer City, I will send Van Zan to command."

Coldly snorted, came out from the collar of General Human Race.

But the arrival of Fan Zan has also further demonstrated the determination of Dwarf Race, this battle cannot be defeated!

Because in Dwarf Race, there is no powerhouse-class powerhouse.

Therefore, this kind of life-and-death major event must never be missed.

"But in this case, if Hammer City is lost in Van Zan's hands, the blow to Dwarf Race will probably be even greater."

"Look. Coming to Dwarf Race this time, it's really a stinking move."

The expression on General Human Race's face turned cold, and the gaze looking at Fan Zan became hot.

That kind of look is like looking at a precious spoils of war.

"Come and ask the messenger under the crown of war for help. This battle must be won."

"Yes, my lord!"

The messenger waiting aside, immediately bowed his head to lead the command, then turned and ran to the rear.

Although Cang Zhan wanted the clansman of Human Race to play morale by themselves, the battle strength of Human Race was there.

In many cases, the disparity in the level of strength cannot be made up by morale.

So Cang Zhan naturally has a second hand.

The three hundred fighters brought from the gods of war, except for the three Captains which are powerhouse-level abilities, the others are all cultivators of the Heroic Rank realm.

So it’s okay to split a part and put it down for the Human Race team.

Although Human Race also has Heroic Rank powerhouse.

But compared with the fighters under the command of the god of war, the battle strength is much worse.

And it's not just the gap between fighting skills and battle awareness, but also physical fitness.

After all, you can understand only by looking at the size of Cang Zhan and the others.

The body is nearly three meters tall, with muscular knots, like a steel essence pouring, in an imposing manner, fierce, brave and good at fighting.

In terms of physical fitness, Cang Zhan can definitely surpass most of the races.

Even when a giant dragon transforms into a human form, it’s difficult to surpass Cang Zhan and the others in physical strength.

As fighters under the command of the god of war, they seem to be born to fight.

"Where is the enemy?"

A dull voice rang, and the soldiers specially dispatched by Cang Zhan came soon.

There are a total of twenty people, and each of them has the kind of tall and sturdy body with a powerful oppression, which makes people scared at first glance.

The soldier who spoke at the head was called Dashan.

Although the name does not sound very good, but for them, the name is just a code name that's all.

It doesn't matter what it is called.

"The enemy is the Dwarf Race that is fighting with the warriors of my Human Race in front of me. Please take action and assist my Human Race to capture this city-state."

Human Race The general spoke very politely.

Although Da Shan is not one of the three Captains under Cang Zhan's command, he is also considered a strong invincible in the Heroic Rank realm.

After all, this level of battle is not enough for the powerhouse-class might to come forward.

Cang Zhan knew in his heart that powerful opponents of the powerhouse class would only be enemies of the same realm.

The three Captains who need to stare at, should be Ranchi, Tiana, and Serater, not this kind of petty jokes.

But even so, the mountain is enough to make the generals of Human Race respectful.

"I know."

Dashan nodded and didn't ask any other questions.

Because Cang Zhan’s order was to let them come over to fight the Human Race and take action when necessary.

As for the reason, you don’t need to know or ask.

Just assist the clansman of Human Race to destroy the enemy.

The participation of twenty Heroic Rank powerhouses can definitely turn the tide of the battle and take down the city-state of Dwarf Race.

"Then I beg you."

The commander of Human Race nodded and said nothing more.

Because, even if Dashan and the others are willing to come and assist the Human Race team in the battle, it is based on Cang Zhan's order.

So this does not mean that Dashan will obey the orders of Human Race, and the generals of Human Race will naturally not be boring.


On the battlefield ahead, Dwarf Race has taken the absolute upper hand.

In this kind of large-scale battle, there is a saying called in a spurt of energy.

This sentence is about morale.

Morale this thing, if everything goes smoothly, then naturally, it will rise steadily until it becomes unstoppable.

However, once it is blocked once, it is difficult to condense again.

The current Human Race clansman, it is exactly this situation.

When attacking the city-states of Dwarf Race, they were blocked by the Dwarf Race fighters outside the city wall, and they were suppressed and retreated steadily.

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