Otherwise, this powerhouse will become a powerful and unmatched servant of the undead to strike them devastatingly.

However, this is not the most disgusting part of the skill of Undead Recovery.

From the experience of Qi Le playing games for so many years, the skill of undead recovery is the most disgusting, but also the most powerful, because it can awaken the dead.

As for the choice of the dead, that can make a big fuss.

As long as the corpse is still intact, it can be the target of the undead recovery magic.

That is to say, if you are lucky enough to get a few battle strength demonic beast corpses for backup, then the formidable power that the skill of undead resurrection can exert is absolutely beyond imagination. of.

This is also the biggest reason Qi Le is so surprised.

I just don't know if I can get a few giant dragon corpses.

If it is really possible, then using the undead to awaken a few Bone Dragons to come out does not seem to be impossible.

The only problem is that the dead servants have a limit on the length of time they exist.

Probably it is like continuing a battle.

So you can't use it indiscriminately.

First, it is because the impact is not very good.

Secondly, it is also because the number of undead servants that can be awakened at one time is closely related to the skill level of undead recovery.

Before the skill level was not high enough, he blindly awakened the few undead servants.

If there is any critical moment, then there is a problem.

But in any case, this will not affect Qi Le's evaluation of the Undead Recovery Skill Book.

A magic that can definitely be used as one of a magician trump card.

The priority is even higher than the virtual skill book.

Sure enough, the skill books that appeared in the golden jar were a bit more powerful than the skill books in the silver jar.

I just don’t know how the Evil Thought power skill book is.

"I shouldn't be disappointed if I think about it."

With this idea, Qi Le clicked on the detailed information of another skill book.

Evil Thought Power Skill Book: After using it, you can learn Evil Thought power skills without restrictions.

Power of Evil Thought: Passive skills. After entering the battle, it will help the skill owner to stay focused, and randomly transform the negative emotions generated by the skill owner into temporary attributes.

Friendly reminder: When the negative emotion exceeds the upper limit of conversion, it will not be able to continue to convert, and the concentration effect will be weakened.

Increasing the skill level of Evil Thought power can increase the upper limit of negative emotion conversion.

The last skill book, unlike the previous three skills, is a rare passive skill.

But the effect of the power of Evil Thought is not bad at all.

Maintaining focus has always been one of the most important things in battle.

If it is absent-minded and half-hearted, then in the battle, it is estimated that 100% of the strength can only be used by half.

It may even be less than half.

You know, emotions are something that affects battle strength quite a bit.

As soon as there are more negative emotions, the state will become worse, and the strength that can be displayed in the battle will naturally become worse.

It's as if anger can make people lose their senses, and fear can make people scared.

Every negative emotion is an unfavorable factor in combat.

But the power of Evil Thought skill book, but it is a perfect solution to this problem.

And not only is it solved, but it can also help to maintain focus while randomly transforming negative emotions into temporary attributes to enhance battle strength.

This point, although it is not like the previous three skill books, from on the surface to enhance strength.

But in fact, the effect of the power of Evil Thought is undoubtedly much stronger.

This is equivalent to eliminating hidden dangers.

In this way, Evil Thought's power skill book is worthy of being a good thing in the golden pot, and the effect is indeed tyrannical.

Even Qi Le couldn't help but compliment.

"Four skill books, none of them are tasteless, all of them are good things that can cause players to snatch wildly. This stingy system can be taken out all at once. It's really generous and a bit unreal. "

After reading these materials, Qi Le involuntarily sighed silently in his heart.

Sometimes, there is a fine line between generosity and stinginess.

Who can imagine that the system, which has always been reluctant to suffer, still has such a generous side.


"Necromancer's tower copy, points calculation rules..."

"Basic points: every time you pass a normal level, add one point , Every time you pass an elite layer, you add ten points, and every time you pass a boss layer, you add one hundred points."

"Every time you pass the 5-Layer ordinary layer, the next layer will be the elite layer. Every time you pass the 20 ordinary tiers, the next tier will be replaced by the boss tier."

"Performance points: According to the performance of the challenger, additional basic points are added, and up to three times the basic points can be obtained. ."

"Necromancer's Tower dungeon does not have a top cap, but enemies on each floor are stronger than those on the previous layer."

"Also, in the Necromancer Tower dungeon. It is forbidden to use any other recovery potions on the big map. If the challenger's blood is exhausted, it will be considered as a challenge failure."

"If the challenge fails, one challenge will be deducted and the challenger will be sent Back to the 1st floor of the Tower of Necromancer."

After reading the points calculation rules of the copy of the Tower of Necromancer, Qi Le silently praised the system and swallowed it back.

There is no other reason.

From the point of view of the rules for earning points, system does not seem to really want to benefit the players.

The ordinary layer has one point, one point is the elite layer, and the boss layer is one hundred points.

This value seems to be quite a lot.

However, you have to think clearly.

It is possible to open a gold pot of skill books, which requires one hundred thousand points. Even if it is a silver pot, one needs ten thousand points.

And the probability of being able to open a skill book is pitifully low.

And this is not the most important.

The most important thing is the Necromancer's Tower copy, which limits the number of challenges per day.

This means that those players who are not as strong as expected have lost the probability of constantly challenging low levels to earn points.

This is definitely a fatal limitation.

But in the same way, players are forced to concentrate on honing their fighting skills and battle awareness.

Since the number of challenges is limited, you can only challenge to a higher number of layers at once.

Otherwise, if you want to accumulate a lot of points in a short period of time, you can exchange lottery jars, but it is just a daydream.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1876: Points Calculation Rules)...

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